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Posts posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. Totally expecting NOT to hear about or have major Sabres signings. I am really thinking they may add a F/A but not a major player. Maybe a lower class RHD or bottom 6 Fwd. Not seeing a huge upgrade in goalie in the cards either. I think the Sabres have their plan and that's that. Kind of disappointing as today is one of my favorite NHL days and hate watching teams around us get better. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, inkman said:

    Craig Anderson is barely a capable backup 

    But he is capable and what he brings to the room is more valuable. Again, i am not saying that we cannot find better, but there are 2 parts to this. First, is walking the line on who we bring in that is going to influence the decisions of Levi, and Portillo. If they see no chance of playing time, they will walk. Second, have a great locker room player is better then overpaying for a mercenary netminder that will only be here a year or two and brings nothing to the locker room then someone collecting a paycheck. 


    We all get we can have better, but for the overall locker room, this a very smart hire.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 11 hours ago, klos1963 said:

    He's a below average goalie, that doesn't make him a respectable backup. Insanely awesome....really?

    When you have a young core of players that are looking up to the leadership of two people in the locker room (Grandpa and Dad) That is worth more then Eichel, Reinhart and anyone else that just has talent. Anderson is more then a serviceable backup. That the team in front of him trusts him speaks volumes. Can we find better? Easily i am sure, but is the fit for the team going to be the same as it is with Anderson in it? Most likely not.

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  4. 14 hours ago, SwampD said:

    ISeeing the term “mortgage” makes me want to kick a puppy. PK will be a better player for the next three years than any piece we would be sending in their direction to make it happen.

    And Tom is right-


    Mortgage meaning giving up 3/4 major pieces for a star on his way down the mountain, not climbing up. And, prove it that he is going to be better then the pieces we give up for the next 3 years..... we saw what happened with Hall. (LOL J/K))😁

    • Thanks (+1) 2
  5. Uhhhh NO thank you..... We could not get what we were asking for Jack and should not pay anything close to that for PK. Do not mortgage the farm for the love of a local player. I would love him on the Sabres but not by giving up 4 pieces for a 1 year wait. 

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  6. The Rags have one of the top 3 goalies in the NHL, if not the world right now. They are younger with a great top line. They have great speed and size to play aggressive. Unfortunately the are pretty much a team with only 1 1/2 countable lines for scoring. They do have a great top defensive line but drop hard from there. I think they are very luck this playoffs as they have been mostly playing 2nd and 3rd string goalies. They are ahead of us, but us getting a solid minder, puts us even IMHO.

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  7. I have to say i have always hated the Rags. Since the pre cap days when they were always trying to buy their way to the cup, was always laughing when they fell flat on their face during the playoffs. I have to say though, they finally got it right by drafting and developing and smattering in a few vets. They could easily go all the way, especially since their goalie is actually playing better then the rest of who is left. This is is going to be Rags and Avs with the Avs winning in 6. Avs have always been my second fave team and root for them during the playoffs. 

  8. 2 hours ago, pastajoe said:

    It will be Dell, that was a team loss.

    Unfortunately Samuelsson and Mersch will likely not play. The hits on Mersch and Crosby in the NHL show that in the playoffs a short term suspension is worth the benefit of taking out a key player.

    This does not bode well for tonight.....I will just have to wait until tomorrow morning to even look....LOL

  9. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Another troublesome one.

    He got hurt with the Sabres but gutted out the end of the season. I thought it was from the shot-block, but maybe not.

    How a "day-to-day" injury that he could play on 3 weeks ago has morphed into something he can't play on now is typical Sabres.

    Part of this leaves a bad taste. Is it he just does not want to play for the Amerks now that he got a long taste of the NHL or is he really hurt? He would definitely have helped all of these games.

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