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tom webster

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Posts posted by tom webster

  1. Since changes could start happening as early as Tuesday I thought it prudent to start a little early this year. The rules are simple. Just predict what changes will or won't happen this off season. The person I judge to be closest will win two prime tickets(blue line, 20 rolls up on the aisle) to a regular season game. Past winners will tell you I do my best to accommodate the winners request.

    Please only enter once.

  2. I believe this is in fact correct and that the trade market opens 48 hours after the final game is played. Either way if the NYI traded their pick the Sabres would still own the rights to that pick. I would guess they can't trade the pick prior to deciding if they are making it or not.



    That isn't a terrible thought. Perhaps they will not defer to ensure the new management team has a 1st round pick in 2015.


    Not sure if you meant last regular season or playoff game but unless they changed it with the new CBA, trades are allowed after last regular season game. There have been a few trades made while playoffs are going on the last few years. Obviously nothing major, nor involving teams still in playoffs.

  3. For all the lets just draft Ekblad talk I have one simple question, When was the last time a #1 center was traded straight up for a top 1/2 Defender?


    Hawerchuk for Housley? Hawerchuk was number 2 here but he was a true #1 and while Housley had worn out his welcome, at the time he was still considered a top d-man around the league.There were other pieces involved but they were mostly window dressing.

    Its funny, I remember a lot of critics of the trade making that very point, you never trade a top defenseman for a forward.



    Skinner just might turn into a Kessel level player over the next five years. I'm just not willing to take that gamble.

    He wouldn't be my top choice either but I think it's nonsense that you can't win a Cup without his type of player on your team


    Who's to say Skinner won't do that in 5 years? He's locked up for that long.


    I'll admit I don't watch much of Kessel, can anyone confirm or deny this?


    Kessel has become one of the leagues better, more dominant forces but nobody confuses him with Frank Selke. He is more mature and at least knows where the defensive zone is.

    He was, however, just like Skinner when Boston dealt him to the Leafs



    Jeff Skinner, Tyler Ennis, Cody Hodgson. Striking fear into the hearts of the enemy.


    I don't think anyone thinks those three players would be your top 3 forwards and most of us realize that you can not have both Ennis and Hodgson on the team


    Skinner is an offensively talented forward. He is also a major commitment and investment at $6 mill a year ($5.725 cap hit) that you are placing in one of your "top six" forwards positions. That means the other five "top six" forwards are going to have to compensate for Skinner's short comings. I for one am tired of this franchise forcing limited players into the "top six." If you believe that Skinner can stretch his game over the entire 200 feet of ice than I'd be with you. I have doubts at this point Skinner has that in him. The flip side is he is only 21. I just wouldn't take that gamble on this player. I'd rather take that gamble on a player like Eberle that was previously discussed.


    This whole notion of top 6 is driving me batty. Innthe Cap era what you are looking for is really a top 4 and then have players on the rest of your roster capable of playing with them. Some years that may be a veteran on a one or two year deal, some years an up and comer who may eventually replace a top 4 it be dealt off to acquire more talent when you can't afford him.

    As for Skinner, how is he any different then Kessel who you continue to salivate over?

  8. If this happened then we'd have to pray the Sam Reinhart is a true star, because none of those guys are going to really change this franchise. They'll make them much better, but Moulson is the only guy you can count on offensively. Wouldn't really be satisfied with that situation.


    Would be assuming that the roster we had at the beginning of this season minus Miller and Vanek plus Callahan would be better. I don't think it would be.


    It would not be just plus Callahan. It would be plus a few prospects a year older, plus two number one draft choices because I assume the Islanders keep next year plus another high end prospect or two I expect TM to obtain for some of his picks.


    I am still not sure what they will decide to do but this team could be a lot better next year and still be part of the lottery. Unless other teams go into full blown tanks there may only be a team or two considerably weaker then the rest of the league.

  9. Haven't checked for factuality, but holy sh*t would this be embarrassing if true...


    @BNHarrington: @mcgoospot Sabres have no one outside round 1 since 2004 with more than 6 career goals!


    I'll look more into it...


    Took me about ten seconds to realize that Luke Adam and Marcus Foligno prove this to be false. And Gerbe. So three players outside of round one have more than six goals for the Sabres since 2004... Which is still a pretty bad number.



    The Sabres have six players TOTAL since 2004 that have more than six career goals. He set it at six because Mike Weber has six career goals, by the way.




    Since 2004 the Sabres have drafted 71 players. Of those players:


    51 have never played an NHL game.

