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Everything posted by DR HOLLIDAY

  1. Damn, lol. How about "A Prayer for Owen Meany." by John Irving.
  2. Hey man, give this book a try, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon." Its written from the viewpoint of an autistic child and the author really does a great job of letting you see the world through his eyes.
  3. I think his screen name is Greg Kash, but I could be wrong.
  4. Thank you for the recommendation man......... :flirt: I just finished, "Teacher Man." I liked the book a lot, as a teacher I could identify with a lot of what he had to say in the book. The book is not depressing in the least and it is a pretty quick read. I also think that because everyone spends so much time in a classroom in their lifetime that everyone can identify with McCourt. By the way I read the book in two days, but thats what happens to me in the summer, I am reading ravenous in the summer and usually read 5 or 6 books in the summer and then don't usually pick up another book until late november.
  5. This thread is long and I don't have the time to go back and thank whoever recommended, "The Devil in the White City." But thanks I just finished reading the book and it is a great book for a summer read. I have a history degree and also a fascination for serial killers and this book manages to combine two things that fascinate me. I just started reading, "Teacher Man." by Frank McCourt.
  6. Thats pretty Kühl....... :flirt:
  7. I know but I am tired of Lucic being given god like status on this board. (Would I like him to be a Sabre, of course I would)
  8. All this talk about Lucic and what not........I saw quite a few games last year where he did not dominate and cause havoc like DeLuca always likes to point out.......He looked tired and listless in a little thing called the Stanley Cup playoffs.
  9. I totally agree and it was one of the best parts of last season.
  10. This song is catchy as hell. http://www.kovideo.net/little-talks-video-of-monsters-and-men-1254418.html
  11. LMAO, same with the old Stern fan forum.
  12. Steve Earle and the Dukes The Skydiggers and The Tragically Hip
  13. Halfway through "Game of Thrones"..........Winter is coming....... :beer:
  14. He has been playing great for awhile now, and even took it to another level with the arrival of his fellow countryman. Soon he will start putting some bombs in the net and he will be all we could have asked for.
  15. Cody played well tonight, both in his own zone and could have had 2 assists as he set up both Stafford and Ennis very nicely.
  16. Great post man, I have seen those guys in concert 4 times.
  17. Not that it means everything, but I saw a very big "C" on Hodgson's jersey when he played for the Battalion.
  18. Who says Hodgson has no back bone?
  19. Wait until you have been married for 15 years, lol, I have my own library.
  20. I read "Pillars" a long time ago and it is a good book, I never thought about reading the sequels, perhaps it is time.
  21. I read Neil Youngs bio a few years back, it is was very good.
  22. I read that during Christmas Vacation, I liked it. Some pretty creepy parts and it reminded me of Fallout 3, lol. I usually read one book for entertainment value and I always have a history book on the go, usually WW2 related. I just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and it was a fun read. I am halfway through "The Third Reich at War" by Richard J. Evans. It is the third book in his series about the Third Reich, and it is very well documented. I am not sure that many people would want to read to entire series like I have, but if you want to give one of them a try I would say try the last one in the series it is what people would find most interesting/disturbing.
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