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Second Line Center

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Posts posted by Second Line Center

  1. 26 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    Do you know when specifically?  The guy who retweeted it made it sound like it just happened.

    I will also note that Eichel doesn't appear to use twitter much -- his most recent tweet was a week ago, in support of McCabe, and the one before that was over 4 months ago.

    Having said that, him scrubbing the Sabres from his twitter page -- if that is what happened -- is quite consistent with asking to be traded.

    Has any of the Sabres beat writers straight-out asked him whether he's asked to be traded?


    I have photo evidence 100% before February 17th.......I sent a screen shot of it to my brother in law at that point I thought something was up.   

    I saw he changed it some time around Jan 5th? I thought he was making a new year change or something to start the new season with.  Didn't think it too odd at that time considering the pandemic situation and he was still a Sabre.  


    No idea why my flashlight was on lol



  2. 49 minutes ago, chileanseabass said:

    I haven't posted here in ages, but I actually think Jack is part of the problem at this point.  If he's the captain, then he should be leading by example, but he's been invisible. The coach is supposed to be this master motivator and this team is flatter than a week old two liter.  I think Jack wanted out, so the Pegulas nixed Botts, brought in KA, and he went with the Hail Mary and brought in Hall to try and show him some good faith.  It obviously isn't working.  There's no better time then now to move Jack.  His NTC kicks in after this season, and he'll hold the bargaining chips on where he ends up.  I wouldn't trade him for nothing (see: O'Reilly), but I think they could legitimately get some quality pieces and not just picks/prospects.  Jack comes across as being ultra competitive, which is great, but the body language, which is always dismissed, says he's done.  It's time to move on while they can get maximum return. 



    I'm in the same place but it's because by the time this team is a legit Cup contender Jack will be 30 and a potential decade long loser.  

    That's why this season was so massive.  Just get in the playoffs.  

    Opening night vs Washington:

    "Starting in goal for Buffalo Carter Hotton."

    What a joke.   

    Either blow it up or you fire the coach and get this team to make a run right now.  If they know they can't do the former and refuse to do the latter then that's it.  


    It's over.  

  3. He's done here.  

    Like Tom Petty sang, "time to move on."



    NHL Rumors: Jack Eichel wanted out of Buffalo, Sabres reset not working

    “Prior to the start of this season – go back into the summer – yeah it’s believed that Eichel had a conversation, and part of that conversation was wanting a change -wanting out of Buffalo,” Dreger said on Overdrive. “Now they found a way to talk him into changing from that mindset. They brought in Taylor Hall at $8 million, and they thought with a real good year maybe things would settle down.”

    This is a stunning revelation, because up until this point it sounded like Eichel was just frustrated with losing and wanted to see the team take steps in a positive direction. Dreger also highlighted how Eichel’s body language looks completely off, and that’s only going to raise speculation that he’s looking to leave Buffalo.

    “There’s some who wonder if Jack Eichel’s hurt? But his body language and the way he’s playing doesn’t look good at all,” Dreger emphasized. This is going to raise Eichel up the DGH Trade Bait Board now.


    Now here’s the updated board adjusted to the latest information:

    Jeff Skinner, BUF

    Brandon Montour, BUF

    Sam Bennett, CGY

    Bobby Ryan, DET

    Jack Eichel, BUF



  4. 20 minutes ago, DarthEbriate said:

    After next game we're 1/4 of the way through the season. Currently, Olofsson has 6 goals

    Eichel, Hall, Reinhart, Skinner, and Okposo have combined for 6 goals. Reinhart has half of them.


    Our 5 on 5 has been atrocious.


    There is zero leadership on this team.  You can't look at guys that have been here at the forefront of losing and all around horrendous hockey teams and take them seriously as leaders.  Reinhart.  Eichel.  Risto.  Nothing against them as players.  Together, the loser runs too deep now. 

    ROR winning the Cup might have actually sent this group into an irreversible tailspin.  "See what happens when you leave here?  And who the heck thought this Tage Thompson was good??"  

    Whole thing has to get blown up.   

  5. 2 hours ago, CallawaySabres said:

    The problem is not only a lack of a second line Center, our first line Center savior has all but checked out and seems to be waiting for management and ownership to send him off to a city where he will thrive..


    This will be realized in the next 12-18 months.  You'll hear people in the media around here say "you don't trade a talent like that and improve plus he will thrive elsewhere."  Yea?  And?  He isn't thriving here.  And if he no longer believes anything can be won here what good is he?  I clearly don't see a roster rallying around the play of the Captain oh going on 4 years now.  

    As I said a few weeks ago.  If I'm GM, literally every single player is on the table.  

    Except Risto.  He's playing the game we've been waiting for him to play for years.  That's hard to come by in this league of "everyone plays the same dull system bc the players know their analytics have to matter at contract time."  Its a joke.  


    This team is soft.  Fragile.  The loser runs deep thru the core.  And that includes Hall and Skinner.  I don't know why Staal is here.  I like Cozens a lot tho.  

    Unfortunately tough to blow it up in the middle of the pandemic era.  No minors to truly scout.  Possibly no draft? 

    Disaster.  The only thing that's going to continue longer then Covid will be this franchise's cluelessness.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    We are still counting shopers in shops here in NS and we have very little COVID cases and never have.

