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Second Line Center

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Posts posted by Second Line Center

  1. Hall---Eichel---Cozens



    This is pretty much all I want to see the rest of the season.  

    Do whatever you want with the bottom 6.  But Olofsson should not be a top 6 forward.  PP1 yes.  He will be a nice 3rd or 4th line player on a playoff team that can play occasional top line minutes.  Nothing more.  

  2. I want someone not named Terry Pegula that has the ability to fire Adams. 

    We all agree Ralph needs to go but why am I supposed to buy that Adams should be GM?

    I can't take anything they do seriously with them thinking Hutton was an acceptable starter even if they thought maybe it would be 35% of the games.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    This to me is the money quote:

    "As for the players, once you’re in a losing situation — and I would never have admitted this publicly when I played — many of them think in the back of their heads “I just want to get out of here” because ***** is not changing. And once that mentality seeps into a team setting, then you have a losing team. Guys don’t even have to talk about it. Even if they just think it. When you have two or three guys thinking like that, then pretty soon you have seven, eight, nine, 10 guys thinking like that, and you cannot win. That’s what I see here."

    We've seen multiple seasons in a row that when times get tough, the players check out, even when they are different players. We lost a number of games even when we played pretty well, we got COVID, and we checked out.

    The number of players we have who are pending free agents hasn't helped.




    Everyone but Cozens should be on the table.  

    I think a good GM would have blown it up 3 years ago.  A good GM doesn’t get garbage for ROR btw.


    Personally I think they been hesitant to do it because it's an admission the tank failed.

    This is all on Terry imo.   

  4. Krueger might be the worst coaching hire in Buffalo sports in the last 40 years.  

    The losing is one thing.  

    The regression of Dahlin, Skinner, Jack, and to some extent Hall (1 goal every 20 games?), is making this even worse.  

    Put Adams behind the bench.   

    Decide on a President and go from there.  

    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 7 hours ago, thewookie1 said:

    If I had to guess, Murray sold the Pegulas on getting McDavid. Getting Eichel was a solid consolation but you can tell by Murray's face at the lottery that he was likely pinning his entire plan on getting McDavid.

    It may have even caused the whole Lafontaine thing. After all, when he was hired the odds were more heavily in last place's favor to get 1st overall. He likely convinced the Pegulas he could get this super player if they let him do his plan. Lafontaine likely objected but was overruled by the Pegulas who had been swayed by Murray's plan.

    Eichel was likely the reasoning for the extreme tanking actions Murray took after losing the Reinhart draft lottery. Get last place! Then at worst we get this star American prospect but his overall strategy likely still hinged on getting McDavid. 

    After failing to get McDavid was likely when his relationship with the Pegulas went south as his entire plan blew up in his face and likely made him irritable and thus difficult to be around.  



    I've been thinking a lot about this the past few weeks.  I wanted to think Murray knew something about Jack that he wasn't thrilled with....he really wanted McDavid.  Obviously.  

    BUT YOU DONT GIVE ANY HINT OF THAT ON FREAKING LOTTO NIGHT.  You're the GM.  All eyes on you.  You have a 75% chance you are NOT getting McDavid so you better have that reaction down.  Have the "getting 2nd pick tonight is just as good as 1 in our eyes we're perfectly happy" line down.  The whole season was guarantee last so you guarantee one of those 2.  How you hitch your wagons to 25% odds is unconscionable to me. 

    Murray was a hot head probably with little patience and the Pegulas didn't like the style.  The plan yes.  But the style no.  And he showed why on that lotto night.   

  6. 3 hours ago, pi2000 said:

    In the Rangers pre-game Joe Micheletti mentioned Eichel had a cracked rib entering training camp. 


    I was just going to post this.  Saw same thing.  

    But I think he said "right before the season started."


    Wasn't he hurt at practice the week before the first game?


  7. 8 minutes ago, SDS said:

    I’m sure no one has looked at this. It has probably occurred to no one. Although no one tracks “corsi after fights share” for some reason and the GMs no longer draft/sign Rob Ray or Andrew Peters or anyone of their ilk. But please keep explaining to me how much it matters. The billion dollar league has already spoken. 

    Approximate age?


    Come again?


    *that's what she......ok..nm....*

  8. 1 minute ago, Curt said:

    These stats show that Skinner’s line played very well in the role they were deployed in this game.  That’s all.

    If you watched the game and saw the same thing, that’s cool.  If someone didn’t watch and just checked these numbers, they could learn something they wouldn’t otherwise know.

    Just because the numbers show something that you already believe to be true doesn’t mean they are meaningless.


    I'm saying that at first glance yes Skinner had a good night.  

    I would hope so considering he was against their 3rd D pair most of the evening.  Is that pair NHL quality?  It's a 3rd pair on a garbage team..

    The bigger story is the Eichel line getting shut down by the top pair.  

    That's it.  You can look at that and say hey Skinner is playing well let's put him with Eichel and chances are the way this season has gone he's going to be at the bottom of that chart.  


    If you want to defend RK here.....he would tell you this is exactly why Skinner is away from Eichel.  To draw favorable match ups on ice and he still can't score.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, SDS said:

    No idea what would have happened. 🤷🏻 I know what happened with the fight. We lost. I know why fighting is discouraged in the league. It doesn’t help you win. 

    I’ll try and dig up tough guy John Torterella’s quote about this.


    It's discouraged in the league because it's terrified of liability lawsuits.  Period. 

    We are all good and know that you don't have a place in this league if you're a head hunting goon.

    But the fact that there has been a concerted effort to limit fighting and limit physicality so that teams like the 95-96 Sabres can't exist is a shame and the league is worse off because of it.  

    The Cozens fight was the only exciting thing about this game tonight.  That should tell you something.  

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    Can someone explain to me why I would be wrong to consider these stats near meaningless because I'm not sure how much of Fox and Shesterkin Skinner saw.

    Their top pair dismantled our top line and Skinner had a nice night against the bottom pair.  If you consider not scoring a nice evening.  

    I don't need advanced stats to tell me this.  


    What am I missing?

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Second Line Center said:

    Rangers post game (I don't know who the analyst is) ripping the Sabres.  

    Essentially said on the 15th and 30th of every month the players are stealing pay checks.  Looks like they quit.  Selfish me first plays.  They barely made a push.  Too much talent for this to be happening.  And it must be hard for fans to watch this team.  


    It's Steve Valiquette

  12. Rangers post game (I don't know who the analyst is) ripping the Sabres.  

    Essentially said on the 15th and 30th of every month the players are stealing pay checks.  Looks like they quit.  Selfish me first plays.  They barely made a push.  Too much talent for this to be happening.  And it must be hard for fans to watch this team.  

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Second Line Center said:


    I have photo evidence 100% before February 17th.......I sent a screen shot of it to my brother in law at that point I thought something was up.   

    I saw he changed it some time around Jan 5th? I thought he was making a new year change or something to start the new season with.  Didn't think it too odd at that time considering the pandemic situation and he was still a Sabre.  


    No idea why my flashlight was on lol




    Yea after reading this today he might have changed this in the fall.......maybe he never asked for a trade but the fact they explored it maybe it has him in a bad place mentally.....that's what he looks like.  

    And tbh....that speaks to mental toughness.  Or maybe lack thereof. 



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