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Posts posted by Shootica

  1. 9 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    A 3rd line player on a good team just like Kahun.    We have limited extra money with the internal cap.  KA is going to have to make tough choices.  How you allocate those resources is going to make whether we can contend for the playoffs with our internal cap; so would you rather have Larsson or Fast ?

    Skinner - Eichel - Reino

    Olofsson - Staal - Cozens

    Kahun - XX - Fast

    Looks like a real nice top 9 depending on who we could grab at 3C.  Obviously your point about cap space is valid.  Without plugging it all into CapFriendly, I feel like they could make it work depending on 3C.

  2. 18 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    If we pay 8 mill to a 55/60 pt scorer in these economic times KA should be fired.  We overpaid Skinner because we “had” to.  I’m sorry but Reinhart doesn’t do anything well enough to justify that kind of number.  He doesn’t score enough goals, doesn’t create enough and isn’t very fast.  Nice 6-7 mill player but beyond that is a mistake 

    I'd have to think Willy Nylander's contract is an upper limit comp for Reinhart.

  3. 6 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Am I the only one who is getting the sense that we are going to end up with Rossi?

    There's the big three, the top 2 D hype is still there, and Raymond has started really well in Sweden. That would leave one of Perfetti and Rossi for us, who remain my two favourites.

    Is this just Staal trade endorphins clouding my brain?

     I'm getting a similar feeling, but I don't want to get my hopes too high.

    I think he's my fourth favorite player in the draft.

  4. 10 minutes ago, bunomatic said:

    Still not liking the idea of Terry or Kim being overly involved in the teambuilding process. They are the owners I get that but I’m not sure how many fanboys have built cup winners in the past. Let the gm and the scouts do that.


    Although if they set an internal cap due to financial reasons but decide that they'd be willing to go over for a player like Pietrangelo, I can't fault them for that.  Because realistically, signing him would immediately put us well over any internal cap.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, steveoath said:

    It would be a pegula move to sign a $5m player that you only need to pay $1M

    Agreed.  It would be a perfect 'save money and improve the team' move.  I'm a fan of the idea, cost permitting of course.

    Truthfully, I don't understand why the Leafs would be trying to move Freddy but I've definitely heard rumors that they're in the goalie market.

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  6. 2 hours ago, steveoath said:

    You've got to think sabres are on his mntc though.  Eh?

    It's hard to say.  I could very easily see another Staal situation.  

    Andersen is a veteran goalie with one year til free agency.  The Sabres aren't considered a contender this season, and we already have Hutton and Ullmark.  You can easily find 10 teams his year who either have a bigger need in net or have a pending UFA who could walk on them.  I can definitely see Andersen and his agent looking at us and thinking "why would they trade for me?"

  7. 10 minutes ago, MakeSabresGrr8Again said:

    Anderson is $5M, Kerfoot ( agent says he's not re-signing) $1.6M, and if they trade Johnsson ($3.5M) there should be plenty for Pietrangelo.

    They'd still have to replace those players in their lineup.  Unless they make a splash for Demko, they're going to be spending 3-4M at least for a decent starting goalie.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I'm not. I am not sure what you mean by all else but I assume you mean talent. Let's argue that Jarvis at 5'10" has the same talent as Lundell at 6'1", I am taking Jarvis because his compete is higher. Also players are never equal. You are deciding that size is a characteristic you value more. 

    Size does not equal strength. 5'9" 190lb is just as effective as 6'3" 200lb. 

    Again, prioritizing size, especially when drafting is silly. Most of these kids will add anywhere from 1-3 inches in height and 20-40lbs of muscle before all is said and done. Further 6'5" may give you more reach but it also means you are slower, the number of quick guys at that height is exceedingly low which gives an advantage to a 5'11" guy. 

    By 'all else' I truly meant everything else. Talent, compete, IQ, etc.  Funny you mentioned compete because I'll absolutely overlook size if a player has great drive.  I value size, but I value compete more.

    Completely agree that height doesn't equal size.  I was simplifying there, I value strength more than height, which obviously is hard to judge with 18 year olds, but I think you can get an idea.

    I don't think there's much of a negative connotation between height and speed.  Jack is one of the quickest players in the league and he's above average in height.

  9. 2 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    How does size matter. 

    A bigger player, in general:

    -Has a greater reach on defense.

    -Will be able to hold their ground better in the corners and at the netmouth.  Harder to push off the puck.

    -Will be a better screen out front.

    I'm not saying we should draft objectively worse players because they're big.  But if all else is equal and I'm choosing between a 5'9 player and a 6'2 one, I'm taking the bigger player ten times out of ten.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, thewookie1 said:

    No interest in helping Toronto in any way. Especially if it gave them a better shot at Pieterangelo

    They'd need to do a whole lot more than move Andersen to clear the space for Pietrangelo.

    Truthfully, the only way Pietrangelo makes sense for Toronto is if they move Marner or Nylander without getting any salary back.  And even then, it doesn't help their topheavyness problem.

  11. 24 minutes ago, sabresparaavida said:

    I haven’t asked yet, but I think it would be reasonable for it to be. The trade would push Staal down to 3c, so...🤷‍♂️.

    The lineup post “super-trade” if it did happen would be something like:




    4th line 

    Sure looks like Reinhart+ for Monahan and Gaudreau.  Copp wouldn't be pushing Staal to 3C.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 43 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Especially if Larsson were back, that's a legit NHL forward lineup.

    To me, a Copp acquisition means Larsson walks.  He'd have much better opportunities elsewhere to show what he's got than riding our fourth line.

    That being said, I'm questioning my judgement after today.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Is Tuch really truculent?  Is he actually a physical, gritty, grinding, intimidating player?  Or is he just tall?

    Honest question.  I don’t see Vegas play much, past my bedtime.

    He delivers about 1 hit per game, but so does Tage Thompson, and his PIMs don’t paint the picture of an intimidating player.  Guess how many he had this season........8.  Guess how many last season.........8 again.  Leaves me skeptical.

    He ain't a fighter and isn't going to run all over the ice hitting everything that moves, but he's strong in the corners and not afraid to throw his weight around.

    No need to take a Stastny cap dump now, Staal fits that bill perfectly. 😁

  14. 1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    Fleury and Stastny aren't an appealing package to me, but if you added Tuch and they took Hutton...not sure what we'd have to add.

    Fleury, Stastny and Tuch for Hutton and Pietrangelo would have to have some interest to Vegas given the huge cap clear, but I'm sure they'd want a young forward in there too.

    Yeah, you can't do both. 

    Personally, I don't have much interest in Fleury.  36 years old, coming off an underwhelming season by the numbers, at a huge cap hit.  Internal cap aside, having a spare 7.5 million on our books next year hurts a whole lot more than an extra 6.5 this year.  He'd make a good 1B, but he's way too expensive.  There will be better options available for cheaper.

    Stastny and Tuch is the ideal off-season trade package for me.  2C to cover for a year with the expectation of Cozens taking that role from there, and a long-term top 6 RW that has the truculence this team lacks.  I know that's a cliche Brian Burke term, but it's true on this roster.

    Vegas objectively does not need to trade Tuch.  That changes, however, if they bring in Pietrangelo.

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