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Well, I think the idea that 526 put forth was that the Rangers could conceivably buy Drury out, making him a UFA and thus able to be signed for whatever the market will bear (which presumably will be much less than his current deal). I don't think this will happen if the Rangers make the playoffs, but if they don't, I could see it happening.

True - possible, but probably not likely. And I'll admit I briefly scanned 526's post and didn't really stop to think about it.

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This is a very good post. Here is my response:


1. I expect the top 6 on D next year to be Myers, Butler, Rivet, Montador, Sekera and either Weber or a FA/trade pickup. (Paul Martin from NJ is a UFA after this year -- he would be a great add.) While Rivet and Montador have struggled lately, I don't agree that they have shown themselves to be tremendous liabilities. Rivet may be on the downside, but I think he still has enough in the tank to give the Sabres another respectable year.


As for Montador, he had a very solid 1st half of the year (which I think even you admitted to at one point), and I do expect him to be better next year. He's only 30 (Rivet is 35), which is not at all old for a defenseman. Spacek struggled quite a bit in his first year here too (and he was older then than Montador is now).


I think Sekera will be ready for prime time next year and will add a lot of speed and offense to the Sabres' blue line, albeit with some turnovers and other screwups that make everyone pull their hair out. I see him following a career path similar to Soupy's. Campbell was still getting healthy-scratched for defensive deficiencies until he was 25. Sekera is 23 and his game really reminds me of Campbell's.


I think next year will probably be Weber's last shot to grab an NHL job. I'd love to see him do it, as he has the body and the temperament to put an opposing forward through the boards if he hits Miller, and I'd love one of the young defensemen to be the guy who does it, but he hasn't shown anything in about 2 years. Alternatively, if Weber isn't able and Lydman will re-sign a cheap contract, I can see them re-signing Lydman.


2. As for the top 6 forwards, what happens in the offseason will, I think, be driven by what happens in the remainder of this season and playoffs. I would guess the most likely outcome is that unless Mac lights it up over the rest of the season, he'll be traded in a Paille-type move to make room for Ennis (who is 13th in the AHL in scoring). I also think a trade is possible for a Nathan Horton type (ie a talented underachiever like Briere or Dumont). I do not expect them to dump Stafford, although I could see him being traded in my hypothetical trade. I also do not expect a Kovy-type UFA signing.


3. Conclusion: I expect 2 new faces in the top 6 D next year (Sekera and either Weber or a player from outside the organization) and 1 or 2 faces in the top 6 forwards (probably Ennis and maybe a trade). I also expect guys like Myers, Butler, Montador, Vanek, Stafford, Gaustad and Kaleta to continue to improve. If it all works out per my master plan, I would expect the Sabres to be Cup contenders next year -- and then maybe you'll see the February trade for the stretch run that you want.




I guess the best way to respond is point by point.


1) The Defense: Rivet and Montador? I can't see keeping two 6th/7th defensemen at that price unless one becomes the next Nathan Paetsch. If I had to pick one to go it would be Rivet, simply because I want to do something else with the 'C'. Sekera? I don;t see the commitment to Sekera. I don;t know if he is a player that Ruff can coach to be better. Considering that the Sabres have had some pretty poor efforts by defensman this season it is surprising that Weber has not gotten a real look yet. I would love to see a detailed scouting report on Weber's play this season. I like Myers and Butler as 1-2. I am not willing to rule out Tallinder as the #3 man. It would not be for a long term deal or for any significant raise which I am sure he will get elsewhere. I like the idea of Paul Martin as well. I would rather see the Sabres use Stafford to bring in a younger blueliner for the long term.


2)I think Horton would be a great fit and a great sell to the fans. I would like to see the Sabres invest in a top three forward. This is such a great hockey town I just wish Regier got the concept of creating buzz. The Bills are at all time low. It just seems when the Bills are low the hold back instead of taking that step as the #1 sport in this town which I believe is possible. That aside, the brat pack needs to be broken up. The Sabres may have their "core" they just need to realize this "core" is taking the team anywhere. This team has the same "core" as a Tootsie-Roll Pop, soft in the middle. The "core" needs to get a lot grittier and tougher to play against. They do have talent, just not the little things to take this franchise to the next level. Stafford and Mac are not "top 6" and I think they proved it this year. The Sabres needed them to step up and they both simply continued on the same inconsistent paths. IMO, they are both trade fodder at this point. Haven't seen anything from either I would be willing to invest money and time in trying to salvage.


3) You said "continue to improve." I honestly don't see any player on the this roster, with the exception of Kaleta, that i would say has improved their game over last year. Maybe Butler to a certain extent. I don't count Kennedy or Myers with this being their first year. I don's see any player in the "top six" as a player that I can say "this guy is taking his game to the next level this season." Roy is Roy. Connolly is what he is when healthy, knock on wood. Pominville maybe better overall than a year ago, still not as effective as he was right after the lockout. Vanek? I wish there was someone in this organization that could relate to this kid and get his game where is should. Right now Vanek represents my biggest fear about Myers. That we are seeing his best early and that the level we are all mentally projecting is unrealistic, maybe due to this coaching staff.

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