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Posts posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. Definitely agree with getting a bit more physical. This team has drafted smaller skilled players for awhile and needs some physicality. I am all for adding some skilled size players that are seriously physical for the 3rd/4th line. Agree with most though that Asplund should not be moved....he is great defensively and when he is on the ice, the ice always seems to tilt away from the Sabres net.

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  2. Hoping that Sabres Management and scouting are keeping a good watch on the Amerks series...... This team needs size with a bit of grit. (OK, both Sabres and Amerks). Skilled players are nice but when they are pushed around and cleared out of the crease it is not helpful or good for the team overall. Muel was really needed in this series, and day to day seems to have turned into not the whole playoffs. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Zamboni said:

    I wouldn’t keep him for his current salary. But that’s just me.


    if he wants to do one year contracts at 4 mil per (or less) … fine.

    I see what you are saying. Although if his production stays the same as this year he is more then worth the 5 per along with his leadership and the respect that "Dad" has in the locker room. They have the money and this is working. Again, i do get what you are saying. Sabres have a higher view of him i am sure.

  4. 36 minutes ago, grinreaper said:

    Pregame excitement is naturally created by anticipation of the hockey, not some bs made up nonsense more appropriate at Chucky Cheese. 

    This times 1000!!! Put a good exciting competitive team on the ice night after night and the place will slowly fix itself! Stay away from stupid gimmicky crap. The current team is slowly winning back fans and they (The org) needs to not do anything stupid and stay classy

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  5. Their ability to get into the offense zone is horrible!!! Once they are in the zone It looks like uncontrolled chaos, but once they settle it down, they are money. They need to seriously work on entering the zone..... i think a lot of it is young confidence. It will get better as they team matures

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  6. I think this offseason is going to be one of the most interesting in a long time. With the most likely add of Quinn and JJ, (6K?), not many spots left and about 5-6 mil to add to hit the floor I believe. Really do not want to go big F/A hunting as this team seems to have an amazing chemistry that i would not even consider messing with. I would be happy giving 6K a shot at goal with Anderson as a b/u and Mentor. Maybe a vet that's seriously physical for D spot 5-6. Same with 4th line. Need to be big and can clear a space and be a bitch to move off the puck. I think we have seen what happens to big name F/A that come here.... no thank you.

  7. The biggest point is since all the walking (or not walking) injured has returned, this team is actually playing decent hockey. Not to mention we had a super brutal stretch against all playoff teams. For once i see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT a train. With a few roster moves, IMHO, we should have a team that can get us to some meaningful hockey late in the season.

  8. 7 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    No, I disagree on this totally. Yes, we played a loosey goosey open style after Kreuger got fired and won a few games when nobody took us seriously but the team was still a shambles. We were not good at the beginning of the year at all either. Everybody blamed goaltending and then injuries, but that feel that the team was a real hockey team only came together this season and not that long ago. 

    I'm not saying Granato doesn't have a hand in that too, and the offensive side of the team's game is definitely improved, but we're not a real threat just yet. My hope is that Granato believes in getting the O going first and then will work on improving the D, but as I often say, with this team after this decade I only believe it when I see it. 

    I think you are partially correct. Special K broke this team. He was forcing a square peg in his own round hole. He was not grooming or making players better, he was forcing players to play his own system with zero capability of seeing anything but HIS System.

    Granato is taking what he has been given and is grooming them to a system that allows for their individual strengths to grow while developing a structured system around them. Lack of real already there talent and major injuries to our vet players brought all of this to a screaming halt as we were barely putting anything more then a glorified AHL team on the ice every day. Now that the team is mostly whole they are growing by leaps and bounds and talent that was stoppered by special K is showing up again. Bringing up solid talent that is NHL ready from the Amerks helps replace fringe players on our roster. If you really think about it, this team is a young gun, pic N Save team that is now somewhat keeping up with the Jonas' (Great commercial). 


    BTW not trying to be added into the disagreement, just saying hello and throwing my 4 cents in....


  9. 2 Things..... Great win!!! Mets win, Amerks win, LA wins, and Preds win!!! 


    UPL may not be the next coming as we all thought a year ago, but i believe he will still be a good NHLer. Right now he has ZERO defense in front of him and their system there is lacking. Give him the Sabres top 4 and i think he will do great things. 

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  10. Ok, so i am late to the thread, but IMHO, best as being the smartest and getting the most from what he has been handed...... absolutely.... hands down! He does not hamstring himself to one general way of doing things, but has a progressive positive approach where he seems to get the best of anyone that he is given and maybe even a bit more. He has resurged the careers of almost half the team since our last idiot almost destroyed them. He handles players like actual people and gets them to elevate not only themselves but other players around them. Do not think you can ask for anything else from a coach at this time!! The real test to this will be when they eventually get into a playoff hunt or playoff game. How does he get the team to play then..... then you will know.

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  11. No. Not sure if you are being serious or sarcastic....LOL 

    The Sullivans are named after 5 brothers that all passed when the ship (Not boat) sank. This also started the rule that that at least 1 male child has to be left at home if there is a draft/war so that the family name can continue. 


    As for fixing the ship, a serious amount of deflooding and patchwork would have to take place just to right the ship. I would assume if they closed the watertight doors (If they even are still watertight) they could deflood the compartments one at a time, until they came upon the compartment where the water was entering the hull. 

  12. Tage has finally gotten great confidence to utilize the tools he has always had. Is he better then Jack? Uhhhh no. Jack can be a 100 pt player, Tage cannot. Although, that could change next year, but as of now, Tage is better, but he is not better then Jack. I am happier to have a good Tage though then an immature whiney Jack who cannot lead and pouts when things do not go his way. 

  13. I do not hate Eichel, he is a very incredibly skilled player who was 100% not ready for what the Sabres needed him to be. Is he a douche? Yeppers! A butthurt one to boot! But getting the better draft pick by Vegas not making the playoffs is a nice help as this year is a decent draft. Eventually Eichel will grow up and be a very likable player again. Until then, would love to see a 2 picks in the top 15 this year!

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