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Posts posted by sodbuster

  1. But that's what makes Buffalo awesome. A couple ppl might be like "hey! you're so and so, great to meet you." and then you go on with your day but I always felt like theres some unsaid respect thing for our players that you don't be obnoxious in public to them. I am not sure that exists everywhere.

    Yeah, I think people notice them, but the players and staff are so accessible here that nobody really makes a big deal. They might fangirl a little, and people here adore the players, but I don't think they hold the players up as some sort of "god class," if that makes sense. Maybe it's part of the area's blue collar identity.


    A few years ago, when the Bills hosted Miami Thursday night, my friend and I stopped at Wegmans on the way to the game to pick up some beer. Naturally, we grabbed a case of Blue The case giveaway at the time was a talking RJ bottle opener with some of his best calls, so there was a picture of his face on the side of the case. So my friend and I are standing in line to cash out, and who gets into line behind us but RJ himself. So my friend looks at him, then the beer, then back at him, and RJ goes, "small world, huh?"

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