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[OT] Sad but yet not surprising.


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Not only are there always drunk drivers on the road(all hours of the day and night), there are also too many driver distractions w/cell phones at the top of the list.


I am pleading with everyone, don't walk or bike on any roads other than a subdivision and even then, stay on the sidewalk if possible. It is just too dangerous.


I live in this area and there is absolutely no shoulder for the most part on Aurora between William and Clinton. It was just repaved in the last year and why they couldn't put a 2 ft. shoulder on each side is a mystery to me.


Very sad. :(


PS Screw the rules of the road. If you really must be out there on secondary and main roads, always face traffic.

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There was some sort of collision just outside our apartment complex here in Ohio on Sunday afternoon - apparently one guy, who lives in our complex, hit another guy then acted like nothing happened and just went home. The other guy was pissed and followed him home (no idea why he didn't just call the cops and read the plate number to him) and he was telling one of my neighbors that the guy who hit him was slurring and wobbly, so he was pretty sure he was drunk.


No idea how it all played out in the end, but it all happened about 45 minutes after Browns pissed away their game against Baltimore, so I have no doubt it was a Browns fan who was boozing it up at a bar or a friend's house and was too irresponsible to find another way home. It's scary to realize that douchebags still act like this, knowing how many people have been killed by drunk drivers.

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Not only are there always drunk drivers on the road(all hours of the day and night), there are also too many driver distractions w/cell phones at the top of the list.


I am pleading with everyone, don't walk or bike on any roads other than a subdivision and even then, stay on the sidewalk if possible. It is just too dangerous.


I live in this area and there is absolutely no shoulder for the most part on Aurora between William and Clinton. It was just repaved in the last year and why they couldn't put a 2 ft. shoulder on each side is a mystery to me.


Very sad. :(


PS Screw the rules of the road. If you really must be out there on secondary and main roads, always face traffic.

I remember hearing a few years ago that 1 out of every 4 drivers on the road had been drinking or using drugs at some point during the day. I think it's changed since then, but that's just insane.

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