    24 are no longer under organizational control (trades, never signed, released, etc.). That isn't counting guys that are clearly never going to play in the NHL/AHL. Many will join this group before long.

    Just four of them (Tyler Myers, Tyler Ennis, Nathan Gerbe, Luke Adam) have ever had double-digit goal seasons in Buffalo.




    Any scout involved with the team from that timeframe, at all, should be gone.


    Those numbers sound bad but it would be interesting to compare them to say Detroit and Boston

  10. And here my friends is the first entry in the "let's find a creative way to tank next year" club. Carolina will only be the first team thinking of making "major" changes with the hope of entering the TANK NATION CHASE!

    My guess is that while this year there were 4 teams fighting for the basement before the Islanders entered the derby only to see Buffalo "pull" away, next year you will see 8 teams starting the chase with 3 or 4 others entering around trade deadline day.



    Definately agree but it was being suggested to get rid of his contract and hire 2 other mid range overpaid players. Elliminating 1 for 2 didn't make sense to me when it comes to contracts either.



    As far as we can't keep Leino at his 4.5 per year Potato, I say why not? We have done it for 3 already, he'll probably be hurt for half the season anyways..and hes not making 4.5 mill anymore as it's starting to go down now since his bonus is paid already... but his 4.5 cap could help hit that floor without having to hire 2 scrubs to fill it. Just my opinion anyways..not like I like seeing him play or anything. If we buy him out after next yr I think it would be 2/3 of 7 Million over 4 years on a buyout so it would be like 7 Million x's 66.666 % = 4,666,620 divided by 4 = 1,166,655 per yr.............You take that and subtract if from the salary for each yr and then subtract the savings from the annual cap hit of 4.5 and for 2015 and 2016 cap hit is 2,166,655 then in 2017 and 2018 we would actually get a credit of 1,116,655 each yr allowing us to increase our cap slightly when we will probably need it more. See little savy moves like this could benefit us down the road.


    For the 300th time, they will have no problem reaching the floor. They do not have to sign anyone to ridiculous contracts and they can buy out Leino if they choose. It doesn't matter .

  12. I like how some always seem to give a pass and say "nobody knows".


    Have you not read the board? When Pegula first came in, some were laying out the carnage about to take place because Pegula was comfortable with Regier and Darcy has a history of rolling over. It happened. Here we are going on 4 years later.


    Does Pegula and the front office cronies not have a very public history with Penn State? Can you not take cues from the interlocking circle that ALWAYS gets the contracts, be it management, real estate, construction, donations, etc.? It is plain as day, and they have no shame. I'm not saying there need be in some of the cases, but when Lafontaine left, WRGZ had a quote from Pegula's inner circle saying, "nobody will care if we are winning.".....yep....that seemed to be the MO at Penn State too. Throw money at stuff, shred documents, play dumb, and just make sure the machine keeps rolling. How anyone can fail to look at the dozens of case studies in how things happen there and logically apply the same potential here, is either crazy or lazy. I'm not just talking about the Paterno/Sandusky stuff....just the woven web. It happens everywhere, but not like this. Almost cult like.


    "We don't know".......no, just laid out that when Battista was brought in, it was encouraging that Darcy would soon be gone. And when Lafontaine was hired, that if there really was meddling going on, Lafontaine would leave in a heartbeat. You have Lafontaine on video himself saying Battista was on interviews with him and going on trips with him. It's there....the concern, the actions, and the result, all laid out ahead of time and completed in short order.


    As a Sabre fan I want to bury my head and hope all is well just like anyone else. When concern after concern gets presented, and people scoff, then things DO take place and this franchise is where it is....why should I listen to anyone with a straight face who wants to give the benefit of the doubt?


    I'm more in the "I'm not sure it really matters" camp. I agree that there seems to be a pattern of behavior that is dysfunctional and while we don't really know all the juicy details and facts we can make certain assumptions.

    Again, though, I'm not sure it matters and I agree with the rather arrogant belief that winning will cure all their ills.

    I'm old enough to have seen stranger things. Some of the best run companies that I have been a part of have failed and success and dysfunction have not always been mutually exclusive.

    I know it's almost anti American and definitely anti capitalist but while hard work and an intelligent and efficient management structure are important a lot of success was built on just being in the right place, making sure the right people know who you are and/or just being lucky.

  13. Cogliano isn't much more than a 40-point player at best. You don't have this kind of season to come out of it with a third-liner and another 8th overall pick.


    I would agree with this. This team could put together a decent third and fourth line and even parts of a #2 but they need those top 4 forwards, a starting goalie and they need to know if any of their defensive prospects can handle the top pairing.

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