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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. We have been outshot here in the 3rd need to get back to that 2nd period style of play that had us on our toes...
  2. Yuck hated him when he was a Sen...Guy is sneaky good.
  3. Not to worry, actually looks like Jeff came out early on a shift change and ended up catching the end of Jack and Sams shift.
  4. No issue with that just looks like Skinner snuck out with Jack and sam for a shift, why not every now and then.
  5. Can't wait till Dahlin gets enough experience to play like a Karlson.
  6. Much better movement and action on those last 2 PP's
  7. Need a simple quick movement shoot when its their PP.
  8. 1 pass too many and not looking sharp or smart with thr plays.
  9. SJS getting the more dangerous chances. Come on North south hockey with speed please
  10. They get the last line change so i was hoping that would allow for more favorable match ups and better play.
  11. Wow the team is back on their heels a bit too much. The physical play seems to be backing us off.
  12. Good observations as always may i say to the "T". What I see as well. I think the small amount of variation except situation-ally helps playing fast. Less thinking needed to adjust what you are asked to do.
  13. Yeah, now that you mention that I do recall some threads, posts and trepidation sprinkled around the angst over the line combinations themselves. Still when you have a young team and new combinations it makes sense to me anyways to let them work together to develop and establish a level you can work from. (Sabres Hockey?) I suspect or rather hope when he feels they have that level across the lines and pairings then you can make adjustments to the model w/o upsetting the whole dynamic. That I am hoping is playoff time ...
  14. Another Hockey night in Buffalo.. Solid work JSB getting this thing started. Lets keep the home streak going. Interesting comment ‘“We got all four lines that have been very stable in terms of combinations,” Vesey said. “We stayed patient and we’re finally getting rewarded.”‘ I hadn't thought much about it before I saw this but I haven't seen a lot of switching up during games most other coaches do and a reflection on I believe a RK vs. PH difference. I am digging the RK viva la difference.
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