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Posts posted by chileanseabass

  1. Interesting, the hospital we were at specifically banned everyone other than staff for that exact reason. I guess it's well founded.


    Yeah, when my ex-wife had hers, I excused myself from the room, knowing that nothing good would come from me being there. This time, they actually gave me an assignment, to sit in a chair and support my wife's feet. I have a history of passing out, and both my wife and I thought it was a bad idea, but I said I thought I could man up and tough it out. Yeah, no. Luckily I just slumped right into her and the nurses came and picked me up while they did the epidural, and I spent about 5 minutes laying down on the floor until I sobered up.


    The best part is that my wife said as soon as I passed out, I had a massive release of gas, the smell of which was so bad she thought I ###### my pants.

  2. His job is too easy to deserve any sort of recognition, other than the fact that he didn't faint in the delivery room, if, indeed, he didn't.


    My jackass brother did. He's such an ass and not for the fainting.


    I'll admit it. I did not faint during delivery, but I did pass out during the epidural. Yup, the truth's out.


    IIRC, he cheated on his wife with her brother's then wife. He then eloped with his sister-in-law, basically.


    I have a question. If he gets divorced again, are his kids still cousins?


    Yeah, something like that. Affair with his sister-in-law, then married her.

  4. The Pre-emptive Burrito is brilliant. If you're going to have explosive diarrhea, why not?


    I start the prep at noon tomorrow (four Dulcolax), then hit the jug of chilled Gatorade/Miralax powder starting at 2. The "action" is predicted to start, according to the instructions, between 2 and 3 o'clock.


    Maybe we have can a pool...


    So your bowels will be exploding around the same time my daughter is born. Wonderful.

  5. Congrats in advance! If you're a first timer (like I am), my tips for the hospital trip are: don't bother with "entertainment" stuff like books or even movies. We dragged a bunch of stuff in there that we never touched, you won't have time. The only thing we did watch were a DVD or two worth of Scrubs episodes (seemed apropos). Only take a change of clothes or two, you won't have time to shower every day. Ideally, have you hair cut in such a way that it looks good straight out of bed. I lucked out that my hair looks OK in all the first pictures even though I hadn't cleaned up or slept much in the last 24 hours.


    It's my 2nd and her 4th, but our first together.

  6. Friday is a much better day. Go for that. ;)


    I told my wife she has to have her on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, as I only have two more paid days off between now and the end of the year thanks to my 6 days-in-the-hospital-thanks-to-appendicitis episode back in April. So far they're both complying. She really wanted to have her last Friday, but the baby said no. Then my wife thought she was going into labor yesterday morning, but she refused to give in, as my stepdaughter's birthday party was last night, and her birthday is today. The last thing my wife wants is for her two girls to share a birthday. The Doctor was absolutely amazed she hasn't had her yet. She's pretty much been walking around 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced for well over a week now.

  7. The St Louis Blues, have added this offseason Brian Boyle and Paul Stastny. They also resigned Ott and Brian Elliot and will be promoting Jake Allen to the active roster. How much of an impact this will have is unclear but they should easily be a playoff team again this year and will probably finish in the 4-7 range in the west. Do not let a poor showing in the playoffs allow to believe this isn't a good team.


    I thought Brian Boyle signed with Tampa....

  8. Geez. There's always a chance, man... my grandfather went home on Hospice somewhere around 1999 with an inoperable brain tumor. He died this past March (2014) of lymphoma.


    Definitely true. My grandmother "died" of a massive heart attack back in 2000. She was pronounced dead and taken off of life support. After my aunt had left the hospital, giving the green light to take her off life support, they noticed some activity in her vitals and she came back. She thought it was 1975, but she was back. 75% of her heart was permanently damaged and not functioning, so they told us to expect her to live another year tops. She finally passed away last year, having lived 13 years on 25% of her heart, and it was dementia and alzheimers that did her in. The doctors could never explain how she came back.

  9. yeah, ###### cancer


    I'll second that one, for people and pets. A friend of mine was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer recently. He finally went to the doctor to get it checked out and they found a grapefruit sized growth on his brain. He asked the doctor what percentage chance he had to recover, and the doctor looked him in the eye and said "none." He had an operation about three weeks ago to remove it, and is going through radiation, but it's really taking a toll on him. For someone who was easily the friendliest, most warm and outgoing person I knew, he's a shell of his former self.