    Being extra careful is always wise.

    A first dose, or even second dose, vaccination, does not prevent you from being a carrier.  Nuff said.

    I still think that this is a very bad idea.


    There will always be carriers.  There will always be cases.  330 million are never getting vaccinated let alone 7 billion thus the virus is never going away.  I said stay home till you get vaccinated.  Simple.  Shelter yourself in place.  

    "Being extra careful" isn't what we signed up for and if that's the case why is anything open anywhere indoors?


  7. On 2/12/2021 at 1:51 PM, Taro T said:

    Fair enough.

    But, unlike when people go to the grocery store or Walmart, they are (almost certainly) going to be requiring everyone in attendance to have tested negative prior to entering the buliding.  They also will (again, almost certainly) be more strictly enforcing social distancing protocols than the other stores do as well.  It also will be very easy for those fans at high risk to avoid being put in that environment.




    Remember when they used to count people going into Wegmans or Wal-Mart?

    Lol no one is doing that anymore. 


    Why shouldn't we be allowing everyone with at least first dose vaccine in?  What are we waiting for?

    Just my opinion bc I think we need to be at the point if you don't have the vaccine you shelter in place and avoid people until you get it.  Should have it by June at the latest.  

    Simple ask since we've all been asked to do this for almost 1 year and counting.   

  8. On 1/30/2021 at 12:29 AM, inkman said:



    I am half way through season 3 of dark.  A couple episodes in I had to switch to the German version with English subs.  The English dubbing was atrocious.  Show is amazing.  Such a mind trip.  


    I watched all 3 seasons over the summer in subtitles.  Awesome awesome show.  

    Always watch the foreign stuff with subtitles.  I can't explain it.  It loses something with English dubbing.  

    You can't understand them and you're reading the translation, but the authenticity of the acting is there and you can tell.  

    Or something.....

  9. 1 hour ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    I'm going to flip the script for a second and ask honestly what do we have that's good and could be part of a very good to excellent team?

    1) Eichel (24) - I know he has "struggled" ytd with only 2g 7a for 9pts in 10 games.

    2) Reinhart (25) - yes we didn't draft Draisaitl, but Sam is a legit top 6 forward and we have seen what we look like without him and it isn't great.

    3) Olofsson (25) - PP specialist who is improving 5 on 5.  Also like his compete most nights

    4) Cozens (19) - Has shown well in year 1, potential as 2C or Top 6 RW is certainly there and could arrive sooner then later

    5) Lazar (26) - Center who finally shock off high expectations and has become a really nice hard working bottom 6 center with some scoring upside at 26.

    6) McCabe (27) - Has become a solid shutdown D and formed a nice pairing with Risto.  Downside is a UFA.

    7) Risto (26) - 26 year old may have taken longer then hoped to develop defensively, but under RK he has come around and looks now like a foundation piece.

    8.) Dahlin (20) - Top 1 pick and struggled under RK's system but is coming around recently.  So much talent that just needs to be set free.

    9) Jokiharju (21) - young D having some growing pains, but is kind of tracking the McCabe development curve.

    Pieces on the horizon that could help.  Mittelstadt (22) maybe is reinserting himself as a near future top 9 forward?  R2 (23) could also be a nice top 9 addition sooner then later.  Quinn (19) is also a top 6 prospect, but it could be two years before he makes the NHL.

    The pipeline also has assorted D and goaltenders who will eventually assume roles in Buffalo as vets moves on to keep us cap compliant like UPL (21), Bryson (23), Laaksonen (21), Johnson (19), Samuelsson (20), and Portillo (20).

    That's actually a fair amount of good and most still on the right side of entering their prime.  There are also some reasonable transition pieces like Staal, Montour, Ullmark, and Rieder, outside the two bad contracts (Skinner and KO), the rest of the roster is flexible and pretty easily changed.    

    The question for KA and RK is how to get them to win and how to build around those 9 core players and whether those two "leaders" are up for the challenge.

    PS: If this post is to optimistic let me know.





    No it's not too optimistic my problem is those core guys (Jack, Sam, VO, McCabe, Risto) are now in their mid 20s and haven't even played in a playoff game.  

    Burn all the analytics.  They don't matter.  

    The computer isn't going to tell you how to get rid of this Culture of Losing that is now entering year 7 for guys like Samson, Risto and basically Eichel to.  I saw that tweet with the pic of Jack basically stopping in that last shift stick on his knees.  That's the captain.  I don't care that the game is probably over.  That's not a good look and it's a little thing that speaks to something deeper.  None of that is to say I think Jack is a bad dude...he's probably great with the guys.  I'm sure they like him.  I guess.  

    But he was given the C way too early.  I can't reach any other conclusion my evidence is this team is in the midst of a historic playoff drought and him and Sam are at the center of it.  

    With what we pay them, and the joke that is Skinner (also a perennial loser), explain to me how this team is supposed to get better?  

    It can't.  

    Trades need to happen.  I'm listening to all offers for those 3.  I'm building around a new core and supplementing it with what I can get for them.  

  10. I'm well into wading the waters of trading Jack and pretty much everyone but Cozens.  Literally everyone including that other "generational" player we're ruining in Dahlin.  

    We've run out of coaches to blame.  

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