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Posts posted by ddaryl

  1. I can see them wanting to move him before he causes more disruption.. But I do not believe this conversation took place in this way.


    Why buyout or release Kane. He will be great Vegas Bait next year. Unless we can get a worthwhile ROI his value is better here.


    Now if there is something we haven't heard regarding the off ice situation(s) well that can change a lot of stuff, but from best I can tell Kane was not at fault.. but info is lacking so that is just a guess

    And we all know how that worked out:  Marshawn wearing a SB ring.



    and I am still glad we got rid of that POS. God meshawn was and still is a douche bag

  2. Come on. Everyone knew the Sabres weren't getting McDavid or Babcock and everyone knows we aren't getting Stamkos. It's just reality. We have to live in the real world. Eichel, Canalside and Pegulaville aside, it's a generally crummy team, franchise, market and city. That's pretty tough to overcome in the recruiting department.





    how does one become a complete buttwipe like this. DO you practice or does it come naturally


    Sure this season we can afford it.  But as you say, we're not even contending for the cup this coming season.


    In two years we will be and ROR, Stamkos, Eichel and Reinhart will be making approximately:


    ROR - $7

    Stamkos -$12

    Eichel - $7?

    Reinhart - $6?


    That's $32 mil in 4 players.  Maybe the cap is $78 mil in 2 years?  That's 41% of your cap on 4 guys.  To me that's too high of a percentage.


    forgot Rasmussen


    But having 4 players who score well over 40% of the points you put on the board well that sounds aboot right in regards to salary cap allocations


    I trust Murray and his team to have foresight to know what this does in future years and already have a plan in place

  4. for those into mobile gaming I'm playing a 6 vs 6 multiplayer 3rd person mech shooter called Walking War Robots.


    I know the name sounds weak, but its from a Russian developer so it probably sounds much cooler in Russian.


    But its a pretty damn solid portable twitch game. It has a few nuances but overall fun game

  5. 1) No way in hell Stamkos is putting serious thought into Buffalo


    2) no way in hell he takes a deal under 7 years


    3) No way in hell Stamkos is putting serious thought into Buffalo




    And the negative nancy shows their face.




    Love the defeatist attitude that beat down perennial loser Buffalo fans have embraced fully

  6. Babcock was just an example. The truth is that I have no idea what's going on in the mind of Stamkos and neither do you. We're all basically here to speculate and discuss. I made my comment because you seemed to be speaking in absolutes like it's some auction and he's guaranteed to go to the highest bidder when that's not necessarily the case.


    I'm not from Buffalo and have never even lived there so the woe is Buffalo mantra doesn't really apply in my case. I'm not trying to rain on your parade or piss in your cheerios or whatever analogy you prefer but like everyone else here we have to beat this topic to death (it's the offseason after all and Stamkos is as interesting as anything else to talk about) and you can't really fully discuss the topic without looking at it from all angles which is part of what I was doing.


    To be honest, I'm almost having pre-buyers remorse already on Stamkos. I like him a ton as a player but the injuries, production decline, and cap hit concern me. I go back and forth. I like him at 10 and I'm wary at 12, but then I think about how the difference between 10 and 12 is basically just the difference between what Marcus Foligno will probably make next year vs some guy on an entry level contract and I'm back on board. Then I think about Ristolainen needing a true top pair caliber partner and I'm back off. From reading this thread I'm not the only one who seems to waffle back and forth. It's a game changer (good or bad or a bit of both) for whoever signs him.



    Well I agree mostly...   I really not 100% on the Stamkos train but just not going to be sucked into the we don;t have a shot mentality shared by too many IMO


    You are right nobody knows but if we just accepted that this thread would not exist.


    A top 2 D man is choice but hard to come by in FA or trade, but man it would be nice

  7. Didn't we offer Babcock more money than Toronto did? Maybe Stamkos does go with the highest bidder but if the money is close it's not completely unfathomable that he goes with his gut and either chooses the team close to home or the team with the winning tradition. It's not an auction where he's obligated to go to the highest bidder.


    There's also the Rangers and Flyers (possibly) in play. 2 teams known for backing up the Brinks truck first and finding a way to Houdini under the cap later.



    really you think this is a Babcock situation ? 


    Sorry but I'm not falling into the woe is Buffalo mindset.


    Rangers are also on the wrong side of 25 and Philly hasn't got crap to offer in regards to SC runs in the near future.. Buffalo is also closer to his hometown where he wants to be close to


    Just not going to devolve into the negative nor am i going to waste any time trying to invent ways we lose out. If we don't sign Stamkos oh well were still going to be a better than any other team he signs with in the near future with or without him IMO

    I agree w/ that, but w/ Bishop now on the trading block he's a player Tampa doesn't have to account for in their budget. From what I can recall they spoke of having to resign Bishop when the time comes. That was in talk much of last season? But that is no longer the case. I think Tampa will offer 10 or 10.5 mill now. The Lightning will remain a serious contender for Stamkos. 



    possibly but I honestly think the bridge in Tampa is burnt now. He'll use them as a bargaining chip

  8. Wouldn't he just re-sign with Tampa if playoffs were his number one priority? Me thinks little Stevie has quite the ego and wants to be the man. I can easily see him going to Dee-troyit.


    I think he has soured on Tampa because of the process and the fact Tampa is not going to hand out $12 million


    Detroit offers less talent wise in the near future and will take a step backwards or 2 in the coming years IMO. There roster is old

    That's my guess too.


    No Way.. Its about the money . Detroit needs to at least match the money.

  9. Buffalo is the third-poorest major city in the country




    Wonder if any of the draft attendees or media types took a little stroll a couple of blocks down Perry Street.



    Really so your looking for reasons to put down Buffalo. Why even bother being a fan if this is how your going to treat positive news about the city



    Buffalo is on the up swing .. Take a look around. Everytime I come back home to visit I am blown away at the progress happening

  10. I think Stamkos signs in Detroit for 7 years at 10million per. I think Toronto and Buffalo offer him more money but he likes Detroit better. I am just speculating completely here. 



    No way.. Stamkos does not want to be on a team that is aging the way Detroit is. I stand by what I said. Detroit is going to have to hit rebuild mode some soon. Might be a short turnaround but Stamkos doesn't want one or 2 playoff seasons followed by a gut

  11. Stamkos will be a Sabre.... I'm not swallowing any negative Buffalo stuff...  definitely not swallowing Detroit BS. Detroit is yesterdays news IMO, and will not be cup contenders for a little while as they purge their aged team. They only have 9 players 26 or younger. If Stamkos goes to Detroit he is going to be apart of rebuild IMO


    Buffalo just had an amazing draft weekend the hockey world is buzzing about Buffalo becoming Hockey Town USA, and the Pegula's charm and Murray's shrewdness will set us over the top. We have some positive mojo happening and that parlays into Stamkos


    We all know Money will not be the issue

  12. If push comes to shove you'd be crazy to walk away over the difference between 24 and 30 so I say you would in fact do it.


    I don't think Girgs and 8 gets you Lindholm and mid. I don't think it gets you Lindholm. Maybe if you add an Ennis into the mix it flys but I don't think Lindholm is on the market. 

    Would do it if you were them?



    Lindholm is exactly what the team needs. young Offensive capable smart left handed D man that can play solid D and is improving in that area.


    To me Hampus is the trade we need to make. He is prime to make the graduation from AHL to NHL

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