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Everything posted by SDS

  1. But the latter really has no bearing on the former. People change and just because they change doesn’t mean they didn’t behave poorly in the past.
  2. FWIW, I only said he earned a -1 on a play. 🤷🏻
  3. Fans have a way of turning even the most innocuous statement against people. Terry said some things in his first press conference and people have done nothing, but have used it against him since. If I’m a GM in this situation, I would never say it’s playoffs or bust. That backs you into bad decisions. are you making the best decision for the franchise moving forward or are you making a decision to be one of 16 teams in a tournament that may be against your best interest in the future? This is a Fool’s game. Adams wants to build long-term success. The playoffs come for free doing this and without boxing himself in with fan friendly phrases.
  4. Exactly. Since when are we obligated to give kudos to people we don’t like?
  5. Nah. I’d rather just go with the name change. 👍
  6. Fair enough. Personally, I’m having fun and there’s no amount of counter statistical analysis that matters much to me. This isn’t a serious opinion that matters and I reserve the right to laugh if he falls on his ass on the ice even if he gets a hat trick. it’s really no big deal. So can I get that name change completed for you?
  7. But you assume that someone is trying to make a logical case. No one here is on the NHL network trying to be unbiased or writing for the AP. You don’t need to be logical to hate Winnipeg. I don’t have to be logical to hope that Jack never scores another goal again and all he experiences is derision from the fans every day for the rest of his life. I hope his first taste of the playoffs ends in a Winnipeg sweep. I’ll probably say something here and I’ll laugh. And it doesn’t really matter if it’s irrational because I’m just a dude watching a hockey game.
  8. Some of us are just having fun. It’s OK not to have to stand up and defend your thesis to the room. It’s just a game. 🤷🏻 I mean, you hate Winnipeg. Personally, I couldn’t come up with a single disparaging mark against that franchise simply because I never give them a second thought. It’s just sports.
  9. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
  10. 5/8. Not too bad after 30 seconds of analysis.
  11. Any chance we could just talk about the playoffs here?
  12. Yes he has embraced a “new role“. He doesn’t appear to be an entitled douche bag. He just appears to be a marginal hockey player right now that inspires little confidence that he’s going to blossom into something else. Maybe he does, but I would rather that be with another team if we can get something we need in a trade. No one here is more patient than me, but if next year is going to be serious, let’s start putting the forks on the left and the spoons on the right.
  13. How is this wishful? Coaches try to put players in certain spots all the time and the player rejects that role. If he sees himself as a second line player, but has no future with the Sabres in that role, why would he not want to pursue that elsewhere? Why would he accept a fourth line roll or at best a third line roll just because?
  14. He could also just say I don’t want to do that, ask for a trade, and go somewhere else and play the style he wants to play.
  15. https://theleafsnation.com/news/amp/how-important-are-faceoffs-in-hockey The majority of the people in this world don’t take the time to update their priors. They just pass along the things the guy before them said.
  16. Absolutely. For all of the hand ringing about not bringing in better players and making the playoffs now, I don’t see how anyone projects Krebs as someone on our young development list as a keeper and not someone who gets traded for a specific need.
  17. Regardless, there still wasn’t much to like back then.
  18. So that’s really, really weird because he was terrible on day one.
  19. I’ve never met a goalie or someone who was extensively involved in hockey who hasn’t said something to the effect that your goalie should be the best skater on the team.
  20. What on earth could have been posted that he needed to respond the way he did?
  21. Is it? Because he certainly seems to be a much better player at the end of the season than when he came here. I’m not saying he has more development to do, but I’m not quite sure it’s what you see is what you get either.
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