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Posts posted by Kruppstahl

  1. On 3/6/2021 at 1:01 PM, IKnowPhysics said:

    Good presser.


    It's good to hear verifying testimony that the GM's extremely pissed, completely empowered, and seeing the same problems as the rest of us.

    It also sounds like the GM's constantly working solutions and is being proactive going into the trade deadline.

    He knows, probably from his player experience, who is willing to do the job and who isn't.

    I can't get a good read on what he's thinking on Ralph- they need to work as a team so he won't throw Ralph under the bus, but he's also constantly evaluating Ralph's performance (which can't be good for Ralph).  I think he's atrributing the failures more on the players than the coach, but I think he's keeping his criticism of Ralph to himself and weilding the team's performance as a the metric.

    If KA is as pissed at it he wants us to believe, I think we're looking at significant player trade (not Eichel) and a possible, but not certain, coaching change.  To that, I think he may trade players pre-deadline and give Ralph a renewed trial period with the new players until the end of the year.

    If Adams was being honest, has the authority he claims to have, truly will not stand for excuses, and is truly "pissed" about the situation, Ralph would already be fired.

    The fact that he isn't suggests we don't know what's really going on over there.

    Let's see if Ralph gets fired on Monday 3/8/2021.

    Or even this week.

    This will be an interesting discussion if he's still here in a week.



  2. 8 minutes ago, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    How many other teams do you think we're offering him 8M this season given revenues?

    The Hall situation was a custom made situation, in which both parties won.

    There were almost *no* other teams in a position to give him the money he wanted last year, nor is it likely that Hall would have come to Buffalo had he had more options.

    So both sides win; we get the player who would have otherwise passed us over, he gets his big pay day in an economic down time for the league.

    It's for those reasons that I always assumed he was meant to be a 1 year rental and would be gone at the upcoming deadline.

    I hope I'm right; I don't want his ass extended here.



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  3. 7 minutes ago, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    I don't necessarily disagree but Boston has traded away Joe Thornton, Phil Kessel, Dougie Hamilton, and Tyler Seguin arguably lost all those trades and managed to win two cups anyway.

    It's not just who goes out it's who comes in as well.

    And what you do with what you have!  

    In any event, I think we can all agree Krueger is not the answer!

    And what are the odds Kevyn Adams is a brilliant young GM in the making?

    He's likely to be overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of him, not to mention an expansion year with Seattle! 



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  4. For Sabres games, TO and Boston are by far my favorites.  They always seem to be good games.  

    For other teams, my 2nd favorite team in the league has always been Edmonton, so I always watch and try to enjoy their games.  Battle of Alberta games are some of my favorites even now. 

    I live in FL now so I get all the Panthers games; they have talent on the team and are becoming fun to watch.

    Colorado is fun to watch  with speed and talent these days. 

    I lived in DC for many years so I also watch a lot of the Caps games; I know their announcers very well and they are one of the better pairs in the game, which helps.



  5. 2 minutes ago, Marvin, Sabres Fan said:

    Same here.  And I hate saying that.

    IMHO, Kreuger has to go no later than the end of the road trip for the Sabres to have a chance of hinting at implying at sniffing a whiff of what could maybe be a fraction of a modicum of a smidgen of credibility by the end of the season.

    A lot of folks have been thinking for a while now that these 3 road games in NY would spell the end of Krueger, assuming 3 straight losses on top of everything else.

    Well, we get the 3 losses.  So Ralph will be fired tomorrow on Monday, right?

    Wrong!  I don't think he will; I just don't feel it in my gut.

    Will he be fired on Wednesday, end of road trip, after another loss to Philly Tuesday night?  Not so sure.

    I think there is a solid shot Krueger is retained for the balance of this season.

    I think there is still an outside shot he is the HC of this team to start next season! 

    Money has a lot to do with it.

    I think it will have to come from Pegula.  

    I truly don't believe Adams when he says he can fire Krueger on his own!




  6. 3 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    Unless he is really damaging young player development, there is no reason to fire him now...as long as it takes place as soon as the season ends. 

    Disagree.  The sooner he is gone the sooner the next guy can get a feel for the team, the team can start to learn his system, and we avoid a 10 games losing streak to start next season while everyone gets to know each other.

    If they are going to bring in a disposable interim coach, what I mention wouldn't really be relevant.

    I this franchise trades EICHEL or REINHART while retaining KRUEGER, I'm going to have to step away for a while.


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  7. 4 hours ago, pastajoe said:

    I DVR the games, fast forward through stoppages, commercials, and between periods. Once the Sabres get behind I fast forward a minute at a time until there’s another score. My personal NHL Red Zone. With the constant falling behind I get through it in a hour.

    I do the same thing, but I watch all the game play.  I still don't think it takes more than 1.5 hours.

    The games are so much faster this way, much more coherent in that they don't suffer from all the stoppages and delays, and you avoid all the sitting around/having to listen to studio filler crap.

    It's awesome.


  8. On 2/19/2021 at 1:54 PM, New Scotland (NS) said:

    This season is not a good indicator of what Hall, or most other Sabres for that matter, really will bring to the table.  Again, this season is a waste.  We all know what Hall can do.  He is a differnce maker in this league.  Bottom line.

    He will be 30 soon, I think, so ... 5 years ... $7.5 per.

    Hall hasn't been special in over 2 years now.

    He's bounced around for a reason.  He's not without his merits, but fundamentally, his career remains a bust relative to the high expectations that go with being #1 overall.

    I want nothing to do with a Hall extension!  

