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Posts posted by spndnchz

  1. That's interesting. I always wondered how the spinnerama in shootouts was a legal move.


    It's ok as long as u have to have control of the puck and the puck keeps moving.


    I remember one that almost wasn't allowed because the guy skated in and stopped with the puck, then shot. ur really not allowed to stop with the puck.

  2. Really?

    I thought the puck had to continuously move forward.

    If u watch the replay it was. His momentum even though he lost it on a back stick handle made the puck continue to move forward. he would've had a shot from about 15 feet away and 2 feet from the line. 0% chance.

  3. This just in:


    Kovy could have retrieved the puck and still taken a shot on net. The puck is still alive until it crosses the goal line (red line) as long as a shot has not been taken. he could have got the puck and shot at least. He wouldn't be able to skate all over the ice first because his movement needs to be continuous, but he still could'a shot.

  4. At the game last night.

    Grier: awesome

    Nieds: best game yet.

    Rivet: that penalty was bull. He was simple fighting the guy for position they leaned on each other.

    Stafford: Nice going after Suban. It appeared to me like Suban stuck his leg out and it was more of a knee on knee type hit. I was on the other side of the ice from the cameras. His injury must be a shoulder. He was taken into the boards in the offesive zone about the 16 min mark of the second, never to return.

    Vanek: He's gotta bury his chances, 4 or 5 last night.

    Shakira: Looked great, no way he sits for Butler or Weber. Looks like Myers did last year taking the puck up ice.

    LaLime: I didn't think he was bad, made some nice glove saves.

    Connolly: get the ###### off my team!


    They won battles tonight, played much better than they have, a small step forward.

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