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Posts posted by Figster

  1. Goaltending and D was not the problem vs the Penguins last night. Minus some sloppy puck handling at times the Sabres showed improvements against one of the best teams in the league. It begs to ask the question are the Buffalo Sabres on the right path to becoming a better hockey team. With many new faces needing to gel and when you factor in time off from Covid 19 the team has not had the best of circumstances to come together IMO.

    I'm not trying to make excuses...

  2. 4 hours ago, Eleven said:

    The team plays differently in front of Hutton because it has to.  It doesn't have the confidence in him that it has in Ullmark (as it shouldn't).  And even Ullmark is just ok.

    Myself personally, I think Ullmark might even be a little above average IMO.

    To say goaltending is not the problem with Linus Ullmark out for an extended period of time tells me everything I need to know about Adams. Hutton and J J don't even belong in the NHL in my humble opinion. Without confidence in your goaltending how in the world could you have any confidence as a team.

    Truth is, you can't...

    • Like (+1) 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Pimlach said:

    Drury has a front office job.  Ruff is once again a head coach.  LaFontaine works for the league I guess?   None are ever going to happen.  

    Michael Peca is a player development coach for Washington.  Recently hired by MacLellan to coach the taxi squad and keep them ready to play during the season.  Prior to that he was GM and Director of Hockey Operations for the junior Sabres.  

    Great guy, working his way up slowly and steady.  His work at Junior level was impressive.   With the Caps he will be exposed to high quality  Hockey Operations, coaching, and a culture of winning.  

    He is not ready yet but a name to keep an eye on in the coming years.  

    His ties to Buffalo are still strong. 

    I keep thinking where is a guy like Michael Peca when you need him...

  4. 4 hours ago, JKB1646 said:

    Eichel’s history as a pouter goes back to his USNTDP days. Just because your the highest paid player doesn’t mean your captain material. When Ullmark was in net Jack still played the same, scored as much, excuse me none, and still pouts and whines and glides to the bench. I think in the coming months there are some very very hard decisions to make on coaching, management and players. Everyone in the league knows this is gonna be a dumpster fire. A good GM still has an opportunity to get the most return for these turds! 
    I own a Construction company. Highly skilled carpenters are hard to find but do I keep a guy that I know clocks in late, leaves early, takes a long lunch and steals from me. Especially when he is the highest paid guy on the job site. Hell no because then everybody else will be robbing me blind too. At $11M I would have a problem with this employee! 

    As owner of a construction company its doubtful the worker you describe would be made a foreman or given any other position of authority or higher profile designation. ( unless he's married to your daughter) Its also doubtful he would even have a job for very long.

    So who's fault is it? My answer is whomever is coaching and above them managing the company/organization.

    It starts at the top...

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, JKB1646 said:

    As a captain you give 110% on and off the ice! Period. This turd glides form center ice on line changes and roles his eyes more than bozo the clown

    I agree with the giving 110 % as captain and I understand your frustrations. Although I think its easier said then done when the organization you play for sucks and has for years now. Its hard to watch and I imagine its even harder to take part in. Well how about shouldering all the blame for managements failures. Jack came into the league with a bright future ahead of him.

    Not on this team...

  6. 52 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    Absolutely.  With any new regime the first thing you have to do in ANY business is to identify the right people and keep them on the bus and identify the wrong people and get them off the bus as soon as possible.  Eichel is in no way Captain material.  He doesn't hold people accountable, he doesn't lead, the team looks at him playing like he doesn't give a f**k and they are like, "Well, this is the highest paid payer and captain of the team, so this apparently is acceptable here" and they do the same thing.

    Somewhere down the line having fun playing the game of hockey got lost in the shuffle.

    So as captain do you laugh or cry when your starting goalie is so pathetic the opposition smiles with glee at just the thought of facing him. As captain do you scream profanities at fellow teammates because someone did a bad job getting the proper player personnel into the building before the season started. As captain how do you help a team gain confidence when you have none.

    Buffalo Sabre's are a different hockey team with Ullmark in net. There is no substitute for good goaltending in my humble opinion.


  7. 1 hour ago, Kruppstahl said:

    Tim Graham says NONE of it is for sale.  Not even 5%.

    If the Pegulas are interested in sticking around, why would they sell some of the team?

    I wish this rumor came from someone with greater pedigree; it's hard to really trust it right now.

    I think what this *might* mean is the Pegulas are looking to change what they are doing.

    Perhaps my dream has come true.  The Pegulas have realized Kim has no business running the organization, and they are looking to restructure and bring in outside help.

    That's my guess.

    This is good news if correct.



    If you still have controlling interest and can lure someone in who has the capability of running a succesful hockey franchise.

    Its a win, win, win for all concerned. 

    (Tim Graham is a clever guy...)


    Nothing from nothing leaves nothing

    You gotta have something

    If you want to be with me

  8. A good business man knows when he's gotten in over his head and looks for solutions. When he can't find them there is only one option remaining IMO.

    I'm not a fan of losing the Pegula's as owners of the Buffalo Sabres. On the other hand the way things are going its become very hard to be a fan at all. I won't call myself a die hard hockey/ Sabre fan and can only imagine how hard its been for many of you.

    Buffalo used to be considered a hockey town.


    My how times have changed ...

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