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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. I've wondered the same myself. Pat hires Tim - and then finds that he made himself irrelevant and obsolete. Has a Sith-like quality to it, like Darth Plaugeis and how his own apprentice, Darth Sidious, killed him in his sleep.


    Darth Murray? Or an "Et Tu, Timmay?" moment? LaFontaine didn't even make it to the Ides of March, however.


    It's also very House of Cards-ish.

  2. I've said at other times in my life that so the Sabres go, I go as well. With some help I believe I've made it out of my personal Regier era and am now entering my full rebuild as well. Stanley Cup champions 2017, you heard it here first.


    That's so poignant. But remember that Darcy almost won two Cups. Think of the two cups you won when you met Josie. OK, that sounds wrong.


    You'll do and be fine.

  3. Do you see the hockey side as a totally separate entity from the business side? One with complete autonomy from the rest of the corporation? If the hockey department needs resources to accomplish goals, do they just get them from itself? I'm honestly trying to understand your broader point here. If your expectation is that the hockey department exists in a vacuum that should just be left alone, I don't see how that's sustainable in the business model.


    And I'll ask one more time: what hockey decision to you feel wasn't made by the hockey department?


    GO SABRES!!!


    I think it's sustainable in the business model Terry seemed to lay out at the beginning. ("If I want to make money, I"ll go drill a well"; "there's no salary cap on scouting and player development.") What a great advantage this can be (and maybe already has been). The hockey side can make "pure" hockey decisions without consideration of how it'll play with the fan base, how it will affect marketing, what moves will mean for the bottom line.


    As for proof of Terry's meddling, I'll refer you to the Trial of Terry Pegula thread. A lot of inferences, assumptions, suppositions and downright facts (facts!) are presented there. I will respect the mood of the thread, for once, that it all doesn't have to be hashed again.


    There's a new sheriff in town, though.


    I am cautiously optimistic that things have changed. I haven't been able to fully reconcile what happened with Pat. Hopefully it was Tim ruthlessly consolidating power. But it also could have been Pat losing a power struggle with the cronies, who now lord themselves over Tim, who is, after all, still a pup in this business. I love the public personna of Murray, and I am really enjoying the myth-making that's going on in the fan base. I just have to see a bit more from Murray to make sure he's the real deal. Would he really quit, #no######sgiven, if Terry made some of the pushes he made with Darcy?

  4. The tank being over does not mark the end of losing, just the end of trying to lose. I also can envision the disappointment when don't get McDavid.


    In two years, McDavid will be a villain. All the superstars get booed in Buffalo.

  5. The Pegulas are the board. Tim Murray is the CEO of the Buffalo Sabres Hockey Team.


    You could also view the Pegulas as the CEOs, the cronies (Benson, Sawyer, Black, Battista) as the board and Murray as, uh, general manager.


    Or we could take Terry at his word that it's a flat structure where Terry is part-GM and Tim is part-owner.

  6. Boards tend to be more involved in personnel decisions than any other kind of decision.


    Again, it's a good idea (creates more vetted decisions before presenting to the board) unless the board doesn't trust the CEO's judgement and forces a bad decision. In which case the CEO should resign. I think this is the dynamic in place now that was always missing under Darcy.


    Darcy seemed like a "Mother May I?" type when talking to Ownership.


    Murray is certainly a "Oh, it's you. I'm doing this." type.


    I'm lost. Who's the board? Who's the CEO?



    I can't believe you would compare Kim Pegula to a deceased kangarorse. Aud oughta sock you right on the chin.

  7. Yep.


    You still go to board before implementing big decisions and that's a good thing. When you have to explain 'why' to someone, you necessarily gets your ducks in a row better.


    This essentially is no different.


    On the business side, fine. If TB's negotiating a new broadcast deal, or they're changing concession companies (yeah, right) or whatever, sure, he and his people present it to the Pegs. I have never liked the analogy that the hockey side is a business like any other, and of course the owner should be involved.

  8. Can't do the multi-quote on my phone, but lemme say a couple things.


    Otto's going to land somewhere. He appears to be in no real rush. And it does seem as though Buffalo could be in the mix. Whatever. Good for him.


    Ott's wife is quite fit. I don't imagine she's Ink's type. IIRC, Ink prefers ladies with some curve and payload--not the 5'0" spinners.


    The fact that I recall Ink's type disturbs and delights me.


    There's nothing creepy about parading out public image pictures of a pro athlete's wife.


    There is something creepy about using state of the art spy gear to snap close-ups of the wife of a billionaire pro sports team owner from a distance of 1/3 of a mile.


    Mrs. Ott is cute. She's no Kim Pegula. And I have close-ups of Mrs. Pegula to prove it.


