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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. Man is Evander Kane fast, but he is a wild man swinging his stick around.
  2. This is starting to have the feel of a period that will be dominated by Buffalo, but Winnipeg will score a cheap goal to take another two goal lead.
  3. He was probably on Google Maps trying to find out where Winnipeg is.
  4. Duffer has his iPhone out on the desk. Must be checking facebook lol.
  5. Was just thinking the same thing. Between his two minutes during the WHIP and the two minutes before the third period, it's still too much.
  6. Should make for an interesting third period. Even if the Sabres pull out a win, they don't deserve it tonight. Winnipeg has dominated the first two periods.
  7. Look what happens when you shoot the puck on net!!! What a concept.
  8. Sabres need to take a few lessons from Winnipeg on how to play defense keep the front 15 feet of the net cleared out.
  9. Do these guys take target practice at all? I've never seen so many shots from every player miss the net.
  10. They look like a freaking high school team out there. I was planning on going to a game soon, but this display tonight has totally changed my mind. I'm not wasting money on this bunch of losers. Until they make change, they won't get any of my change.
  11. This game is painful to watch. This could be the worst game so far this season.
  12. This team needs medication, they have severe multiple personality disorder. Never seen so many different teams play in the same game.
  13. Now it's time to send Scott out. Lucic is starting to run everyone.
  14. If Kaleta throws that check, he is suspended for 3 years. Even though I don't think it was too dirty. Coulda been a charging call.
  15. Nah....that wasn't charging. At least not for a Bruin player.
  16. Guarantee Bruins fans will be calling for Julien's head if Buffalo wins because he started the backup goalie.
  17. Man, Boston can commit 20 penalties a game and only get called for 2 or 3.
  18. They said at the very end of the pre-game that Weber may have an injury problem. Haven't heard anything since though. I think the biggest injury on this team is between Lindy's ears.
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