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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. Is Tuch avoiding contact on the forecheck tonight? Or does he generally play the puck instead of the man? Seems to be doing drive-bys...
  2. Well, sure. That would be great. But is it likely the Sabres can bring in THREE guys who are more 1st line worthy while we still have these other three? I'm all for it, of course.
  3. A bit simplified, for sure, and even naïve, possibly, as many successful organizations have been built (especially early on) with cultures of ruthless growth/success at any cost.
  4. He's been through a lot?! Really? He's been a pampered prodigy for a LONG time. He's rich. Other than a neck injury that's apparently already behind him (I've seen much worse in many family members), he's still healthy, young, and living a dream. Let's not expend empathy for this particular, permed prince that we wouldn't extend to so many other human beings who have it much rougher. He's an arrogant arse. Doesn't make him a criminal, but it does make him hate-able.
  5. I'm Twitter illiterate, so where do I find the text or reports gathered from Peters that help me stay big mad at the pompous, ginger chowdahead Jack Eichel. Sincerely, though, eff Eichel. I've rubbed elbows with him enough to know he's a grade-A doosh.
  6. I need more funny from the Sabres die-hards after such an unlikely yet...likely outcome. These 2nd half collapses are absolutely bonkers. I intentionally and shamefully turned off the game after the first period because I truly knew I'd seen their best effort, and it was all downhill from there.
  7. This Sabres team, mostly devoid of high-end talent after trading away its top two forwards and its "toughest" defenseman, is also of course missing its current "top" C, its best pure shooter on the wing, one of its best D, and I'm probably forgetting someone else. That seems to be set aside by those fans who are disconsolate over these lopsided games. On the contrary, I'd argue that it's kind of amazing when this current roster keeps games competitive, innit?
  8. Take it easy, killer. Have a drink. Or take a walk in the pleasantly cold and damp air. Breathe deep the gathering gloom (for you Moody Blues fans)
  9. The score thus far (2-4) actually obscures how dominant the Kraken have been tonight. We've all watched a lot of bad hockey in the last decade, but this one is...laughably bad.
  10. There are two schools of message board posts in response to our team "experiencing hardship": 1) you can whine and complain and toss out hot-takes and hyperbole -or- 2) you can add some levity to this debacle, thereby actually contributing to this collective experience Which type of poster are you?
  11. Dahlin showed a bit of physicality again there. Don't hate that.
  12. I hope we steal a point just so the complainers have to suffer through that.
  13. More to the tune of 3-to-1 (at least in shots). The Corsi might be record-breaking.
  14. I'll do this against my better judgment; simply because it appears so often online: the adjective here should be dominant. Dominate is a verb. (nothing personal) And I would disagree; the Kraken have absolutely been dominant tonight, despite the score. Look at basically ANY metric.
  15. Well Dahlin didn't back down, I guess Might motivate the boys
  16. This wonky game is oddly pleasing. With no expectations comes endless rewards.
  17. If you devide it up enough times, the Kraken won't know which piece of the puck to chase
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