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Samson's Flow

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Posts posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Don't know if this practice still goes on in WNY high schools, but back in my day(mid 70's), the boys always swam naked. Looking back, WTF was that all about. :blink:

    As far as I remember the swimming unit in high school is now optional, and most certainly clothed. I did hear stories from "back in the day" that swimming naked was the norm.


    Glad I wasn't in high school in the 70's...

  2. *insert inevitable size and toughness rebuttal here* :P





    I think that's the thing I look at for Vancouver. Right now they need the player they believe Kassian can be...in a year or two down the road. He's not what they need at this particular point in time, which is why I was shocked the trade happened. By the time Kassian fully develops, there's a good chance Henrik Sedin will be in steep decline (it may already be starting) and at that point Hodgson would have a role on the team. If Kassian were more developed it would have made more sense to me from Vancouver's perspective.


    One thing I take from the article, which could be perceived in a positive or negative light, was the bit about how some teammates thought Hodgson was a little bit too ambitious. In that locker room I can see how it would be a problem--you're a rookie behind Hart and Selke winners on the depth chart, shutup and do as you're told to do. On the other hand I think that's EXACTLY the kind of attitude the Sabres have been missing in the locker room. We desperately needed a guy who wanted to be a star, who wants ice time, wants the puck in critical situations. Is he ready for the entirety of that load as a rookie? Unlikely. However I want a guy with that attitude on my team, and hopefully leading the team in the not-too-distant future.

    I think this attitude from a young guy in the locker room could be the start of turning around the Derek Roy club med locker room (*purely speculation*) to a real NHL group with a little more resilience. The effect can only be fully examined years into the future though

  3. Good read, it was very interesting reading the comments from the Vancouver fans that were trying to rationalize the trade in thier favor by using the mythical "concept of Kassian". It was definitely meant to be a long term trade and should be evaluated as such, but short term we are definitely winning this trade and it isn't close. The injury to Sedin only puts salt in the wound.

  4. Some how I still land on boobs here.

    I wouldn't mind landing on some right now myself.

    Everytime I come into this thread the first thing I want to post is 'boobs'. For some reason I stop myself everytime...


    ... glad to see i'm not the only one :thumbsup:

  5. I just had an unplanned 2 hour phone call for a project that was all based upon one major assumption:

    "If they allow us to break from the standard procedure, this is what we will do"


    Don't you think we should check and see if they'll let us break protocol like that first before going off on a long-winded planning session?

    Which reminds me, even though I requested to be local all next week, the boss just put me on a job in Michigan all next week that I just 'had' to be on. It's frustrating being at the mercy of the man upstairs...

  6. I like what I saw out of Hodgson last night. I wasn't expecting him to instantly be a world beater (actually I would have been a little worried if he was - another Bernier/Torres). I could definitely see his hockey sense and there were quite a few times I noticed him tie up a trailing winger on the break to stop a scoring chance. That was impressive to me since he had only been with the team a day or so. He generated scoring chances for Ennis and Stafford. Hope he keeps improving for us going forward.

  7. Speak for yourself. That was high entertainment.

    Especially since that wild night was during a stretch when the Sabres were sucking and there were no games for a bit. We all needed some light-hearted posting... :thumbsup:

  8. Oh if Adam's already back in ROC leave him there, I haven't been paying attention. Ellis obviously goes there then. And I thought McCormick was still hurt, too. Like I said, I've been kinda MIA with the cats, sorry, maybe I should just not post right now LOL

    I think McC is still on the shelf, but I just wanted to point out that we have plenty of guys to fill that 4th line winger slot without having to waste Adam in that spot. He needs ice time and to succeed in the AHL.

  9. Vanek - Ennis - Pominville

    Leino - Hodgson - Stafford

    Gerbe - Roy - Kaleta

    Adam - Szczechura - Boyes

    Where does Ellis and McCormick go?


    I like the center pairings - i'd like to see Roy on the third line since he is the best defensive center of the three (unless Hodgson is really that much of a 2 way). Keep Adam in ROC to give him some serious ice time and confidence.

  10. Cody Hodgson is signed through 2013 and will be an RFA. He is 188lbs and 6' tall and is a natural center with 33pts this year (rookie year) and he is a former 1st round 10th overall pick.. in the infamous 2008 entry draft.

    That's why I don't understand why some people are flipping. We traded our best prospect who in his NHL experience looked very raw and seemed to have little hockey sense for a better prospect who has scored 33 pts this year in his rookie year and a position of need in center.


    Yes it would have been great to package gragnani, ellis and a pick for Hodgson and keep Kassian, but that aint happening. This is about as good as you can do to get Hodgson

  11. +1 on that, I love the Burrito-Subway class of restaurants. There's a Qdoba that's more convenient to me, but I think I like Moe's better.

    As a frequent traveler for work, the 'fast casual' chains are my go to. Anytime I can find a Salsaritas/Moe's/Chipotle or a Subway I usually go there over the greasy burger places. Keeps me from weighing 300 lbs. :D

  12. sitting around waiting for my yearly work eval!!!!!!


    oh, wait ...

    It's awesome if it accompanies your yearly (hopefully) pay raise...


    Another thing that is awesome is finishing up your work for the week on Thursday so you can "work from home" on Friday :D

  13. Timmay's is good but I like McDonalds. 79 cents for a huge coffee and it's rather good. I don't have to waste a ton of gas waiting in line either.

    Yeah but everytime I go into a McDonalds I feel all gross inside. It's like my stomach knows it's about to have a rough night of the McGurgles... :sick:

  14. In no particular order ....

    Mogilny in his prime.

    AC/DC any time, any place.

    Being pleasured orally (can I say that here)



    Days off

    My kids

    My wife

    Back In Black from start to finish

    Red wine


    F150 Ecoboost

    I see some overlap there... at least hopefully ;)

  15. Because it's thursday.

    I just don't want my first 1000 to go down as me arguing with shrader's 11,000+ on the merits of Complaint Thursday. I mean, WTF is that all about ( :nana:)


    I'm going over to the boobies thread where I belong...

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