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Samson's Flow

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Posts posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Haha, the hiring of Tim Murray has enhanced the perception of budgetary strain in Ottawa, and the Ottawa fans have started to pour on the self-loathing. Excellent.

    If you haven't seen that Sens board from the original GM thread it was a beautiful perception change. From 'he won't leave' to 'sabres may take him' to 'oh sh*t what are we gonna do' to 'our owner sucks...' Awesomeness.

  2. He is the Sabres Blogger on hockeybuzz.com AKA Hockey Lies And Crap (named that only because of the guy who owns it Ecklund who is wrong on his rumors appx 97%of the time)

    I am aware of the reputation of hockeybuzz. I was just intrigued that the name sounded familiar. It's possible that he got that job once Garth went from Sabres blogger to a NHL general role... EDIT: Looks like it is the same guy I was thinking of. Small world. Sucks he's working for such a unreliable website...

  3. We'll likely end up with two or three first round picks. We can look to move one of the later picks.

    I think the current incarnation of the team is showing that having a bunch of first round players under 21 doesn't give that much immediate return on investment. It takes these kids at least 2-3 years before they should even realistically be considered for an NHL roster unless they are Crosby/McDavid level. I would prefer we trade one of the first rounders this year for a top 6 forward. Otherwise we are stuck in the never ending cycle of waiting for prospects.
  4. From Kevin Freiheit:


    Here are a few statements from earlier:


    "I've had many rebuilds in my career, I was a GM for 23 years, rebuilt a lot of teams, this is going to be fun." -Craig Patrick


    "I'm fairly aggressive guy and not afraid to make a mistake." -Tim Murray


    "If you're a good team you have to spend to the cap." - Tim Murray


    "I see a lot of good people in the organization and a lot of good things happening." -Tim Murray


    "You build a team through the draft. Good drafting allows you to trade well...you use free agency to put you over the top." - Tim Murray


    "This team is in last place right now; everyone can be traded." -Tim Murray

    Could that be the same Kevin Frieheit that I went to high school with? He started his own sabres based website and has been reporting from it for a while...
  5. Gold managers from last year who haven't joined yet:

    Tim Connolly's Ghost

    Touched by Boyes





    Foligno and Barnes





    Something Clever



    Plenty of open space in Blue and maybe soon in Gold if those mentioned don't join.

    You can take me out. (Touched by Boyes) - I have way too many football leagues this year and with additional work responsibilities I don't think I can be as active.


    Good luck guys!

  6. The Netflix original series House Of Cards. I was sick in bed all day yesterday and I caught up on a bunch of episodes. Kevin Spacey is awesome in it, and even though its just a show, I can't imagine that it's all that far off from reality as to what we get from our esteemed elected leaders that we send to Washington.

    I've been watching House of Cards as well and I have to say I have been very impressed. Kevin Spacey is certainly awesome in it and the episodes seem to flow better without the random cliffhangers that are added to network shows to keep you coming back for more every weeknight at 8. I still have two episodes to go so don't ruin it!


    Also, it looks like I may have gotten that job that will keep me local year round that I was talking about last week. Should include a decent pay raise but the best part is being able to be home every night by 5-6pm. Can't wait for a steady 9-5 after years of traveling to ###### farm locales and being delayed on flights until all hours of the night.

  7. I prefer to call it "My Day". :)




    Missing the first Sabres game that will be truly interesting. :(

    That's better than the alternative... there will be many more Sabres games in your future. You mess up valentines day you may not make it to the next one...

  8. Scheduling "Valentine's Day" 1 week after the real V-day (today) so restaurants would be less busy and flowers would be cheaper seemed like a great idea a few weeks ago when my wife suggested it.

    I'm guessing you didn't plan anything and then remembered it was today and are scrambling?


    I did the same thing since I was out of town last week so we planned an all-day saturday movie/dinner/drinks plan out at the galleria. Matinee movie went great but our plan for Cheesecake Factory at 2pm was squashed when the line was 2 hrs long. Really? at 2pm on a Saturday we thought we would be safe... :censored:

  9. It's northern Wisconsin, complain away!

    If you insist!


    Stuck in northern wisconsin (Appleton, WI to be exact) for a work assignment that will last two weeks with a co-worker who is about as exciting as Lindy's press conferences. I am really really getting sick of traveling every week for work and am going to be seriously looking for alternative employment opportunities that keep me in the great city of Buffalo year round. unfortunately I am dreading going back to the job hunt as it was not very fun the first time around out of college. I now have 3 years of experience in auditing and really don't think that adds much to looking for a job. I have a degree in accounting from SUNY Geneseo and good recommendations from my co-workers but it seems everything I look at in my pay grade wants a CPA and a million certifications (which I don't have).


