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Posts posted by Believer

  1. On 9/18/2021 at 1:31 PM, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    Sulking, missing of  20+ games, complete and utter lack of backchecking, whining when the few people in the stands don't adore him anymore.

    Eichel doesn’t want to play for Buffalo any longer… He made it crystal clear in word and deed… All the wishful hoping to the contrary is magical thinking… KA is right to trade him when he gets a fair return… If not, Eichel may stay on the roster… but I wouldn’t let him near the locker room full of our positive young players… unless he did a very private apology to the team… and a very public apology to the Pegulas and Buffalo fans… 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Patty16 said:

    Yea where is the team sticking up for their captain?  They aren't and no one else is saying hey JS Dea is totally wrong, Jack is a great leader.  

    On the team for how many years and no one is willing to say Jack is a great guy and leader??? 


    Instead the rumblings have been - yea Jack is actually how JS said he is

    Why is anyone surprised??… Where was Captain Jack’s public support for his teammates during their 18 game losing streak??… Not a word from him… 

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  3. My bet is KA Will not get his pocket picked… and Eichel will refuse to go to training camp… Both good for the Sabres… If KA lets Eichel anywhere near the locker room, it will be a betrayal on his public statement that he “only wants players who want to be here”… and a setback to his credibility and to the rebuild… Give the “C” to a worthy player…

  4. 15 hours ago, JohnC said:

    If you go through your list you can find a half a dozen legitimate prospects who should be ready or close to being ready to move up the ranks to the NHL after another year. Those on the list would include Power, Bryson, Johnson, UPL, Samuelsson, Quinn and JJP and maybe  Laaksonen. If you add that group to the young core currently on Buffalo's roster you can see it significantly turning over in another or so. The current core is Dahlin, Joki, Mitts, Thompson, Asplund and Bjork. If you add both groups up the total is more than a dozen players. For the sake of argument let's assume that Jack is traded and we get a high end center prospect such as Rossi, Zegress or Krebs then you can add that player and maybe another player to the mix who should be ready in a year or so. The point I'm making here is that this roster is going to be dramatically turned over after the departure of our old top three core. 

    The Sabre front office has a reasonable plan if not the best plan to reconstruct the roster. The rebuilding process is certainly going to be painful in the short term but if done right it won't be as long as many people think. The key is having the fortitude to stick to it.  

    Yep… It will be painful to miss the playoffs absent a miracle… But Granato and the kids proved last season they can play exciting and entertaining… if not playoff caliber… hockey… It will be fun to watch them grow together…

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  5. 11 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    Yes, because I was thinking out loud. I have now said that I think we should wait and that is the position I stand by. Wait until the trade is acceptable because we can't ROR this crap again. 

    KA can send him home… Let Eichel continue the healing and play beer hockey with his pals… If he stays in shape, more than likely a team on the cusp of the playoffs or making a run for the Cup will be willing to meet KAs deal… if he passes their medical… and doesn’t self-destruct in the meantime…

  6. 23 minutes ago, kas23 said:

    What an odd time to release this statement. Friday nights are usually prime time to release news you want people to miss or ignore. 

    I’m thinking the only reason to release right now is that it will anger drunk Sabres fans. Maybe they really want to turn the fans against them, so we’re the ones demanding the trade get done. 

    My bet is Eichel is so frustrated… he made his Reps respond publicly to KA… The bridge is burned… Let the boy stew… Might do him some good… Get a little humility when he realizes he’s not as valuable as he imagined…

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    To Fans of the team he is saying he doesn't want to play for. It's more like  they are talking to fans of Jack Eichel decoupled from the Sabres and unattached to any other team. That's a much different and smaller group.

    They did also release some medical info I guess, telling other teams he'd be able to start the season if he had surgery now. In their opinion of course.




    Magical Thinking from a couple of Boneheads… (What a team Eichel has working for him)… KA should hold his position… Sit Eichel out… Some team will meet his deal sooner than later…

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  8. 6 hours ago, SDS said:

    I’m too lazy to look up the exact words, but I think the title is close to correct.

