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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. 71 and 10 plus picks and a prospect? who are we getting for that? Josi? Pieterangelo? Ekblad?
  2. Ok another game in. He did not show any aggression versus the Flyers, a team that sent out their thugs and pushed us around and then laughed us off the rink. He stock fell with me in that game. I sure hope DG isn’t putting the stops on him, or worse, that he is all size but no willingness to battle for this team.
  3. I disagree with the bolded. He is not anything like what I expected. But, he will be on the team next year.
  4. Why are you speaking for @PerreaultForever? Players can be physical and still be skilled and score.
  5. Stillman was at least in it and helped out. Losing a fight to Jeannot is not a shame, no one beats Jeannot right now. Not one player dropped a stick, let alone a glove last night. It was all about Flyer intimidation. Go after Krebs, go after Kyle when he defends Krebs. If Looby and Stillman were not out there we are in trouble. Stillman has been better than Greenway so far. They never showed up.
  6. I would say @PerreaultForeverand I agree on this one. Greenway is a 4th line talent on this team. That’s all he is. If he won’t engage with the other teams tough guy, if that job gets left to Krebs and Kyle, then I don’t want him on the team. And he has not helped the PK either.
  7. Last year we were out of it and snuck wins past teams. This year we are in it and teams are up for us. The league knows how to slow us down. The blueprint is there. Look at all the losses to the lower echelon teams. They play the same game.
  8. Finding the missing pieces that add toughness and grit are a challenge. Already Greenway seems unwilling to take on that role. What a major disappointment he was last night. The “lack of depth “ is mostly a problem on the defense. You see what happens with Bryson in the line up. Clagg is weak also.
  9. They sure did. That is when they knew the game was over. 4-1 score and no Sabres answer the bell. Why do we carry Greenway if he won’t take on a goon like DesLauriers? Greenway was a willing combatant when he skated alongside Foligno and the other big guys in Minnesota. Is he going to change his game now? This talk that DG is going to improve his game and make him score more is just nonsense. We needed him to take on DesLauriers, that is not a job for Kyle.
  10. Let’s be fair. No one anointed him the best defenseman in the league. He is 22 and has played with, and carried the load, for a dysfunctional organization for half of his career. He will continue to mature and be physically and mentally stronger in years to come. When Pronger went to St Louis there were questions about him. Hedman, took awhile and was playing with a much better supporting cast. The list is not small, young defenseman have a longer learning curve. Power and Dahlin will be forces. Let’s pair them with better players, or at least with players that know what this time of the year is all about. Two goals yesterday were Bryson completely losing his man, so thats -2 for Dahlin. The Sabres are 2-6-2 in their last 10. Their team goal diff went negative last night. They are learning that NHL games in March are different than in October. Let’s hope Adams takes action to end this drought and help the core to take that next big step.
  11. Yes. You see a regular guy most of the time, then he has a good burst here and there. His d-zone play is way down. Something is hurting on him. I think of the vicious cross check in the back that he took from Paul of Tampa. Then the next game he was rammed into the crossbar. He hasn’t been the same since.
  12. Big disappointment. Flyers want to fight Krebs and Kyle. Greenway never offered to accommodate them.
  13. True. But I honestly mean it. I enjoyed the hockey on most nights.
  14. You probably won’t but lots of others here will. This has been the best season of the Pegula era for me. I have hope right now that we are close.
  15. We have more than that. I think Quinn and Power show great promise. Peterka and Krebs are kids that did OK this season. Add a few defenseman. Turn over a few vets for better vets. Get a goalie. That is not an overhaul, it’s coming along. Still not yet convinced the coaches are good enough on game day.
  16. It looks like more than goaltending the past 10 games.
  17. Don’t know. Jost was hurt a week ago and sat out a game.
  18. Don’t forget Shultz, Moose DuPont and Gary Dornhoffer
  19. This board is frustrated indeed. This Sabres bounce back joke should have got a lot more thumbs up, beers, and cups.
  20. Peterka was playing well recently, he had a iong rough patch before that. The whole team played weak today. Uninspired and unwilling to engage with Philly, again.
  21. Terrible showing. Oh well. Let’s see what Donnie has to say.
  22. It sure looks like it. Dahlin looks hurt. Power can’t do any more. The rest of the defense is not up to the job yet.
  23. Tippett got behind Bryson again. Terrible. Faceoffs might be important.
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