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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo

    Shart Haiku

    Fans joust, fancy stats Compete, battle, hoist the Shart Sportsclub stats save us
  2. Game six, 1973, Sabres v Canadiens?
  3. Neo

    Shart Haiku

    Awesome. James Douglas Morrison, poet.
  4. Hockey Night in Canada. Channel 5, I think. Rotate the roof antenna just right.
  5. I've felt the same way about the Leafs getting "the one we don't get". Before anyone confuses this with a guaranty, I think it sets up a decade or more of even more intense rivalry. At the risk of being ostracized, I like the Leafs.
  6. For my knowledgable friends. Should the draft wind its way down to say, the final two teams, what are the adjusted odds that 30 picks first? It's 20% at the first draw. I don't know the replacement mechanism, if any. It may be as simple as 20/33.5.
  7. I'm here, I'm here. I'll joyfully endure "I told you so".
  8. You may be right. Tell me what it WAS about. If you use the phrase "leading this thing", aren't you pointing to the race to the unicorn?
  9. I haven't posted this much since the 2nd Amendment thread.
  10. I feel like exhibit A for the poster who predicted the CHL meltdown if/when we lose to Toronto.
  11. Picking 3rd IS awesome, unless you crawled across the continent on your hands and knees through broken glass to pick 1st or 2nd.
  12. IF we pick 1 or 2, I am going to kiss TBPhD and Claude Verrett, science and faith, respectively.
  13. Shout out to my son, proudly serving his country and reading this board. Thank you for your service.
  14. My only point is this. Something was intended. It was not 29th.
  15. I don't know, GCOE .... Two 85 point years and #12 picks look relatively attractive in hindsight. Two years of "historically bad" and " not since the 1946/47 season" articles yielding 9 game tryouts has been tough. At least I could've watched knowing that "tonight means something".
  16. ... and all those selfies with pucks decorated with white tape "#1" markings. ... and congratulatory texts from Darcy.
  17. I believe we have the easier schedule and Arizona has the harder schedule (NHL), respectfully, and solely for clarity.
  18. I don't think we have the worst team NOR the harder schedule. (Lol, NHL speak, again)
  19. I get it, 3Putt. I'm a fan. I'll buy into either plan - best possible OR DFL. It's the execution that's driving me batty. Which failed strategy was it? We kept a coah and made no moves during a 14 game losing streak NHL!). We dumped roster players for picks and an injured reserve guy. After game ten, this season was all about DFL or major moves to get better fast. No moves were made. I'm certain an historic run to 29 was never articulated. Who didn't execute? Brb, self medicating. I had GMTM on a pedestal. I now have him on the watch list.
  20. That's the point - they're not taking care of business anywhere near as well as Arizona is. Assuming a (NHL) win here, who'd you rather be, in light of current level of play and schedule, Ari or Buf?
  21. You don't come this far and lay up. You don't send this community home with blue balls. I haven't been pro-tank from the beginning, but I bought into it. My rationale was that if this cluster mess produced anything other than 1 / 1a, two years were wasted. We could've gone all in, retained players, and still drafted some quality kids. You go for back to back DFLs, you'd better not screw it up. My questions for Mr. Pegula: Was DFL the plan, or was best product possible the plan? Who screwed it up? Tell me the plan wasn't something in between best possible and DFL.
  22. " .... also HIS first goal of the season ..." Lather, rinse, Hanifin.
  23. "... his first of the season ..."
  24. April, 1973: spontaneous "Thank You, Sabres!" April, 2015: spontaneous "F U, Sabres!" It is the end times.
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