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Posts posted by spndnchz

  1. I didn't think it was possible, but so many of the posts around here lately are coming close to chasing me away from this board. There is so much pure anger out there that it almost looks like this was the worst season in the history of professional sports, an insult to mankind itself. I know there are plenty who aren't running around and dodging the sky while it falls, but you people don't post nearly enough.


    Some r only happy when it rains....



  2. Plus, there are so many different facets to Law itself. Obviously, the most ubiquitous is that of trial lawyers like the ones we see peddling their wares during every televised Sabres game. There's also family law, criminal law, and one that I didn't know existed until I bought my house: real estate law.


    I'd be more into Labor Relations, contracts, hockey agent, hmmm that'd b swa-eat.

  3. Oh I do have a complaint.


    WTF is up with LeBron crapping the bed for Cleveland?


    I am almost ready to give up being a sports fan altogether. None of my teams ever win anything.


    I love the "I've only had 3 bad games in all my years and everyones hatin' " comment from him. Tru Connolly'esque.

  4. No, no, and no. Stay in school for as long as you possibly can. You have the rest of your life to work and it sucks. If I could I would still be in school. Make it your life's project to have a .edu email address for as long as you possibly can.




    I took today off to get some alone time at home,.. and my kid is home sick. I'll guess I'll get some alone time when I'm dead.


    I think I'm leaning towards this. Prolly taking the LSAT's in June.

  5. Oh, and when I leave the apostrophe out and type "dont", Chrome's spell checker suggests only "font", "dint", "don", "dot" and "donut". Really? You can't figure out what I'm trying to type?


    when u type "donut" does it suggest "Koharski"?

  6. It could be worse. Could be a 250 lb white guy, like, oh, I don't know, the one in your avatar. Can't you emulate chz? Or at least PA?


    Nobody is me. B-)


    I'm so pumped right now.


    Three A's this sem.


    Bring it!!!!!!!!!!!! U farging suk Bluricanes!!!

  7. Waiting for my boss to get back to me with a salary for a new position I interviewed for. The stress level will be higher, my hours suckier, my new boss shittier, but the pay will hopefully allow me to stop delivering the za and get on with my life.


    Don't forget the intangibles!!!!

  8. Grabbed a Quarter pounder burger for me and my friend (coupon b1g1) get to college to eat them before class, mouth watering because I haven't had a burger in ages, take that first bite looking for some juicy meat and .....






















    It's pinker than a 8 year old. Yeah, I said it. Just might beat out the referee from the 'nuk game.

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