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Posts posted by triumph_communes

  1. 31 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Ya know, the bolded got me thinking.  Of the various assets teams had, nearly all are fungible (players can be traded, picks can be traded, cash by definition is fungible, and even cap space is to a degree) but only 1 asset is completely perishable (2, if you include Pominville's ability to skate ? ) - cap space available to be spent in an individual season.  Once the season is over, teams don't get unspent cap back.

    I'm wondering if a team, who's owner claims he doesn't care about how much cash goes out the door in an individual season, could after rosters are no longer limited to 23 active players make a trade (for even a 7th rounder) taking on a player that has a larger salary than cap hit that is essentially worthless on the ice which eats up more cap space than the contract nominally indicates it would take up. 

    This would burn available cap, but with the IR rules and the fact there are no more trades to be made, the cap isn't that critical at that point.

    As an example, should a team have accumulated $2MM in banked cap space, the team could probably afford to burn $1MM of that with no issues.  The trade deadline hits with ~1/8th of the season remaining, so that $1MM of cap could be spent on a player(s) with ~$8MM of full season cap hit.

    Would a team like Carolina or Arizona that has cash flow issues be willing to give up a 6th round pick in a year or 2 to save some actual out of pocket cash?  If they would, could that extra 6th be used to package with a 4th to move into the 3rd round?

    Not sure if it could be done, especially if the team is tight on the cap.  But in seasons where there is some cap room, the team could could covert an expiring asset into a perpetual one.  (How many times have we seen where somebody traces out a trade tree to show that a player that retired 30 years ago is still bringing value to a team due to a series of trades through the years?)

    Teams trade cap space at the draft (e.g. Datsyuk to AZ); why not do it at the deadline?

    Probably better suited for the random thread, but, whatever. ?


    The Chicago/Ottawa trade was just Ottawa selling cap space for actual salary remaining to be paid, since the Chicago contract was half in bonuses that paid out prior to the trade.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Radar said:

    Not blinded at all by him or his mindless narcissistic views. We need to appreciate our allies although we may not view the world exactly the same. Orange man is brainless , who thanks to daddy, has money.

    Telling your roommate they need to do their share of the chores doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate them. Lol, if you have to turn a hockey forum post into an orange man bad soapbox he’s in your head rent free. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Radar said:

    ?????? Do you know who had "nukes" at that time? The point is I'm sick of this idea we're the heroes and saviors of the world.  Our draft dodging leader thinks we can survive without allies who played important roles in our history and is disrespectful of them. Now we seem to have brought it into a sports forum. So be it. I'm voicing my response.

    Germans didn’t yet


    and I’m voicing mine since you seem to be blinded by orange man’s hairdo. If Europe actually paid their fair share of military spending they couldn’t afford all their nice socialist things. Instead they’ve been abusing American military dominance for decades. They earn every inch of ire. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, Radar said:

    Please, Please enough with this nationalistic stuff. Frankly, if it wasn't for the Russians (who I believe lost more lives) we wouldn't have won the war. We should realize the sun doesn't rise and set on us. Before you get bent out of shape I served and I'm not putting down anyone but my opinion and emotions aren't based on what my relatives may have done although I respect them. Just seems there's a lot of flag wavers who haven't served in fact a few are ones who dodged the draft because of family connections. Okay, that's my rant.

    If they brought nukes to Europe they would’ve won still

  5. I would be happy with Roslovic and Perrault as a Ristolainen return. Perrault has two years left and would hold down 3C. Roslovic is a potential 2C that can switch to 2/3RW if Mittelstadt beats him out. Allows the coach to rotate Mittelstadt out of center if he’s struggling and not miss a beat.  Allows Rodrigues to play wing and would have our forward depth be pretty darn solid, with the only weakness of 2C having Mittelstadt, Roslovic, and Cozens all ready for it. 


    Added bonus if we can sign Gardiner as well, pushing McCabe to 7D when Pilut returns. 

  6. 8 hours ago, MakeSabresGrr8Again said:

    So, if he remained at the scene of the crime and the establishment was called Dunkin', we wouldn't be having this pathetic convo about alcoholics? He would be a divine example for Jack and Sam.

    Maybe he wouldn’t have been overcompensating so hard for taking responsibility for their trash performance during the Bylsma years if he took responsibility upfront for being an idiot. 