    I've heard the horror stories of some of my friends as well as people on the SS board about how much job hunting sucks. Is it really too much to ask to have a job that will let me live in my own home and see my girlfriend more than once a week? Here's hoping something comes up soon... :(

  10. Well I was going to complain about being stuck in wintery northern Wisconsin for two weeks and missing valentines day and being home with my lady, but it all seems silly hearing about Shrader's complaint. I'm sorry to hear about that.


    To echo Chris_in_UT's thoughts, you should do everything in your power to let him see his daughter get married. It will also give him something to look forward to that will certainly give purpose to the cancer fight, which while small could be a nice silver lining.

  11. Some co-workers are working in Boston this week. The assignment calls for them to work until Friday evening, so they may be spending more time in baw-ston than they would like.


    Good news is I was able to get reassigned off the Boston job earlier this week to spend time with the lady friend at home :thumbsup:

  12. I certainly don't look at it as having to 'win' the trade but the fans bashing him for the sake of being contrarian are way off base. Everyone on the Sabres can't be horrible and Hodgson seems to fit in well on our top line and Vanek and Pomminstein are having strong starts partly because we have a capable pass first center for them now





    Delta changed my girlfriend's and my return flight from Denver for our ski trip (paid for months ago...before the layoff) to 6am (from an 11AM flight). We are staying at a resort a little over 2 hours away, so to get to the airport on time, with all of our ski stuff and unload, and check in, we would've had to leave at like 2 something in the morning. Not happening after 5 days of skiing. So I called Delta, and told them it would be too physically demanding for us to get to the airport on time, and that to change, I refused to pay $900 in change fees (what they were asking for). I was stern with the poor woman on the other end of the phone...and she changed my flight for me and my gf for no charge! F'N Fantastic.


    The rest of the group flies into Binghamton, and they just switched flights thru our ski club to a different carrier. My gf and I are flying into Syracuse, while her brother into Buffalo...gotta get his fee waived and flight changed later when he's done with work. I may have to call for him lol.

    As a frequent business flyer I can tell you that what you did is not easy to pull off. Delta is notorious for inflexibility in travel arrangements (they don't even have standby for ###### sake). Being stern is the best way to go about it though...


    On a related note flying back to buffalo as i speak to see my girl. Its never a bad thing to be heading home



    Am i the only one that thinks hodgson is great? the KID has been excellent, creating chance after chance. it is a joke if you think luke adam is even close to what this kid is. vanek and pommer do not make him good, he is good, and he is what allows vanek and pommer to be even better. he is a perfect fit on that line and he will only get better. how many nhl games has the kid played? give him a freakin break.

    not at all. I can't believe the posters upthread that are comparing hodgson to Luke Adam? Its not even close. Hodgson is certainly one of the reasons that line is so successful. Sure Vanek and pommers are the best two players on that line, but Hodgson has made the plays to allow them to play to that level


    Is Hodgson benefiting from being with Vanek/Pommer more than, less than or the same as Kassian is benefiting from being with Sedin/Sedin?


    Remember, if you answer "same as" or "more than", then you are acknowledging that Vanek/Pommer are as good as or better than Sedin/Sedin at making their teammates better.

    less. Not even close
  15. I keep reminding myself I know 200 former colleagues that are unemployed right now. :cry:

    Basically my entire Geneseo graduating class that I keep in touch is either unemployed or still in school. Then again they were all teaching majors.


    And I have the nerve to complain about traveling for work and only being in Buffalo one week out of the month :ph34r:

  16. We are way behind on a project so the entire project team has been put on a schedule that has us working 24/7. I'm working Superbowl Sunday night.

    F*** you, right?


    One of my friends has a training thing to go to starting next week Monday. The flight to take them to Jacksonville, FL leaves at 4pm Sunday night. :wallbash:

  17. When you watch the game look at Hodgson's play away from the puck. Watch how he pulls defenders away from play that Vanek is making, things like that. He's got hockey smarts.

    Agreed, watching him in the rochester games and the scrimmage earlier this year (the only live games i've seen) he makes a lot of subtle plays to get teammates in good position to make plays. He does have a tendency to force passes to tight places but that should hopefully improve with confidence and experience.

  18. Freakin' right.


    I came home Tuesday night to hear a drip, drip, drip coming from the basement. I go downstairs to find water dripping out of the electric box thingy (found out later it's a circuit breaker box, learn something every day).


    Go out to the car this morning and find my freakin' door is frozen shut. WTF week.

    Water + breaker box = bad news bears


    Hopefully that's not your problem to fix cause that is not an ideal situation

  19. Cody Hodgson is centering a line that has 13 pts in two games. If he can keep up anything close to resembling that pace I will not care what kind of player Zack Kassian becomes.

    This is my sentiment, especially since if you look at recent success in the playoffs and regular season, quality centers and center depth seem to be the indicator of consistent success. So IMO I would trade a winger for a center every time...

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