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Posts posted by chileanseabass



    Will do. Let's see what they say...


    In case anyone was interested in a Latvia jersey, I got the following response from IceJerseys.com


    "Sorry NIKE in Canada did not produce any Latvia among some other teams as well, very frustrating for the vendor and consumer."


    Sounds like this could be difficult to track down...


    Yeah, I found that one too, problem is, it's a replica from eBay. I know folks that have been burned by those so called legit jerseys. Plus, those aren't even the right designs for the jerseys (see link below). I'm looking for an authentic or even replica of the Nike jersey they're wearing in Sochi.



  3. McCabe just drilled a kid, stood him up as he was coming through center. He got his hands up a bit and picked up 5 for a check to the head, plus a game misconduct. After the hit he got jumped, but he didn't back down one bit.

  4. Wisconsin vs. Minnesota is on BTN tonight and tomorrow. Pretty good game so far thru two. McCabe is fun to watch. Runs around a little bit too much, but loves to throw his weight around and jump into the play. Two huge hits for him so far tonight.


    Edit: McCabe scores a nice goal late in the 3rd to break a 1-1 tie.

  5. Feel better that has to be terrible.


    Yes, it is. Sorry to hear your news as well, but be grateful it happened now. Whether she found another guy or not is irrelevant. Just be glad she jumped ship before you got too serious. It's 100 times worse when a crazy broad decides she "wants to be single" after you've been married for 3 years and have a kid together. You're young, enjoy your life and when the time and person are right, it'll all work out.


    P.S. - I realize my comments do nothing to make you feel better, but just trying to share some perspective from someone who has been there.


    P.P.S. - I had a craving for Chinese food for lunch, so I hobbled over to the little mom & pop Chinese restaurant across the street, and ordered my usual, sesame chicken with fried rice and a spring roll. Brought it back to my office and sat down only to realize they gave me sweet & sour chicken with an egg roll. I was the only damn person in the restaurant! So, I'm begrudgingly eating this, because I don't feel like hobbling back over there to complain.

  6. 1. Got my son back Monday from a week at his mom's with either Hand Foot & Mouth or Chicken Pox. Took him to the doctor on Monday evening and she had no clue what it was. Said it could be either of them, and to act as if he's highly contagious. My wife, who runs the daycare he attends, said "no way" to allowing him to go, so he's been coming to work with me this week.


    To follow up on one of my complaints from last week, it was definitely hand foot and mouth he had, because now I have it. The doctor told me not to worry as it's "extremely rare" for adults to get it. Well, Friday it started with a sore throat and slight fever, then Sunday morning out came the flippin blisters. All over my fingertips, feet, toes, and a few random ones scattered here and there. These aren't normal blisters either. Small, and painful as hell. The ones on my fingers have all seemingly calloused over, but walking around with 40-50 blisters on the bottom of each foot is miserable. I've been hobbling around everywhere for days now. Plus, I'm apparently contagious for five days, so I've been quarantined so the wife and kids don't get it. I believe I'm no longer contagious today, but this crap lasts for about a week and a half in all.

  7. I've bought a few in my time. Had one with ongoing problems, two others that were great cars. It is really dependent on what the damage was and how good the repair is. This is the ultimate buyer beware scenario. I'd say pass unless you know what you are looking for. I had the advantage of a FIL who was in the auto body repair biz and helped me choose good vehicles.


    I'll add this, do NOT buy fire damaged or flood damaged vehicles. Their problems take a good bit of time to surface, examples being corrosion on structural parts and even corrosion on electrical connections. Look at the title and verify that the vehicle has not seen flood or fire.


    Sounds like good advice to me. Thanks.

  8. FWIW, I own a Mazda SUV (the CX9) with 72K on it and am really happy with it. I've also driven the Mazda 3 version you're considering a number of times and like that one too.


    One possibility to consider -- especially at this time of year since I think this is the slow period for car sales so the deals are good -- is shopping around for a cheapo lease deal on any of the Mazda 3, Hyundai Elantra, Kia Forte or Ford Fusion (all of which are highly-rated cars). You may be able to find something like $170/month for 3 years with $0 up front. At that price, it's probably a better economic deal than buying a used one.


    I've looked into leases before, but I easily put 20-25K miles a year on my car. With mileage limits being 12-15K, I always figured I'd get killed.

  9. I almost bought a former rental car a few years ago. IIRC my research indicated that the idea that people abuse rental cars is a myth — it might even be the opposite. And the cars are supposedly very well maintained. Mostly highway miles, too, you'd think.


    I've been looking at former rentals as well. That's all my Dad will buy. He's a die hard Hertz guy - rents them and buys them. I know whenever I have a rental I baby it more than my own car since I don't want to pay extra for any damages, but I see where that "rental = abused" line of thinking comes from.

  10. 2012 Focus SE here, 5 speed, 5 door, drives tight like a euro car, it's under powered but priced accordingly. We've had 2 small probs - heated seat not working, and the a/c is weak. The seat pad was replaced with a quick dealer visit. The a/c is what it is I'm told. Overall we really like it, but now she wants an ST! My inlaws have the same Focus model but auto trans and have had a lot of probs with it requiring many visits to dealer to get software updates. I think it's finally tolerable for them but yeah I'd avoid 2012 automatic.