    Nah, instead his e: older brother he got a sweetheart deal for totally trashed the Amerks locker room simultaneously instead. 

  7. Abandoning the scene of crimes after drunkenly crashing into an establishment named after a player who, died himself from drunk driving, and is in the rafters of the team he just signed a major contract to be the future captain of.  


    The only character assassination going on here is you all pathetically trying to wipe these things away as nothingburgers. 


    I was wrong. This was a great example he set forward for Sam and Jack. So great that they gift each other thousand dollar bottles of liquor for each other’s birthdays years later. Great influence ROR, Kane, and Bogosian had on our two budding superstars. 


    Getting those tools out of the locker room needed to be done at any cost.  Murray spent TONS of capital on all the drunks mentioned above who amounted to nothing here. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Pimlach said:

    Never said he was a “ game changer “.  Just an excellent core player on a Cup winner.  He did a lot for his team.  The fact that the Blues were in last place was not his fault, nor was it when he was in Buffalo.   

    Even with the coaching change and the hot goalie I do not see the Blues winning this without ROR.  Neither does any one else in this town.  

    He never disappeared in any of the playoff series  and I don’t recall any announcers talking about such rubbish.  The media called out Bergeron and maybe his game was off because ROR our played him?  Both were hurt. ROR had rib and shoulder issues all series.  

     Berube  did call out Tarasenko and lit a fire under him.  Berube did that all year with this team. 

    Lots of Buffalo fans can hate on O’Rielly that is their prerogative but for a poster to say he was not a big reason for their success is short cited. Take ROR off this team and add Berglund, Sobotka,  and Tage beckon it  and their would be no Cup here for another year.  



    ROR was taken out of the Buffalo locker room because he was an alcoholic that was being a bad example for the kids. Just because ROR could play well despite being an alcoholic doesn’t mean others could.  Key, unarguable example: Lehner.


    Botterill did the moves he did to transform a broken locker room with ineffective leadership. ROR went to another locker room, became just a guy instead of expected to be ‘the guy’, and he was a core component of a Stanley Cup team. That, mind you, was last place in the league in November and needed a coaching change and goalie change before they turned things around. Lehner went to freaking rehab and turned his career around. 


    Fact is, neither of those players would’ve rebounded like that staying with Buffalo. Sometimes people need a change of scenery. They fell into their traps because of what Murray built. Botterill gave them a go, and then abandoned them when they failed miserably. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, WildCard said:

    It's a hell of a lot better than whatever the ***** ESPN puts out today. No, I don't give two shits that LeBron got his hair cut or someone said something about the bad orange man

    What a low bar

  10. Just now, Randall Flagg said:

    Lol, if you're referring to me, I plainly qualified about four times that what I was doing was essentially garbage and way outside the bounds of what those stats claim to do

    I'm more referring to the articles these Athletic writers keep churning out trying to do statistics with their journalism degrees from community colleges, completely missing the big picture from the weeds they have their magnifying glass set on to the point they're burning holes into it.  "Find out whether analytics says your team got better or not" is a notification the Athletic just sent me.  It's awful journalism.

  11. As much as he may have had an eye for talent, he had no idea how the whole human interaction thing works.  His single word draft announcements really signal how inept he is to this.  What destroyed his teams were his locker rooms (and coaches).  The players he picked all went on elsewhere and contributed, or excelled, but while in Buffalo were ranging from criminal alcoholics to full on raging alcoholics, outcasts in their own locker rooms, completely aloof, more concerned about basketball events than their hockey games, and getting benched for being a few minutes late for a meeting as a top-down approach to solving these issues.  A good scout doesn't necessarily make a good manager, and Murray was an extreme example of the fact that it takes more to build a team than just talent.


    And the absurd amount of 2nd round picks that were traded away for nothing, or turned into gems like Karabacek and Cornel, is why we have such abysmal depth today and why Botterill has taken years fixing the cap situation and reforming the roster from the outside-- since the cupboards at home were bare.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. McCabe has probably lost years off his life with the concussions and hits he's given for this team, or more aptly, his teammates.  Cannot thank a player enough for that.


