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Posts posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. As much as TT boy is one of my faves, i would wait until we see if he continues next season. If he keeps it up, then i would reward him at the end of NEXT season. As much as some thought he had the talent to score like this, need to show it a bit more before i throw the cash at him.

    On another note, the Sabres had the autograph helmet for a donation to Roswell i believe and TT is who i got. 

  2. Any additional top 15 pick we get is going to help this team in the long run. With all the assets we have (Cap space and picks) it will eventually benefit the Sabres, KA is not stupid and actually seems to be building correctly and does not seem like he will mortgage the farm for a stupid move. Vegas is definitely on their way to NOT making the playoffs and that will help us out.

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  3. I may be in the Minority, but I think next season if we go back to normal gameplay we are (As we stand now) not in as bad of shape as most would think. Our kids were playing against mostly a division of playoff teams and held their own and played pretty well again the teams that were not. With normal year scheduling, we would not be stuck playing 80% of our games against possibly top 10 teams. Our net minding will be a bit more solidified, hopefully, and whether we have Jack, Sam and Risto, we will have pieces that should be able to used next year. Quite a few of our kids have shown they can play against top competition and fair well and even score against it. I am 100% not saying we are a playoff team, but as set, they will be competitive and fun to watch. As long as management does NOT mismanage this offseason, we do have some hope for a fun year next year. 

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  4. I think you have a 24 entitled kid that wants what he wants and anything that is not that is a disconnect. I honestly believe the Buffalo Sabres are doing the right thing and trying to protect their asset, which is Eichel. Eichel can "posture" and say what he wants, which Adams acknowledged, but when push comes to shove, the Sabres hold the cards here. If anything Eichel should be quiet and wait until next year when his NMC kicks in. I still believe Eichel is an asset to the Sabres, But, if Adams decides it is time to move on from the the "Losing Crew" of Eichel, Sam and Risto, then I am all in and he should rake the most of what we can get which would still help this team if done right. 

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  5. I have to say, being a Sabres fan is never ever boring. I would not let either Jack or Sam go.... we own them, make them play and earn their way off this team. Trading Jack now would hurt this team in many ways. Mend the breach and tell him to get better, come back 100% and play well. If things go south we can trade him to a playoff team or greener pasture. Sam is going to put it all on the ice next season as he is playing for a contract. Only benefits us. 

  6. Wouldn't if be the ***** if Tokarski plays the rest of the season rock solid and we end up with a late bloomer guy that can actually win games for us? Although even if that happened, the Minder situation needs to be fixed for next season. Going into next season with Ullmark and Tokarski would be a fail in my book. Ullmark is becoming  "Glass Joe" and we need someone that can be counted on.

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  7. The only leverage we had over Hall was to keep him and let him stew in Buffalo. Was KA at fault and got swindled? Possibly. Did he do all that he could? I thiunk he did the best he could. He is in a position of power with little or no help. He got as many picks as he could and has publicly said we need a bigger scouting Dept. I do not have major issues with a first time GM making some mistakes. It happens. It is whether he learns from them and can make the team better. 

  8. Bruins cannot score 5V5 and it has been a problem all year for them. I do not believe Hall or Lazar can play for them yet. (Could be wrong). Unfortunately or fortunately for me I let my NHL TV subscription go and not going to renew so forced to monitor the phone or listen to GR. Either way i hope the kids continue to prove they deserve to play in the NHL and Granato continues to impress as coach. Ohhhh and F$&K Boston!!!

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  9. Him and his staff are slowly getting to be deserved as decent contenders to stay in the position IMHO. They are getting more out of the younger players then ANY coach before them has. The team seems to be listening and responding to him and his current staff. NHL network had a bunch of good things to say about him. Would be happy to see how the season plays out. If they are playing hard and .500 i would consider letting it ride with him and his staff.

  10. I see a ton of over reaction. I do not know what you expected to get from players on a team that did not win for 18 games. The Sabres were never in a position of power in any of these trades.

    Stall - an older center with a few goals left. 2 picks not bad.

    Hall - he has hit the wall hard!! Look at his production the last couple of years. Nobody was saying we were going to get a first for him. 

    Montour - Someone we did not need as we have 3 other on the team that can do the same thing. We got a 3rd and Florida took full salary, and they got a defenseman that can skate, score and does not know how to play defense. 

    My biggest gripe was losing Lazar, but he can be easily replaced.

    We are all jaded from being Sabresfans. But, this is some serious over reaction to KA.


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