  10. Well the couple that wanted to buy our house backed out, because there was too much moisture under the house. This is the south and it had rained the previous three days. Two experts came in and told them it was no big deal, but their parents to them to walk, so they did. Now we're back to square one.


    I have two stepsons, 13 & 12. The oldest has been living with his Dad in Hawaii for the past year. The whole year he was out there we were told everything was great, but come to find out, things weren't going well. He spent the summer here with us, and his brother went out to Hawaii, and just went back last Wednesday. Sunday night we get a text saying he needs to come back, that his Dad can't deal with him anymore, and basically kicked him out. So we had to cough up $1100 for a last minute one-way ticket to fly him back. His Dad didn't even let him use a suitcase, just two bookbags. He came back with only 3 shirts and two pairs of shorts. No underwear besides the pair he was wearing, socks, shoes (just a pair of flip flops), etc. My wife was livid. Plus she's due in 4 weeks. Oh, yeah and come to find out he failed 6th grade. Dad never followed up with him on anything, and said he needed to be a man and take care of himself. Now my wife is trying to get him registered for school today.


    We're living pretty cosy at the moment. Soon to be 5 kids in a 1300 SF house. Ugh.

  11. Impressive, but I'm talking Don Paul here, dean of Buffalo meteorologists.


    On the same trip, he was stuck at ORD with a cancelled flight and ended up sharing a bowl of peanuts with Alan Thicke in the Admirals Club. They got to talking and Thicke said he was on his way to LAX to do some work on a new TV show, showed my dad the script, and it was Growing Pains.

  12. My wife is due in early September which will bring us to 4 total kids in the house (her two plus my one, and the baby). Now her oldest son wants to move in with us after he finishes 8th grade next year (he currently lives in Hawaii with his dad, but has been here all summer). We've totally outgrown our 1335 sf, 3 bedroom house. We put it on the market on a whim 2 weeks ago (FSBO), had our first showing Friday to a young married couple from Buffalo, and just heard that they're making an offer today. We never expected things to move this quickly, plus they're offering more than we expected. There's still a ways to go in this whole process, but it's looking good for now!

  13. I got to see a lot of Dalpe while he was in Charlotte. He has decent size, but doesn't really use it. He's a finesse player with good vision on the ice and a nose for the net. It has never translated to success with Carolina or Vancouver, as he seems to blend in the with skill level he's paired with. Two years ago he came out of Carolina camp flying on a line with E Staal (I think Buccigross predicted he'd win the Calder on Staal's line). Once he was bumped off Staal's wing, he disappeared. He played mostly 3rd/4th line minutes in Vancouver and didn't do much. He's dynamite as a top line guy in the AHL, but his skill set just doesn't translate to the 3rd/4th lines of the NHL. I do like the signing though, good for Rochester or as a recall guy, and maybe he can really impress in camp.

  14. Speaking of ralphing, some of you will when I say this:


    That Chef Boyardee pizza in a box isn't half bad. It's not half good, either, mind you. There's something about it. Takes me back. Comfort food.


    *ducks while some of you get pitchforks. I think I'm safe for awhile, as y'all are busy milling your own homegrown wheat for the crusts you'll be making later. Eleven's pepperoni is probably curing in a dark room as we speak — and yes, that's a euphemism.



    It's not that bad. I grew up on that stuff. It happened to be the only pizza sauce my mom could find that didn't have enough garlic in it to put her in bed for a few days (she's highly allergic). I don't think I've had it since I was 15 or 16, and have absolutely no plans to get it anytime soon, but it's not bad.


    It's not that bad. I grew up on that stuff. It happened to be the only pizza sauce my mom could find that didn't have enough garlic in it to put her in bed for a few days (she's highly allergic). I don't think I've had it since I was 15 or 16, and have absolutely no plans to get it anytime soon, but it's not bad.


    Oh, and my Dad insisted on having sausage on the pizza, so it was always those frozen brown 'n serve breakfast links, cut up in little circles. Gah.

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