    But he really is just a slightly more skilled Mike Weber.  He doesn't have the smarts to move the puck properly, even if he has the body and the hands.  He is always trying to catch-up with the play, not thinking ahead of it like talent's like Dahlin are.  Also, I simply don't like his basal attitude.  It's too lackadaisical, which again, I think points to him being a little slow to process things.


    Housley's system was over his head and he has struggled for two years.  He can be a mid-pairing guy for a team running something simple, and a hard-hitting type of game.  He does well on simple situations like PKs.  He's not a fit for the mold it appears Botterill is cramming the team into though, and I expect him to be traded away more than I do Ristolainen.

  13. 54 minutes ago, Curt said:

    What if there are no other big moves this offseason?  No big trade to acquire a top-6 forward.  What would everyone’s reaction be?

    I believe that Botterill wants to trade Risto, but what if the good deal he is looking for just doesn’t materialize this summer?  What if it doesn’t materialize until mid season?  I feel like Botterill is pretty patient so I could see it happening.  Just curious about how everyone would handle that.


    Great off-season, and something’s going to give when Pilut and Bogosian come off IR

  14. 23 minutes ago, TrueBlueGED said:

    In this case, the context is Schultz had a career year and had considerable drop-off in 2017-18: 


    Then again in 2018-19: 


    But hey, good on you for picking out the obvious outlying season in an ill-fated attempt to show Risto will blossom elsewhere. Schultz was great in 2016-17, but it's pretty clear that season is not representative of who Schultz is as a player. 

    Again, the argument isn't that context is irrelevant, it's that context is not transformative.

    Some players are the same year after year. Others have career years, but not until after being traded to good teams. 


    So so what’s to say Ristolainen wouldn’t have a career year after being traded to a good team like Schultz did?


    When you start making crap like that, maybe your stats need context...

  15. Risto has openly complained about being stuck with partners like Scandella who he can't trust to pass the puck to.  A lot of his problems really appear to stem from bad habits that were born out of him being extra-tired all the time.


    Now the team has a plethora of guys who Risto can 1) trust he can pass to and 2) likely have a better first-pass out of the zone than he does.  I think the 'uncoachable' comments stem simply from him not listening to a coach because despite all these coaches, he's yet to have a D partner he can trust.  He's been stuck with Scandella, McCabe, etc.  Risto will be fine if he stays.    His comments make it seem like he recognizes that Dahlin-Montour pairing is going to come steal many of his minutes, and he's saying he doesn't mind that.

  16. 1 minute ago, jahnyc said:

    We seem to at around the cap assuming we sign the rest of our restricted free agents.  How are we going to be helpful to teams that need to shed salaries (i.e., players) to create space if we are currently at around the cap?

    We aren't.  That ship sailed when we signed Johansson.


    If we sign a player like Gardiner then I bet we trade out Bogosian/Scandella/Hunwick/Nelson for scraps to some other team who has room though and wants the vet 3rd pairing.

  17. 9 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    @Taro T

    When someone is ready for the NHL is a huge question.  @tom webster and I debated this topic before.  I may be speaking for Tom, but he believes that physical development is the real development that players make.  I somewhat disagree.  I think some players improve their skill level in the AHL and other leagues as they physically mature.  

    I think there has been discussion on guys who physically mature early as having an advantage in Juniors, but never really improve after that.   

    I think the Sabres have done a terrible job over the last decade or so deciding when the kids are ready.  I think they should have left Nylander stay in Juniors or go to Sweden because he clearly wasn't ready for the physical nature of the pro game and that in turn ruined his confidence.  I wish DR hadn't pushed Grigorenko in the NHL.  I think Jbot left Thompson in the NHL to long this season.  To Tom's point, he needs to grow into his body before he is truly NHL ready IMHO, because I think the skills are there.  As to Eichel or Samson or Dahlin, I think those guys were special and where ready when Buffalo put them in the lineup.  However, it has been really great watching Eichel and Sam mature physically and actually improve skill wise as well while in the NHL.  


    Only thing holding talents like Mittelstadt was conditioning and strength.  Smart players that know they’re good don’t need the confidence boost playing in lesser leagues.


    Some guys who need more confidence boosting because their IQ/Hands aren’t there yet need to be in lesser leagues or they turn into a stone hands grinder like Girgensons who has forgotten how to play with the puck that isn’t a hot potato.


    Things holding Nylander back was confidence and drive. 

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