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Posts posted by Kruppstahl

  1. 21 hours ago, Carmel Corn said:

    There's an old expression "The fish stinks from the head".  Adams is powerless to do anything including talking to the media.  The Pegula's are in charge and they don't trust anybody but themselves, KA and RK.  Until they can turn over a new leaf and learn to "trust" and hire competent management, we're stuck having to smell this awful product.

    The fish *rots* from the head.




  2. 1 minute ago, Pimlach said:

    I see another said event coming.  Firing RK is going to happen.  The Islanders will take 2 games this weekend.  Ralph will be gone on Monday.  

    Most of us had doubts about this most peculiar hiring.  Boterill did some really poor things in his tenure. 

    The season is gone.  The Covid restrictions and the compressed schedule will make it hard for someone new.  

    Unless they have a veteran coach and a new plan in place, which I doubt, I suspect that someone from within will get the interim coach position and we sleepwalk thru the remaining games.  If they have the next guy lined up, he gets the rest of the season to evaluate his team and jump start next year.  Either way we are sellers at the trade deadline.  

    The bigger question is Adams and his limited resources on the hockey Operations side.  How does he attract quality candidates?  

    I think this is all quite possible.  We lose all 3 Islanders games and Ralph is fired on Monday.

    Then again, he may survive the season because of MONEY.

    We have to see how that plays out.

    If he is actually fired, I think it will be a very positive thing, because it means Pegula is still willing to eat Ks and buy his way out of hiring mistakes.

    If Ralph is here for the remainder of the season, we'll know he isn't!

    I'm fine with an interim solution until the real HC is available and can be brought in.

    Hopefully they realize by now the next HC *has* to be a veteran guy who has proven he knows how to do it elsewhere.

    Isolate the variables.  If it's not the coach, you know it's something else.


  3. 8 hours ago, Zamboni said:

    Both of them have been terrible for years… many Years. But a chunk of the local sports fan doesn’t know any better because by and large they don’t listen to National sports broadcasts discussing hockey. Because if they’re not talking about their coveted favorite local sports team… They are not interested in hearing that program. So they have nothing to compare what good sports radio is. So some fans, not all… Think that those two clowns are very good at their jobs. Fact is they actually really really suck at their jobs… But because they have the ratings in the small little tiny itty-bitty buffalo market, because they talk about Buffalo sports teams… They get to keep their jobs. That happens in a lot of smaller markets… Not just Buffalo.

    The Buffalo market is the only one they really care about.  If they sucked, they wouldn't have been together on air this long.

    Your average Buffalo sports fan who participates at online forums like this one tends to *hate* them.

    They hate him over at 2BD too, and most folks there don't know or care at all about hockey or the Sabres.

    The fact is they take a different tack with their show.  They are not a hardcore sports analysis type of show, that's not who their target audience is.

    I would suggest they aren't "bad" per se, I would suggest they offer programming of the type you personally do not find interesting or entertaining.

    There's a difference.


  4. 2 hours ago, Scottysabres said:

    I've put on 38 lbs. over the last 14 month's, a majority of it through covid situation. 236 lbs. now.

    I've started the regimen to bring it below 200. Covid taught me a surprising lesson, I love food 😄

    think I'll use the Sabres games as a 3 hour work out regimen on the weekend matinee games. Squats, jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups while watching the games.

    They'll lose, but I'll start to feel better 🙂

    I have never done it myself, but I'm thinking a stationary bike, rowing machine, or something like that might be ideal.  

    You can pedal away for entire periods and work out while still watching the game.





  5. 1 hour ago, Marvin, Sabres Fan said:

    I can't get the thought out of my head that he almost did something drastic in a fit of pique, but talked himself back from it.  When talking about the team, it was not GM speak, it was more player speak and fan attitude.  When he talked about the job he has to do, it was GM speak with player attitude.

    IMHO, that implies that RK is done for and KA has started his head coaching search and is debating whether he should bring in an interim coach for the rest of the season.  IMHO, he should do that now and clear the decks.

    Jack is clearly at the end of his rope.  IMHO, benching Skinner did it.  KA clearly disagreed with Skinner's benching -- but that now means Eichel probably needs cajoling to stay beyond this season.

    He is very upset that the players don't play like he does.  Honestly, he sounded like he was pointing a finger at Staal and Hall, who should know better.  Why aren't they able to help Jack -- particularly Staal, who was the Captain of a Cup winner.



    I still think there is a solid chance that Pegula does not want to pay Ralph to not coach in Buffalo.

    He's spent tens of millions of dollars with that sort of thing, and his actions over the last couple years suggest he is done doing it.

    In the context of Adams' PC, it doesn't really make sense that Ralph is still here.  This was not a vote of confidence sort of PC.  

    So why is Ralph still here? 

    It's either money, or Adams feels like he needs more time to get his guy and presumably is not interested in the big 3 names out there right now. 

    I agree that Ralph should have been fired today (if not sooner) with an interim solution put in place, simply as a statement to the fanbase that this is not acceptable.  

    Adams repeated several times today that the situation is not acceptable, but as long as Ralph remains HC, the organization is showing us that it IS acceptable.



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  6. 22 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Dear KA

    Why is RK still the coach?

    Why haven't you upgraded the goaltending

    Why haven't you found D help?

    Why aren't underperforming players like Eakin, KO, Miller etc benched?

    Why have you done nothing to help this team in season so far?

    Why weren't any of these direct questions asked?

    Some of those were asked as I recall.  Like why is Ralph still the coach.



    10 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    I got the impression Adams is pretty safe in his job unfortunately

    He's largely where he is b/c he does what Pegula tells him to do, and he does it reliably.   

    I'm not sure why he would lose his job in that kind of environment, unless he goes rogue some day and starts to thumb his nose at Pegula.

    It's a big part of why Pegula is the real problem, not the current GM.


    • Like (+1) 2
  7. Adams, overall, sounds like exactly what he is: a young, inexperienced guy who is in over his head.

    There is *no way* he represents the best leadership the Sabres could have at this point in time.

    He's not old enough or experienced enough.

    In a good, winning franchise he would be in a learning assistant GM type position, if that.



    • Awesome! (+1) 2

    2 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Where's it being streamed?

    Their website and Twitter makes no mention of the 4:30 address. 🤡

    GR-55 announced they will cover it live though they will have to re-shuffle things around to accommodate it.


    4 minutes ago, inkman said:

    Just to continue my jinx, there is no way Ralph is getting fired today

    Absolutely!  Totally 100% no way Ralph gets fired! 

    Can't happen! 



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