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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. I'm going to offer a darkhorse candidate for most disappointing player. Thanks to the way he arrived in town, Slava Kozlov deserves consideration.


    Doesn't disappointment imply high expectations? Kozlov scored some big goals for Detroit in the playoffs — Leino cough cough — but I think most people saw him for what he was — a lesser player who was acceptable to Dom, someone Dom didn't need in Detroit to win a Cup.

  2. Craigslist is awesome.


    I replaced my fence over the weekend, and I'd had the idea to put the old wood panels on craigslist to see if anyone would take them for kindling and save me the expense of disposal. Even though firewood is expensive, I wasn't sure how much interest there would be because it was a lot (more than 8 panels) and the 6' x 8' size would be difficult to transport. So I was pleasantly surprised to have SEVEN people reply within 5 hours of posting Sunday evening. The person I contacted came by this evening and took all of it off my hands, and now I have my driveway back (and a new fence). Win-win!


    And you're alive!

  3. This. This is the condescension that makes me love you so much.


    How can you stand having digital intercourse with a person so far inferior to your intellect and experience as I am? Truly, you bring a depth to my life that I lack elsewhere. I appreciate your charity, and am deeply grateful for both for the lessons you teach, and the person I hope to one day become under your tutelage.


    Digital intercourse. I like that. Man, I've slept with a lot of you fellas.

  4. My guess is that this would result in a doubling, tripling, quadrupling, etc.'ing of the government's current contribution to ALS research efforts. Like it or not, that's just politically unfeasible.


    That total was $39 million last year, down $5 million from the year before.


    Is it idealistic to ask our tax dollars to adequately (I'll drop the hot potato word fully) fund medical research? Yes. But if we can be idealistic in our foreign policy, in thinking that we can "spread democracy," often at the point of a bayonet, we can be idealistic at home.

  5. What is your definition of "fully funded?"


    Fully funded=ALS organizations don't feel the need to resort to fundraising gimmicks. I don't think this should be an issue in a country where corporations like Apple pay no taxes, where billions are flushed down the toilet of bureaucracy and where we think we can police the world. Let's see the Department of Agriculture have a bake sale to afford the high salaries of its administrators.


    To Aud's comment, and Taro's general gist, I see this as a separate issue from the role of government in improving social welfare. I tend to agree that private charities, private initiatives etc. can do a better job at, say, helping the homeless, maybe with some government funding, than the government itself can. I don't think it's fair to say, hey, the gubmint can't do everything, like adequately fund research into dread diseases, here, you nice American people do it.

  6. My problem with this whole challenge thing is that it essentially requires that someone assumes that I don't or have not already donated. "I know he probably didn't give any money so I'll challenge him! Hurrrrrr!"


    That's my issue. The challenge is an accusation.


    I feel that way when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. Why do they assume I need saving? Yeah, there's the 666 tat on my forehead...


    Little known historical fact: Lou Gehrig first fell ill after being doused by a bucket of cold water in the lockerroom after hitting a game-winning home run.

  7. nfreeman, I almost feel embarrassed to bring my own brief bout of depression into this — because it pales in comparison, I think, to the kind of depression LTS is talking about — but getting outside and walking last winter and going skating did wonders for me. The depression literally lifted for that time I was moving, then settled back in at home.


    On the other hand, for those with severe or chronic depression, it's not just a matter of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or "getting out there and feeling better!":


    There’s a common myth that a look on the bright side cures depression. That if you think positively enough, you’ll simply snap out of it. But individuals can’t snap out of depression any more than they can will themselves out of chronic asthma.

    Another misconception is that dysthymia doesn’t require treatment. Lifestyle changes, exercise, and social support are usually enough to improve short-term mild depression, Hellerstein said. But this doesn’t work for dysthymia. Most people with dysthymia have typically tried modifying their lifestyle; yet their depression doesn’t disappear, he said.


  8. Shifting gears a bit... I watched Good Morning, Vietnam last night and Awakenings tonight. Good Morning, Vietnam fell a little flat — it's the first time I've watched it since it was in theaters. I loved the improvisational work Williams did on the air. It just seemed like that was the whole point of the movie, to see if his comedic genius would translate to the big screen. Then they slapped on a fairly weak plot, because a movie needs a plot. Williams' acting wasn't great.


    It was great in Awakenings, and Robert De Niro was brilliant as well.


    Mrs. Doubtfire is next, if it's available at our Family Video. Yes, there are places left where people go to video stores.


    On a final note, there was a scene in Good Morning, Vietnam that brought me to tears. Kronauer, the DJ played by Williams, has his show reinstated, but he doesn't want to go back on the air. He and his assistant, played by Forest Whitaker, get stuck behind a convoy of troops headed for the front, and Whitaker tells the troops who's in his passenger seat in a ploy to play on the DJ's ego. Kronauer at first doesn't want to say anything, but then he stands up and starts working the crowd, asking where the troops are from, riffing, busting chops.


    I took the scene literally, Williams as himself, the troops the nation that loved him, and the final moments of the scene so apropos: Williams says he won't forget them, and vehicle after vehicle passes by him, the troops waving and cheering. Williams looks a little overwhelmed. His job is done.


    The scene, minus the troops passing by, is near the end of this clip.


  9. nfreeman, I almost feel embarrassed to bring my own brief bout of depression into this — because it pales in comparison, I think, to the kind of depression LTS is talking about — but getting outside and walking last winter and going skating did wonders for me. The depression literally lifted for that time I was moving, then settled back in at home.


    I also just found out my Vitamin D level is low, and that's linked to depression. It could be one of those chicken and egg deals, though. If you're depressed you might not be eating well, and you might not get out into the sun much.

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