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Posts posted by Kruppstahl

  1. 34 minutes ago, KC Scouts said:

    I think the silence will be deafening.....There will be a few that buy tickets but an underwhelming response is most likely...

    I guess they are looking to sell 1,970 (?) seats per game?  For some reason, I always figured they would find people to buy them as that's just not that much.

    But now I'm thinking they may *not* sell that many tickets, particularly if you consider the border is closed and Canadians can't pop over the border as per the norm.


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  2. 19 minutes ago, LabattBlue said:

    (If I was still a STH)...When I am asked why I am cancelling my tickets for next season, I would hope all STH would mention this as one of MANY reasons why they will not be renewing.


    If I need money, I will drill another well...seems like ancient history.


    Just keep sticking it to the fanbase.  The Pegula's deserve ZERO support as Sabres owners.  NONE. ZIP. ZILCH. NADA.  I wonder if there is any franchise from the Big 4 4 NA sports leagues that has had a team so mismanaged over the course of a decade...10 FRIGGIN' YEARS.

    Well, as far as winning percentage goes, I believe the Sabres are the worst team over those 10 years.

    The only team in the NHL that can come close to competing with us for worst franchise is Ottawa, and I think we have them beat! 

    The damage Pegula is doing right now to the Sabres brand is unspeakable.




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  3. 10 minutes ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    Stephen Brunt and Richard Deitsch on Writers Bloc on Sports Net Radio on Wednesday said they are not sure if Eich will be traded, but both feel that if he is then Samson will be traded too.  These guys know their stuff and are hockey insiders.

    I still say it is a mistake to trade Eich and Samson at this point.

    A mistake!?  That's enough to make me go find another team to cheer for.

    It's a CRIME for these idiots to trade either one of those guys without first trying it one more time with a seasoned NHL coach with a track record of success.

    The part that makes me feel sick to my stomach is that I can easily see this team moving Reinhart in particular before we get another coach.


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  4. 21 minutes ago, Norcal said:

    I wonder if Boudreau is on record saying those things? Coaches don't usually campaign for jobs so openly when there is a coach already in place. Even ones on the hottest seats in coaching. 

    No, I don't think Boudreau is on record as saying that, but that's the value in hearing Friedman's opinion on that matter.  He provides some nice, neutral 3rd party perspective on the whole thing.

    There are people here at Sabrespace saying no one would want to come to Buffalo and that's just not correct.



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  5. Elliotte Friedman with the Instigators this morning with a lot of interesting comments.

    Here's the cheat sheet if you can't listen.  

    He thinks Sabres are trying to establish value for every player on team.  Mapping out futures with Jack and without Jack, mapping out all options where to go from here.

    There might be 12 buyers around the league at the deadline.

    Buffalo may need to keep money b/c of cap situation; keeping money increases asking price.

    Thinks we can get a 2nd rounder for Staal.

    Thinks there's interest in Reinhart around league; wonders if Sabres think Reinhart is going to be a big part of our future with or without Eichel going forward.

    Not sure if easier to move Reinhart now or at the draft.

    Thinks Eichel may have visited doctors in Colorado who are popular around the league with second opinions.

    Thinks Adams is calling everyone around the league, feeling for interest on who is of interest and what Sabres market value is.

    Giant shopping expedition by Buffalo Sabres.

    Not sure Sabres would "start over" at this point in time; but they realize this direction is not working.  They need to figure out which players are keepers to build around going forward, but also need to figure out who can fetch the most on the market to help build in that sense as well.

    Thinks goalie JJ is being played in order to shop him around; there may be interest for him in Colorado.

    Bruce Boudreau loves coaching; from St. Catherines, wants to coach again.  His dream is TO but he would *love* Buffalo if it ever came available.




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  6. 2 minutes ago, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    That's fair. Which of those guys that exist and are available do you think will take this job?

    There is nobody out there who really blows my doors off in terms of I need to have this guy right now. Gallant is on strike 2, Boudreau is a well known players coach and I don't know if that's the way to go and he also seems to get fired an awful lot and then replaced by coaches who do better with what he had. Babcock is probably radioactive and I don't think the Pegulas would hire him after the way the last set of interviews with him went down.

    What I'm saying is there isn't an "experienced" guy out there that excites me. 

    I think any of them would take this job.

    It's an NHL head coaching gig, and our money is just as good as anyone else's.

    A guy like Boudreau could refuse and hope he gets another phone call from someone else, but that call may never come, and he knows it.

    He's 66 years old to boot.

    Don't think he can afford to refuse the Sabres.

    A gig here throws a nice little pad onto his retirement nest egg, and lets him do what he loves for another couple years.



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  7. 1 hour ago, Stads said:

    Can anything happen tonight to get Krueger fired? Someone please come up with a scenario for me. If Ralph walked up to Terry after a 7-0 loss, wearing the t-shirt below, kicked him in the jewels and made a pass at Kim, could that do it?


