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Posts posted by spndnchz

  1. True Dat. :D


    Okay, so I've been on 3 dates with the same girl in the past 2 weeks. We met on match.com. Our dates were flawless. Totally into one another, similar interests, similar tastes, similar pasts, similar place in life. Here is the thing: When we aren't together, things feel WAAAYYYY different than when we are together. Maybe she's not a big texter, maybe she doesn't express herself well outside of face to face contact, but I'm bouncing off the walls trying to figure out what the deal is.


    I should probably just take cues from our interaction together, and proceed like everything is kosher but something makes me leary about the whole situation. She's pretty secretive about what she's doing when she's not with me. I don't want to pry, but I just left a situation where the girl I was dating had a boyfriend. The feeling is eerily similar. Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm going nuts.


    She's not a Twitter chick?


  2. Sleepwalking.


    I don't remember a thing when my roomy tells me I was up the night before.


    I'm clawing at the windows, digging in corners.


    I woke up downstairs on the couch and distinctly remember going to bed up stairs that night.


    I told her one morning my jaw hurt and she said "Oh, that's because I slapped u last night trying to wake ur ars up".


    it's not every night but it still scares me.

  3. There's your problem. Girls who jump in the sack in the first 48 hours are fun to hang with for a while, but they aren't exactly "take home to mother" material.


    Hope this doesn't offend Chz or PA.


    Maybe I can get carp to do a chart on my hrs before sack over the years?

  4. My complaint:


    Calling a customer service center, having to navigate the computer generated responses, when the issue can only be solved by a real person, being put on hold with elevator music for like an hour.


    Try this



    all the backdoor to most companies phone systems.


    works like a charm.


    Dammit beaten by a swamp.

  5. I ride a road bike and rarely wear bike shorts. For protecting my "boys," good gloves are actually more important, as it encourages me to put the proper amount of weight on the bars.


    Then again, I rarely ride for more than 75-90 minutes; for a longer ride, I'd probably really want bike shorts.


    What's REALLY stupid to me is not wearing a helmet. As a driver, I hate seeking cyclists without helmets, especially on roads that are inherently dangerous for cycling to begin with, like Elmwood Avenue or Allen Street. Or the Delaware S-curves.


    A Freudian slip?

  6. People at hockey games that won't stand up to let you into the row. It is that much of a bother to stand up and give some space? You just sit there with your legs to the side like you own the row. I paid the same as you for the seats now move it!


    Oh and same people that don't stand up and cheer when we score? WTF? Did you come to the game for the air conditioning? Stand the f up and clap !

  7. This week a friend of mine hooked me up with some bagels so I've heated one up every morning to eat when I arrive at work. I place it in the toaster over when I get up, brew my coffee, get ready for work and then fix my bagel and coffee to take with me. It normally takes 7-10 minutes for the bagel to toast adequately. After I pour my coffee, I reach into the toaster oven to grab my freshly toasted bagel for cream cheese application. Upon touching my bagel, I notice it's still room temp. After a quick study, I realize someone has tampered with the settings and has it on "bake" mode. When it is on bake mode, the temp needs to be set, otherwise you end up with a non-toasted/baked item. So it's 20 minutes later, my bagel is untoasted and I need to leave for work.


    I've had this toaster oven for nearly 5 years. I've never had to adjust any settings. I toast things in it. If I want to heat something up, I use the microwave. If I want to bake something I use the oven. My retarded brother, seemingly likes to bake things in the toaster oven because he's too lazy to take the extra 5 minutes during dinner prep and heat the oven. Due to his laziness, I nearly rip out my front teeth on my untoasted bagel this morning and he cops a tude when I send him a text that looks somewhat similar to this post. For the $200 a month I charge him for rent, the least he could do is keep my toaster oven set on freaking toast.


    Raw egg in his bed should do the trick. :sick:

  8. I got kicked off of TSN because of my screen name. Something like "Upon review we are removing users names that may appear vulgar or not in the best taste" or something. Someone's got a dirty mind over there because I never meant that! I can see it now, but reeeaaaallly....

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