    My favorite new expression comes from my 17-year-old nephew: that was curiously specific.

  9. If GMTM can't convince Kim and Terry that his way is the best way, I want a different GM.


    Variation on a theme. Kim and Terry have every right to be involved — up until they exercise their right to actually make a decision.


    You (not you, Glass) can't have it both ways. Once you invite and support the owners' direct participation in decisions, you have to live with the possibility they're going to overrule the hockey people.


    "Tim, I hear ya. But I fracked many a well and I know it's not the size of your drill bit, it's how hard you whack your fracker. It's only year 3, we're not trading any of our prized prospects to try and win it all right now. Sorry. Cliff, pass me those Triscuits."


    It's what you wanted, fans. You'll have to live with that day if it comes.

  10. You seem to suggest that they are, are too much, shouldn't be, don't like it, are suspicious of it, etc....?

    I think we've explored most nuances. In the end, it's a conversation that you can continue to have.

    I'll just speak from my end, I just think it is exhausted.


    Fair enough?


    I just don't want non-hockey people making hockey decisions. It's such a no-brainer, I'm always a bit stunned when I get disagreement. And I'm the contrarian!

  11. Something that was started (I'm assuming) as a tongue-in-cheek statement which has now been spun as serious by the usual suspects.


    OP can clarify. I don't think it was a joke thread.


    No one, ultimately, is disputing that the Pegulas are in charge, as owners, of the whole shebang. Are they?

    If we are revisiting this, I'm opting out.


    Has it been suggested they are not in charge, as owners?

  12. If you indeed followed the money, you be pushing (or really, ever have pushed) the nonsensical narrative that TP isn't spending enough on the team.


    I don't think there is any such narrative (and that term never gets old). The problem is how the money has been spent and who has been making the hockey decisions.


    Having said that, yes, I have a measure of suspicion that the decision to tank wasn't about figuring out the smartest way to win those multiple Cups.


    Terry said on Day One, in answering a question about how long he'd own the team, that the answer was sitting in front of him (he looked at his two adult kids). He said on Day One he knew he needed to spend money in the short term to get things working the way he wanted. He never said he was going to spend drunkenly forever.


    As time went on, Ted Black started talking about a "future owner" he had to think about when he raised ticket prices to keep the welfare check from the league coming in. He said he couldn't count of Terry's money forever.


    Now the Pegulas are rumored to be interested in buying the Bills. Such an opportunity was not unexpected, what with Cliff Benson's experience with actuarial tables and Battista's with smothering people with pillows.


    And the Sabres are at the salary floor. The fans keep coming, and anyone who has a cross word to say about GMTM or the future of the team will be met with a universal, "Give it time!"


    If the kids are going to take over sooner rather than later, it's a pretty nice spot to put them in.

  13. If you indeed followed the money, you be pushing (or really, ever have pushed) the nonsensical narrative that TP isn't spending enough on the team.






    Yes. He didn't know the team was for sale in 2002. Clarity!

  14. Facts?


    See is things like saying you present "facts" that makes your obsession so comical.


    Yes, facts. As in quoting Terry.


    The summer signings of 2011: "It was my decision." He said it. Fact!


    Darcy said the extent of the rebuild underway toward the end of his tenure would be determined by Terry. Fact!


    "I can work with him."


    Terry's a bit out of it? The "quit" quote. The awful Brown-Black joke. "I didn't know the team was for sale" (in 2002).


    It's out there.

  15. Does it matter? You're going to write your own version of history regardless of the truth.


    I liked the Terry we heard about before Pegula Day. I even liked Terry up to, "Lindy ain't…" The rest of the day was just weird, like Terry blaming the Buffalo News for the "quit" in the 2010-11 Sabres. (Here's where someone will say I'm making stuff up and/or ask for a link and/or say I have a narrative/agenda. He said it.)


    I would have loved to have written a different version of Pegula as owner. I followed the facts — and the money. You have a team that had to go crazy on July 1 to get to the floor. No one would have believed that on that February day three years ago. No one.


    See the Trial thread. I lay out the facts and the truth. If you can't handle it, too bad.


    This is well-trod ground. In fact, there's not a blade of grass left where we've traversed it.


    Fourth man in? I'm just curious what role nobody is comfortable with?

  16. Didn't everyone first drive their dad's car at age nine? I'll be Goddamned if my kid is going to miss out on one of life's rites of passage just because she's horribly broken.



    She's a cutie. And already better than most adults on the road! She doesn't have tunnel vision, that's for sure. Part of me feels like a voyeur — a bigger part is glad you feel comfortable sharing this kind of stuff with us.

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