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Quality of the Medallions


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Why are grown men buying these things? My brothers and I have a whole box of baseball and football cards that are collecting dust somewhere.


It's a good thing I got that 1989 Donruss Complete set for Christmas....it was supposed to pay for college!

I'll give you $20 for it. :beer:

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I can't answer for anyone else, but I am getting them for my daughter.


Remember that scene in Die Hard when Al Powell (aka Carl Winslow, aka Reginald VelJohnson) buys the Twinkies at the 7-11?


Convenience Store Clerk: I thought you guys just ate doughnuts.

Al (with an armload of Twinkies): Heh. They're for my wife.

Clerk (sarcastically): Yeah.

Al: She's pregnant.

Clerk: Yeah.

Al: Bag it.

Clerk: Big time.

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