    And this team needs to be in rebuild or regroup mode anyway.

    Hall needs to be moved for whatever we can get in return for him.


  9. 2 hours ago, Doohickie said:

    The end of the road swing, after playing in Philly Tuesday.



    We can hope (if he isn't gone before) but a mercy firing of this type needs to happen immediately.

    The longer we wait the more damage is done IMO.

    He should have been gone the day of the GM PC. 

    Let Steve Smith run the team for a while.



  10. 12 minutes ago, Torpedo Forecheck said:

    He actually said that? Holy *****, another sign he has no right to be an NHL coach. Only 32 jobs and plenty of people who could do a much better job in the hockey world.

    That's not exactly what he said; but he definitely implied that hockey is being played differently this year around the league because of COVID and no fans in the buildings.

    And that is straight up false.  I have been impressed, since day 1, at how the teams have pretty much carried on playing as though fans were watching them.  I think that's b/c when you are involved in playing a sport at a high level, all you know how to do is get after it.  You aren't thinking about the fans at all.  You get lost in the action.

    I think Ralph's comment demonstrates the way he is just full of ***** at this point, and will argue black is white, white is black, and say anything that pops into his head with a microphone on front of his mouth.

    He's just a classic used car salesman kind of guy. 

    I can totally understand why Terry Pegula became infatuated with him; Pegula isn't that bright.



  11. 3 hours ago, Curt said:

    Whoa, I think this is flat out wrong.  Olofsson and Reinhart are not at all the same type of player.

    Olofsson and Reinhart are not the same player at all.

    Olofsson is lost 5 on 5 and is a PP specialist; he has a great shot and great release and not much else.  I'd have him on 3rd or 4th line and on the first PP unit.  

    Reinhart is a complete 5 on 5 guy who has proven he can produce points with Eichel, or away from Eichel.

    If only he could drive his own line, which has shown he can't do.  His defense isn't strong enough to play the center position either.  

    Both are finesse guys, but Reinhart gets his points whereas Olofsson only gets goals (now and again) on the PP.



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  12. 14 minutes ago, SwampD said:

    Why was no time out taken? I would have done it after their second goal. Would have been fine after the third.

    And yes, I think it would have helped.


    Also, where was the feistiness at the end of the game? Good teams who believe they can win every once in a while would have been a little chippy at the end, knowing they were going to play again tomorrow.

    They ***** suck.

    This sucks!

    This team is way beyond all that sort of thing.

    Their play today shouts out "We want Ralph fired tomorrow!" even if they all seem to really like him in their post game interviews.


  13. 1 hour ago, bunomatic said:

    Get RK away from our players. Does anyone believe he can coach these guys to victory over the Isles Sunday ? Its over Ralph. 

    I think a lot of fans right now are thinking we will lose tomorrow and Ralph will be fired on Monday.

    Like there is no way Ralph can survive beyond that point.

    It makes sense!  

    But what if he isn't fired?!  

    If he survives Monday, when exactly he is going to go, if at all?!

    Season's end?  

    There are THIRTY FOUR more games to go right now!


    • Sad 1
  14. 47 minutes ago, SwampD said:

    I like him. I think you are wrong. When he and Sal are on together, you really get a sense of his sports knowledge, and it's not just regurgitation.

    He defers to Shopp, but they have their thing. I don't hate that either. 


    My complaint with Bulldog is that he struggles to physically speak, not so much the substance of what he says.

    His stammering is so bad, he can be unlistenable at times.

    He is also an expert at talking for long stretches while saying absolutely nothing.

    I mean that seriously.  He speaks in a very round the bout kind of way.  I assume that is from having to kill *FOUR HOURS* of air time a day for many years.

    People don't realize how difficult that is !


  15. 2 minutes ago, Randall Flagg said:

    I'm pretty sure every "insider" we have has said that the Sabres spent all offseason looking to upgrade Hutton, have called Anaheim on John freaking Gibson several times, and are currently looking at goalies again. 

    We really don't know what the market looks like. What if Arizona wanted Olofsson if they were giving up Raanta? Who knows what they were asking. I will still give Kevyn the F grade for ultimately failing to upgrade goaltending, but him giving them a public vote of confidence does not mean he has zero interest in upgrading Hutton lol 

    Hutton is a replacement caliber goaltender.

    Almost any move could be an improvement, and it sends the message to the team, fanbase, everyone, that where we are isn't good enough.

    So I don't buy the idea that we *tried* but just couldn't improve the goaltending.


  16. 1 minute ago, bunomatic said:

    I missed that. Fire Adams immediately.

    lol. Kind of joking but sorta serious. If I wanted Pegulaspeak from Adams I’d listen to Kim. Fans aren’t stupid Kevin. Yes having capable goaltending helps and this season it is one of our issues.

    Yeah, he definitely said that straight up!  It's funny (or sad) because Hutton is quite clearly not an NHL goalie and yet we felt secure not changing our goaltending last offseason.

    Not only is it important, but there is probably no single move that could have had a bigger impact on our win/loss percentage this year than to improve the goaltending.

    So we sit on our hands.

    This is the type of thing where I personally really wonder about money, as in, Terry doesn't want to spend it.

    I know he signed Hall for big money, but that was only 1 year and that was kind of a "don't lose the fanbase" hire.

    He can spend some money and still be concerned about money in general.

    It is going to be really interesting to see how long Ralph keeps his job.

    If he isn't removed soon, it'll be another factor pointing to the idea that Pegula is concerned about money.




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