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tom webster

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Posts posted by tom webster



    Actually they said he left Toronto and Montreal off because he knows Ottawa won't trade him there. I posted a tweet somewhere saying that.


    So it would be Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, NYI, Nashville, Columbus, Florida and two other teams.


    No, they said that Dreger said that Montreal and Toronto were on the list



    Okay, I hope Murray doesn't offer Ottawa the #2 pick then. :lol:


    Just to be clear, I'm not saying that I want Spezza, just saying that Buffalo is reportedly not on list and TM supposedly hinted that he had had that conversation.



    They could offer the number 2 pick and it wouldn't matter. Spezza holds the hammer.


    According to Dreger, Buffalo is not one of ten teams he put on his list of 10 he wouldn't go to




    This discussion topic is beyond annoying. Why not provide some actual relevant discussion? Oh wait, it's because you're Mike Schopp.


    Everybody invoked (Ottawa, Spezza and Buffalo say no)


    First he threw it out there acknowledging that he just wanted to gauge reaction.

    Second, Murray was very coy when discussing his interest the other day finally acknowledging that the timeline might not be right for deals like these

  3. I quote: The Buffalo Sabres' reason for existence will be to win the Stanley Cup. If that's the real credo of the franchise, then it's not about Terry having fun with his toy, or getting into the real estate development business, or growing hockey in the U.S.


    There's no reason the franchise shouldn't operate on that strict premise. Yes, it would be near-revolutionary in sports to have an ego-less owner who sits in the stands and does little else.


    Clearly, I am delusional. Starting that day, the Buffalo Sabres' reason for existence was to do lots of things, hopefully win a Stanley Cup, led by Terry Pegula.




    Now I'm hungry for a calzone.



    Not sure why I feel the need but there is no proof that he is meddling, just being kept informed.

  4. Who's on the roster in the fall isn't a hockey decision? Managing the cap isn't a hockey decision? I'm afraid this time there's no bridging our differences.


    Maybe I'm punishing Terry for not being the fantasy owner that existed only in my head in the days leading up to "Pegula Day." But he, not I, actually said things like, "If I want to make more money, I'll drill…" "I don't want to come into town and raise ticket prices" and "there's no salary cap on scouting and player development" etc.


    To be sitting here three years (or four years, or four seasons, or 36 dog years) later and hearing that the GM has to have multiple meetings with the owner to decide whether to get rid of this piece of hockey scum, would have been unfathomable to all of us on the day the lord delivered us our Hockey Saviour.


    First, to echo Weave's statement, speak for yourself.

    However, while I obviously don't agree with most of your continued narrative, I have always felt you make some valid points. If TP was forcing TM to have continuous meetings to convince him what he wanted to do, that would be a problem. What is likely happening though, is that multiple meetings consist of two. There was probably an end of year meeting where TM laid out his vision for the off season and a second meeting upcoming where he will inform TP of his decision so that the owner of the company doesn't have to read it in the papers or hear it on the radio. I hate analogies but wouldn't any upper management person want to inform the CEO of any major budgetary decisions before said CEO heard it elsewhere?

    Forty years ago when owning a sports team was mostly a passionate hobby for some old money family, your vision may have made sense. Today, however, sports is a billion dollar industry where keeping the owner informed is important for job security.

  5. Crazy that Bylsma wasn't let go with Shero.


    Rumor was they didn't want Shero and Bylsma to go together to Washington. Either way, like Tank said, pretty low class of them. If Buffalo did something similar, the Canadian press would be ripping them to shreads.

  6. I wouldn't be shocked if they threw a lot of large 1 year deals out - delay that pick and get to the playoffs


    I wouldn't be surprised if they desperately do that and flame out as the over the hill over priced gang falters. They have actually built up a pretty good stable of young talent but Garth will likely blow it all to hell in order to try and save face.



    Having good relationships with just about everybody around the league is, no doubt, a great tool to have... To say it's not going to aid him for a GM job is pretty mind boggling.


    I've read multiple times about his connections being what makes him a good candidate.


    I have read many times how important face offs are. Doesn't make it right.

    Connections get you interviews. They probably help you when you are building an organization from scratch. An organization that already has a hockey legend in the front office and arguably the leagues best player, not so much.



    Yea that's been floating for a while. He had two interviews. One in person and one over the phone.


    For those wondering what makes him such a common GM candidate: his connections. There might not be a more connected person in all of hockey. As much as I can't stand him on broadcasts.


    You said that before and I laughed both times. His connections don't make him a great candidate for a GM job. They make him a great candidate for an analyst job. I can't think of one circumstance where his connections would aid him in running a team, especially a team that already boasts Mario Lemieux in the front office and Crosby on the ice.

    Besides, it's a small fraternity. They are all connected.

  9. Once more, with feeling: there is NFW Kane is leaving Chicago anytime soon. When he's old and decrepit and trying to squeeze out one more year or 2 worth of NHL paychecks? Maybe we'll see him in a Sabres uniform. But not while he's still great and Chicago's still great.


    I would be extremely surprised to see him in a Buffalo uniform during his prime years but would not be very surprised to see him leave Chicago after next year and not because of salary cap restraints. There will be plenty of money to go around. Whether there is enough a** kissing to go around is another matter and that's all I am go to say about that subject.

  10. This could be dangerous...


    1. I regularly lie to people about their tatoos. I don't think they're awesome, cool, or sweet. In fact, I think 99.9% of them are stupid.

