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Posts posted by spndnchz

  1. Not much Ennis in the third period, is he on the bench? Wondering if maybe he was hurt, or if Lindy simply benched him because LA's 2nd goal was somewhat his fault? Or is it just because Connolly/Pommer/Hecht have earned their ice time tonight.


    You didn't see Ennis give the puck away for the Kings goal?

  2. Was at the game as well and I think the crowd is brutal. I even turned to my buddy with 5 minutes to go and said ..what the hell, we have the lead with this amount of time against a tier 1 opponent and it's like they are losing. Even the playoff round last year was nothing like it used to be. I think it is the Sabres style of play more than it is the wins and losses. Whatever it is, I am trying to do my part to fix it (however small that may be).


    Hopefully one day, the Bills and Sabres games will have the home field/ice advantage again because they certainly don't have it now....That aside, great game last night as I had a blast!

    While I wasn't in my usual spot (it's a lot louder there) I felt the fans were into this game, although not the loudest I've heard. It's correct, the jumbotron crap takes some momentum away from the chearing at times. My beef is the people that left after the whistle @ 4:50 to go. It's 3-2 and you just might see the best 5 minutes of hockey for the night and you leave? granted it did seem a lot of kids were there, so there's your grain of salt.


    Tim Connelly = Phil Housley...

    Connolly = Satan




    And FWIW, talking with some Sabres guys last night, they said DR's trying to trade him but there are no takers with his contract. They need a sweetener and DR doesn't was to add the sugar.

  3. Pommer, like many other sabres, is a one trick pony. His entire offensive repertoire is the one timer. So no, he cannot wrist the puck.

    Not true. Ever watch Pommer in the shootout? He wrists it every time and is usually very good with it. In fact, he went 5 for 9 last year with very well placed wristers. He has the ability, but chooses not to do it in regulation.

    The shootout is not hockey, it's a skill competition. Pommer does not create offense by carrying the puck into shooting positions, he awaits the one timer. Where are all those effective wrist shots in regulation? One trick pony. As good as he was in shootiouts last year, he hasn't been involved in a shoot out yet this year has he?

    My point is that he does have a good wrist shot. It's not that he's incapable, it's that he is unwilling to use it during the game. The latter could be changed, the former cannot.


    He has been in both shootouts this year. One, he wristed a couple inches from the top right corner, while the other (I believe) the goalie got the pads together quick enough to stop his shot five hole.

    I'm not going to dispute that Pominville has been very bad this year. I'm sure the injury is at least part of the problem, but regardless it is an objective fact that he has been bad.

    That being said, you have a very selective memory if you can't recall Pominville excellent wrist shot. His only goal of the season came off a laser wrister against New Jersey. He's got a fanstastic release. He just doesn't use it as often as he should.



  4. Why do you think Darcy prefers to trade? Marleau wasn't the point of the post. Fill in the blank with the name of your favorite seven million dollar player. Point is, you can't spend your money on real talent when you are wasting it by overpaying the guys on your team.


    The successful teams in the salary cap era are paying a bunch of money to a few premier players on their teams and peanuts to middle tier vets and young guys. We are paying premier money to miller and vanek, and way too much for our middle tier talent.


    I don't see a big diff between us and others here. Some teams like Chicago got lucky to hit it big in the draft and didn't have to pay the big money till now, and now that team is gone.


    It's a mix of spending a crapload on big talent at the right time. Like this year or next, before you have to pay Myers and after you drop UFA's this year. IMHO. If I would say what DR's problem is it's holding onto everyone when only a few should stay. It's made the team deep in talent but not deep on the ice talent.

  5. Pommer is overpaid by 1-1.5 mil. Goose is overpaid by 1 mil. Hecht is overpaid by .5 mil. Take that 2.5-3 mil, add it to connolly's 4.5 mil and you have Patrick Marleau. You can live with one bad contract, but multiple bad contracts are the difference between pretenders and contenders.


    Maybe a Marleau type, but not the Marleau. He wanted to stay in SJ pretty bad. IIRC I posted some stuff in the Free agent frenzy thread about it.

  6. Coming off years where he had 70-80 points, It's prolly right on. And who's to say they weren't competing with other teams at that point. He'll come around, no worries. His salary isn't in the way of anything right now so my panties aren't in a bunch (prolly cause I'm not wearing any).

  7. Other guys did disappear more than him, true. How many of them are considered the core and make over $5M?


    For reference Pommers is making more (cap hit) than Martin St. Louis, Alfredson, Corey perry, selanne, Hossa, J. Williams. Bobby Ryan


    You think he's making an appropriate amount? i would take any of those guys over pommers at 5.3 any day of the week.


    Kane is making only 1 million more than pommers, that's outrageous.



    Pommers 62pts last year was good enough to place him 12th in RW scoring. His 24 goals puts him 19th among RWs. He's not even top 10 RW in terms of ice time.


    Yet somehow the sabres have made him the 6th highest paid RW this year.


    Fair comparisons? NOT.


    St Louis getting a new contract next year for 5.625

    Alfredsson's contract is a joke. two 7 million years then 4.5 then 1? U can't compare that cap hit to the salary

    Perry's contract hit is the same as Pommers so WTF.

    Selanne's a 40 year old man just wanting one more year

    Hossa contract is another joke. he's got 7.9 million unitl 15-16, now that's real close to 5.3

  8. ...

    Given that I don't remember anything about Pominville in the playoffs last year, you're probably right here. But like I said, he's "good", but not a star. I could see him getting shut down for six games. I don't think he's hopeless though. I think he can (and will) do better than that.

    Pommers led the team in playoff points last year, tied with Ennis. Other guys 'disappeared' a lot more than him.


    Nfreeman, you want him to do 25 goals in 82 games right? or score in 30% of the time right? And continue into the playoffs, right?


    Last year playoffs he scored 2 goals in six games. I'm sure you can divide 2 by 6.

  9. I <3 this from Roy today:


    "I want to be an elite player in this league," Roy said. "I don't want to cruise through my career and just get 60, 70 points or whatever. I think that's a part of being a human being and growing up. Whatever you do in life, you want to be skilled at it. You want to be the best. I'm trying to approach it that way every day."


    He gets it eh? finally?

  10. Another trip down to the arena tonight 4 me. My guess is the fans are going to be better for this one. After getting 5 of 6 points on the 'road trip' the Sabres win at home, finally.


    The Sabres are 6-4-0 in Buffalo in their last 10 games vs. Caps. 1-1-0 at home last season.


    There is no reason the Sabres can't beat them tonight. NONE!




    ps. after tonight's festivities I may not post until at least 3pm tomorrow. :beer:

  11. That's interesting. I always wondered how the spinnerama in shootouts was a legal move.


    It's ok as long as u have to have control of the puck and the puck keeps moving.


    I remember one that almost wasn't allowed because the guy skated in and stopped with the puck, then shot. ur really not allowed to stop with the puck.

  12. Really?

    I thought the puck had to continuously move forward.

    If u watch the replay it was. His momentum even though he lost it on a back stick handle made the puck continue to move forward. he would've had a shot from about 15 feet away and 2 feet from the line. 0% chance.

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