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Samson's Flow

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Posts posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Especially on thursday. I've always bitched about stupid cashiers and drivers in here. I'm not taking it anywhere else.

    Fine, well i'm gonna support my baby and put my bad driving and wal-mart observations in my thread. So there.


    How can anyone really complain after such a sound victory last night? It's like complaining that your girlfriend got second place in the Miss America competition. I don't want to hear it :nana:

  2. Huh? Isn't it very few ingredients (lemon, egg, butter), but very difficult to prepare (I guess that's your second point)? I can't make it, so I'm not judging.

    Yeah thats what I meant. Sort of misspoke. The way he told me also has dried mustard and paprika and a few others I can't remember right now, but I was more speaking to the multiple steps needed to make it right. I'm no stranger to the kitchen, but i'm more meat and potatoes type chef than Emeril.

  3. just checking in to keep the thread going. Stafford must go.

    yeah but it's not happening until the trade deadline. I'm holding out hope that the team is waiting for the deadline frenzy to sell off peices to get a higher return.


    and in typical buffalo fashion, I would be more surprised if something actually happens than nothing. :bag:

  4. sorry dude i may be a lot of things but I really do respect chz way to much to be a creeper more than I have been. I mean come on, a hot girl who likes hockey and understands it, that deserves respect.

    Don't get me wrong buddy, I applaud you for your discretion last night. We need chz around here like we need Regier fired, and she takes the occasional line-crossing with class and grace consistently.


    That being said, the way you started off your little drunken rant had the potential to get interesting real quick and would have made for an entertaining if not disastrous evening. :devil:

  5. no complaints from me today.


    Finally get to see my g/f in south carolina for the next few days after shes been gone for a month for a physical therapy internship. It's mid 60's here and best yet, this whole trip is on my company's dime since I was working is SC all this week.


    I haven't seen a Sabres game in weeks, but I heard they are pretty sucky... :bag:

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