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Posts posted by sodbuster

  1. 6 minutes ago, DarthEbriate said:

    Greetings 'Spacers from the Costa Rica system! There's now a Mrs. D'Ebriate. I won't be watching or listening or commenting for the first few games of the season on account of this (that's not a) honeymoon, it's a honeystation....   But before heading out into this tropical downpour to get silly on chili guaros and pina coladas before inhaling some flippin' fantastic grub... Meesa maxibig the Sabres! Let's go Buffalo! (as always, you provide the handclaps in your mind).

    God, I miss chili guaros. Have an extra one for me!

  2. 2 hours ago, shrader said:

    Back when I used to do those survival pools, I always wanted to win with style, so I'd take the very risk game each week.  I don't think I ever made it out of week one.

    Survivor pools are more about matchups than teams. People saving the "good" teams until the end might be left with strong teams in tough matchups. 

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