    I think this is an interesting statement from Adams, coupled with the mantra of signing players who want to be here. I don’t know what this looks like in the age of Covid, but I expect to see a concerted ramped up community goodwill effort on part of the Sabres and the players. 

    Expect to see a lot of pictures, with a lot of kids, participating in a lot of community activities.

    Taking a page from the Bills… What took so long??

  9. 4 hours ago, erickompositör72 said:

    except, reports are that KA was shopping him before Jack even knew it...


    I'm beginning to believe this forum is being populated by Ranger bots

    If the reports you say are true… must have been a reason, eh??… Maybe Eichel’s fighting Sabre Medical staff??… or abandoning his team during the 18 game losing streak, (as their Captain no less) rehabbing away from Buffalo??… Maybe Eichel’s sour grapes season-ending presser??… Props to KA if your reports are true… He had plenty of reasons to shop the guy… He knows him…

  10. 3 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    Right now he is still here and still the Captain

    And all I have been hearing since the draft was how they aren't getting the offers they need for him so he will be here (KA even said he is fine with having him here in training camp and on the roster this season)

    I know they have been trying to move him, but it seems like unless they give him away, he will be here in October.

    I am all in for clearing away the losing attitudes, resetting the culture, and rebuilding around the core of young players who are excited to play for Buffalo… but if KA allows Eichel to return, he will be setting back the process he just started… and undermining the rebuild… The prima donna’s attitude is poisonous… If he can’t move him, take the “C” back and send him home… Some playoff contender will meet KA’s price sooner than later… Will be a sign of confidence in Granato and the kids… It will send reverberations around the league… Things are different in Buffalo… No better time than now for bold leadership… The Pegulas would be smart to let Adams and his team run the club…

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Its a tank year, they want one of the big 3 next year.  It started when Eichel said he wanted out, started whispering in Samson's ear to bolt out as well.  

    Said it many times since the season ended… Eichel is a cancer… KA needs to keep him as far away from the kids as possible… No way he stays… 

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  12. 1 hour ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    No it isn’t.  What are we teaching this next crop if kids? Play out the string until you can force a trade out of town?  Losing doesn’t matter as long as you get a good draft pick.  Don’t worry about playing hard because ownership wants to lose.  Hard to build a winning culture that way.

    Don’t believe for a skinny minute Granato or the kids are going to play to lose…

  13. 23 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    What has Jack said that is so terrible? 

    What evidence do you have that he has a bad attitude?

    Call me Old School… It’s one thing to disagree with Sabres Medical staff about surgery… It’s his body… It’s his right… It’s another thing to do your rehab away from Harbor Center’s world-class facility and your team…  Eichel abandoned his teammates during their 18 game losing streak… The Captain vanished, literally… No public comments… No public encouragement or words of confidence in his team… Out of sight, out of mind… This said more to me about Eichel than anything else he did here… The mistake made with Eichel had nothing to do with Krueger or Granato… It was putting too much pressure on the kid… It was giving him the “C” too soon… He wasn’t ready… He might never be ready… He flunked as a leader… and a Sabre… Just my opinion…  

  14. On 7/18/2021 at 3:47 PM, Buffalonill said:

    Honestly how is this Jack's fault ? 




    Eichel is responsible for his attitude and interview remarks… I get he is frustrated and only 24, but he is the Captain of this team… His behavior telegraphs more concern with his “personal team” than his impact on his teammates and the Sabres… He clearly doesn’t want to be here and has made no comment otherwise… Keep him away from the kids… His attitude is cancer… If I were Adams and couldn’t trade Eichel before the preseason, I would take “C” and send him home until I could… Just my opinion, of course…

  15. 17 hours ago, Andrew Amerk said:

    They don’t even want Eichel, unless it’s for a 7th round pick. 

    I don’t want Eichel either… His self-absorbed attitude Is a cancer on a team… If Adams can’t trade him before the season starts, rip the “C” off his sweater, keep him off the ice and out of the locker room… Same for Risto, though still hoping Reinhart can buy in… Go with young kids and players who want to be here… Rebuild around winners…

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