    Good luck! Sounds like you are due for it.


    I wouldn't mind a manual transmission, but I need the auto in case my wife ever needs to drive it. I like pretty much everything about the Focus, except the transmission issues I've heard about with the auto. Thanks for the heads up!

  11. As some of you may have seen in the complaint thread, I got an 07 Hyundai Elantra back in October, and it was totaled when I was rear ended at a stoplight in December. A few weeks back I got an 08 Honda Civic Hybrid, which after owning for two days, the hybrid battery crapped out on me. The dealer agreed to take it back, and now I'm back to square one.


    I've got about $13K to spend. I want to pay cash, no financing. I drive 40 miles round trip for work, so something fuel efficient is a plus. While it will mainly be just a commuter for me, I've got 3 kids with a 4th on the way in the fall, so something with decent room is also a plus (my wife has a van, so if we need to haul all the kids around, we'll use that).


    Here's what I've been looking at, with a few thoughts on each. I'm to the point with reading reviews on various websites that all cars invariably are flawed, and everyone has something to complain about. Anyone on here have any experience with these models?


    2012/2013 Ford Focus - not a big fan of the new auto transmission, plus I've heard of lots of problems with the computerized components.


    2012/2013 Hyundai Elantra - I enjoyed my 07 for the short time I had it, but this is the redesigned version, and I'm not a huge fan of the look.


    2012/2013 VW Passat - Easily the largest, roomiest, and most comfortable, but I worry about reliability. I know early/mid 2000 VW's were notorious for electrical problems, plus if something does go wrong, they're not cheap to fix. Supposedly the new VW's made in TN are much improved, and it was Motor Trend's 2012 COTY. Any thoughts on VW reliability?


    2012/2013 Mazda 3 - The most fun to drive, decent MPG. I had an 04 (ex-wife took it), and she's at 100K on it now and it sounds like hell. My Dad had two 626's and both had serious transmission issues between 120K and 150K.



    Usually the logical choices in this class are the Corolla and Civic. I rented a 2013 Corolla and I wasn't impressed, and a co-worker that has always had Civics got a new 2013, and doesn't it like it, plus I didn't care for the 08 Hybrid for the few days I owned it. Any help is appreciated!

  12. 1. Got my son back Monday from a week at his mom's with either Hand Foot & Mouth or Chicken Pox. Took him to the doctor on Monday evening and she had no clue what it was. Said it could be either of them, and to act as if he's highly contagious. My wife, who runs the daycare he attends, said "no way" to allowing him to go, so he's been coming to work with me this week.


    2. I was in a car wreck on Dec. 10th, which totaled my car and left me with a messed up shoulder. I've been getting treatments 2-3 times a week, but still haven't been cleared to resume playing hockey. I missed the last 6 games of the season, including our run through the playoffs that culminated in a 4-3 shootout loss last night. Yes, they decided a championship via shootout. Our team was undermanned as I was out with the bum shoulder, and had two teammates out because they were stuck in other cities and couldn't make it home due to the "horrendous snow storm" that has shut down most of the southeast.


    3. After being in a rental for three weeks following my wreck, I finally attempted to buy a car two weeks ago, and settled on a slightly used Honda Civic Hybrid. I test drove it a few times, checked everything out and it seemed great. Went back a few days later to finalize the paperwork and the engine light popped on at the dealership. The mechanic tried to pull the code, but it wasn't giving one, so the dealer told me to take it, and if it came back on, to get the code and he'd fix whatever was wrong with it. The next day, the light was back and the code was - "Deteriorated Hybrid Battery Pack." I drove it back to the dealer Saturday morning (45 mins from my house), and he took it to Honda to get the battery checked out. I was in Vegas the next week for work and left the car with him. Honda tried a software upgrade, which didn't work and later determined the battery needed to be replaced ($2,600). On his way back to his dealership, the guy rear ended a woman, leaving "scratches on both cars" (as he told me). So, he agrees to take the car back, and I said I'd drive back up there this weekend to look at something else. Yesterday my insurance company calls and says the woman he hit got a lawyer, and for now, I'm on the hook since the car is insured in my name (NC law). So my insurance company is trying to get his insurance company to take this over, and they're not sure if they want to, which would mean it still stays on me, until my insurance company can subrogate against them.


    That's enough for now, but I do have more should I feel like typing more later.

  13. Last Tuesday (12/10) I was sitting at a stop light and was rear ended. Guy hit me so hard the quarter panel buckled, the screws that hold the bumper on were driven into the tires, and it even opened my sun roof. The attending cop told me I'd get the other guys info in the police report, and didn't want me to talk to him. He said the police report would be ready no later than Friday. Finally got the report yesterday (after I personally bitched to the chief), only to find out the guys insurance lapsed (in NC it's illegal to not have auto insurance). My car has been stuck at the body shop accruing storage fees, and I've been paying out of pocket for a rental. I started treatment for my injuries, which so far has been good, but if my shoulder doesn't respond, then I may have a partially torn rotator cuff.


    Oh, and a rock chipped the windshield on my rental.


    Oh, and I also have a sinus infection and bronchitis, currently running a fever of 102.7.

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