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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. He's trash why would you want him he's not the same player he onice was
  2. It's an absolute joke if they trade up in this draft . So let me get this straight they care more about the future than the present wtf .
  3. I just don't understand how you can wait some more When you could get an impact player with that 13th pick if that's what you're saying.
  4. So you would rather wait 3 years for a player than having an impact player to help us win the cup now . Make sense
  5. Miles Wood is horrible at hockey he's Regressed so much he will be out of the league soon
  6. Probably trying to give the other brother a message to say hey we don't want you either
  7. We aren't getting any of them so what's the next list
  8. It was an absolute joke when I saw him at 8. Either they don't watch any Sabers hockey or they just hate us
  9. They basically got him for free ...
  10. Lol where are all the Adam supporters now what the actual f*** Now I'm super ***** pissed buffalo Could have easily beat that . Once again sitting on the sidelines letting other teams get better
  11. It would be a nightmare. Don't worry Greenway will save us
  12. Welp it seems less likely we trade the pick which sucks
  13. If you don't remember you told me this last year when I Complained about Comrie, defense.
  14. I could go back 12 years and see this every summer .
  15. Luke I said it's too( buddy-buddy in this organization) I understand it's about a good culture but you have take make cut throat Decisions to be successful. I'm ready
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