    2. If the Bills moved to TO, I'd still root for them but it would with an emotional detachment. If they go to any other city, I'd stop watching the NFL not as a protest, but because I just don't give an isht about the league.

    3. Not a day goes by that I don't regret telling my ex I didn't want to be married to her anymore.

    4. I get drunk more frequently now - as a 45 year old man - than I have in 20+ years. Might be related to number 4.

    5. My girlfriend has put on a lot of weight over the past year. It's not attractive and it can't be good for her health but I have absolutely no idea how to talk to her about it without sounding like a shallow and rude arsehole.

    6. Friends tell me I slide back into my Canadian accent when I drink. I'm 100% American.


    If anybody has suggestions on #5, I'll listen...


    If you use anyone's suggestion for number 5, and still have the use of your fingers afterward, let me know, I may try it as well

  11. Not sure this is worth anyone's time, but


    1) It's all about my four kids and nothing else. Couldn't be prouder of them.


    2) There are times I am not sure I really like sports anymore but continue to follow out of habit.


    3) I am pretty sure my then nine year old son was the first person in the arena to notice Hull's foot in the crease. We were in a suite and he pointed it out on tv monitor.


    4) I appeared on Van Miller's newscast in the eighty's. I think the segment was called Tuesday Quarterback


    5) More then a few Sabres and locker room personnel know me by name but only a few know what I look like.


    6) I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when Schoenie fought three Bruins in the 70's but would be hard pressed to do the same with regard to anything that happened in the 80's.


    7) I am over 50, have a wonderful family and have done quite well for myself but I still have no idea what I really want to do with my life.


    8) My first wife became locally famous when she attended a Sabre game with a friend.


    9) I once asked Mark Kelso if I could schedule him for a Sunday appointment during Bills' season without realizing who he was.


    10) This exercise reinforced my belief that I lead a pretty mundane life



    Very well could be. But the fact he was running for the same bus during that 3rd period of the last playoff game that he used to run some of his Blues teammates over with is more recent evidence. The overall picture of my point is a relevant one in that character and work ethic are equally as important as talent when evaluating a player for a potential free agent signing. Which I thought was the current discussion.


    As I have said countless times before, these teammates that supposedly hated him continuously voted him team MVP.

    And no one that has a clue has ever challenged his work ethic.

    He may not have it any more, maybe he never did, but his attitude and work ethic have never been questioned by anyone that would know

  13. I guess it is time for my prediction.


    1) Sabres' acquire another top 5 pick in this draft

    2) Tyler Ennis is dealt

    3) Leino bought out

    4) Ott is signed to a contract indicative of his status as a third liner

    5) A couple other veterans signed to one year deals with the idea that they will be dealt at the deadline

  14. A lot of the same moments already mentioned but I was never prouder then when the team got a standing ovation when they played at the Montreal Forum a couple of days after they beat the Russians 12 to 6. I just got goose bumps typing this.

  15. Yes indeedly. I just meant that if other teams were willing to pony up like that, the Bills should also have been willing to do so -- and the fact that they weren't willing to do so was their fault, not the agent's.


    I understand the frustration and I understand linking both players but they were two entirely different situations. With Peters, he just kept coming back and asking for more. They gave him a new deal early on based on potential and when he outplayed that deal he didn't want to give them credit in terms of a discount for what they had overpaid him. Also his play reflected his lack of interest in fulfilling his obligations. All that being said, it would of still been prudent to resign him. however distasteful.


    With Byrd, they screwed up early on completely eliminating any notion of getting him to sign for a decent number. The situation was compounded by the fact that the BIlls. like a lot of teams do not put a premium on the position. I think in his case, letting him walk was the correct thing to do once he wanted to be the highest paid safety.


    In the end, until they turn this thing around I can understand the lack of the benefit of doubt. Once teams start winning, instead of hearing about letting players walk you will be talking about smart cap management a/k/a the Patriot, Steeler and Green Bay way.

  16. First post since 2011 ... nothing much has happened, right?


    Looking around I still see many familiar names, which is great. I have been meaning to come back since Murray came on board but haven't had much of a chance ... rest assured I've watched every aghonizing minute on the ice ...


    So where do we stand? X., eleven, Tom Webster, Ink, Taro, Spndnchz, d4rksabre ... Is AudSmell still around? I am looking at you ... talk to me. Optimistic? Same old, same old? (Forgot shrader ... how did I forget shrader?)


    Have to update that avatar ...


    Welcome back. I still read the board every day although I don't post quite as much.

    Interesting that you return just as LQ puts himself back in the public eye.

    Just kidding.

  17. Imagine for a moment that the Islanders give us their 2015 and the Sabres and Islanders finish last and 2nd last (or vice versa) in 2015.


    There would then be a 43.8% chance that the Sabres would take the top two picks, presumably McDavid and Eichel. 43.8%! That's huge! The only simile I can muster is that it's like getting Crosby and Malkin in one draft.


    I think we want that 2015'er and I think we want both teams to be a flaming ###### trainwreck next season. I mean, it's so wishful, but it's so rewarding to think about.


    The best part for me is that I can envision the Sabres being 10 times more entertaining then this year and still finish at the bottom. And the Islanders? All we need is Garth being Garth. Assuming that no one is allowed to out and out tank, which teams would you guarantee being worse?


    Lets hope that blow hard Garrioch is actually right for once


    There is bound to be a first time....



    "Shopping" Luke Adam? How does that conversation start?


    Lindy, remember that kid whose career you ended when you savagely beat him over the head with an ax....?

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