    The funny thing is I remember making jokes like this (what does it take to get the coach fired!), like a decade ago, about Lindy Ruff.

    It got so ugly for so long at the end, and he remained coach way past the time when he needed to go.  

    We haven't made any progress, really, since.

    That is really disappointing.


  8. 11 hours ago, bunomatic said:

    For the love of gawd boycott these games.

    ...unless you go specifically for purposes of protesting and creating an ugly scene for the Sabres.

    In fact, it's possible *that* type of fan is more attracted to the idea of attending a game now than someone who is there to enjoy a good hockey game.

    I.E., those who attend may be likely to want to protest; those who are unlikely to protest and want to enjoy hockey are unlikely to attend at all.  

    This could be fantastic! 




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  9. On 10/16/2020 at 2:59 PM, Eleven said:

    Yeah, that's why I mentioned the two companies that I know sell "Bills Mafia" apparel (and have for years).

    Same.  I know who has the relationship, too, and that makes it even weirder.  I know it goes back to at least the early Brandon years, so maybe it's a high school or college friendship or something.

    LOL: I used to work at that firm and indeed did a few small bits of work for the Bills.



  10. 3 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    Ladies and Gents, I don't think it's happening this season.

    Only hope now is that for some reason, they don't prefer the "interim" route but are waiting for the candidate of their choice to become available.  That could be at the end of the NCAA season, or the end of the NHL season either to grab an assistant coach, or to have a look at NHL HC firings not yet made.

    However, the situation is bad enough that an immediate firing is warranted for team morale and our image around the league.  The fact that it has not happened tells me they are not waiting on anyone in particular, and have decided that Ralph will ride out the season.

    That gives rise to the question: will he be back next year too?

    That remains to be seen, but I think Ralph will be coaching at the end of this season.

    Of course, it could get so bad that the Sabres' hand is forced.

    That's always possible.

    If 1,900 fans start chanting "FIRE RALPH" at all fan attended home games, and we lose another 10 games in a row, maybe Terry will have a re-think.

    It is really frustrating for my Sabres fan existence to rest in the arms of a bonafide idiot in Terry Pegula.


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  11. 26 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Does the mere mention of quarantine bode well? Or wishful thinking on my part

    Wishful thinking.

    My guess he is shut down for the season and has surgery of some type, soon.

    Of course, that may be wrong and his second opinion said he just needs some rest.

    But how often does the story end happy for Sabres fans?




  12. 2 hours ago, Claude Balls said:

    If these idiots go and hire anyone without experience or a successful track record in the NHL, and it fails miserably, I am so done with this team. My only hope after that would be for the Pegulas to sell the team to a competent owner. I'm so ***** frustrated!!! 

    I'm ahead of you in terms of hoping for the sale of the team. 

    BTW: I don't give any weight to the idea that the Sabres are hiring Nate Leaman.

    Paul Hamilton has thrown a few things out there at times but he is as clueless as most, and way more clueless than many.

    A few days ago when he heard the coach was not fired, his immediate reaction was "Well then he's here for the rest of the season and if that's true, he's probably here next season as well."

    Paul doesn't know what the hell is going on anymore than anyone else.




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  13. 17 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    They are paying the 82 regardless.  They are trying to avoid throwing good money after bad in a short sighted manner.  The real stupidity is that by not spending the $4 they are destroying their fanbase, thereby ruining their ability to generate revenue next season and further diminishing the franchise value.

    Pegula should know that sometimes you have to invest to improve your product. 

    The short sighted approach is to retain Ralph in order to save 2 million bucks (this year).

    You can argue they should wait until the season is over to enlarge the pool of candidates; however, in this case, that actually hurts the team.

    What we need is exactly what is already available right now: someone like Boudreau.  Proven, reliable, winning, NHL coach.  We don't need an up and coming NCAA coach, for example!  

    The organization isn't hurt by acting now.  They benefit.

    The sooner the new regime gets in here, the sooner things start converting to the new way of doing things, which in turn will save us a wasted start to next season.  Next year, we are going to hear a lot about growing pains, learning the new system, dealing with roster changes, developing new chemistry, and God knows what else.

    Get Boudreau in here right now and start building the new look Sabres immediately; get a leg up on next season.  

    God knows this one is finished.






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  14. 50 minutes ago, Brawndo said:


    If Jeremy White is implying that Boudreau was laughing at the Sabres organization and therefore would not consider working here, I totally disagree.

    I wouldn't spend 10 seconds analyzing his broken up phone call, but if he was offered the job and appropriate salary, of course he'd come here.

    He isn't going to get offered the job; Ralph isn't going to get fired.

    Why the F not!?  

    That's where the conversation should be right now, not on Boudreau. 



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