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Posts posted by Kr632

  1. 6 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Without being in the room speaking with Linus & Kevyn, yes, am positive that Adams didn't make the offer to Ullmark that he signed when he was in position to have that be the offer to match.

    And, pretty darn sure that the stealth tank is the plan.  Which is why people are so irate in this thread.

    Stealth tank is obviously the plan. Right or wrong that is what's happening. Everyone knew what this season was going in, getting mad about it is just dumb. Goalies are the way they're tanking. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, Taro T said:

    Expect him to do?  Not a God blessed thing.

    Expected him to do?  Give Ullmark the contract offer before FA opened that he received after it opened. 

    Hoped he'd've done?  Taken a flier on Nedelkovic when it would only have cost a $500 waiver claim.  Or better yet, pulled the trigger on at least 1 of the 3 deals he was "close" on back coming out of the leaguewide COVID shutdown.

    This lack of capable goaltending IS affecting their play.  Dahlin was a mess last night.  Back in October & most of the 1st half of November he was arguably their best D-man and wasn't a disaster in his own zone.  They weren't getting hemmed in every single night when Anderson was still available.  They are now.  Yes, the competition is tougher, but not THAT much every night.

    That poor goaltending would affect their play was predicted by several of us here and Adams is bright enough that he should have & likely did realize that as well.  And that's why it's so darn frustrating.  It was obvious that this was a very likely development. 

    Do you know for sure we didn't offer ullmark that deal? What if the plan is to have crap goaltending and tank again?

  3. 3 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    As myself and others have explained numerous times over the last two years. KA has had numerous opportunities to upgrade the goaltending. A waiver claim  Nedjelkovic is just one example, but there are others.  The mess we have in goal is on one person and his name is Kevyn Adams. 

    How do you know those players didn't say there's no way they're showing up?

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  4. 6 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Thank god we acquired Subban.  KA this is an embarrassment. 

    What do you expect him to do? No free agents wanted to come here. A lot of players have us on their no trade lists and giving up assets to rush the rebuild is a big reason why were in the mess were in. This isn't KA fault at all. The previous GMs are at fault and KA is cleaning up their mess the right way. 

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 9 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:


    Now for the big one, I'd consider trading Dahlin. I'm starting to convince myself that he is indeed thick as a post and since he hasn't had good D ingrained into him so it's instinctive, whenever the game picks up tempo and he has to react and think he gets confused, hesitates and makes big mistakes. He's fine when we have the puck and when he controls the rush, good even, but in his own end under pressure he's like a deer in the headlights. Not sure this is fixable so I'd entertain the idea of ditching him if a good trade was out there. 

    Been hearing more and more people bring up a Dahlin trade this week. I want to continue to try and develop him as defenseman take time but I would definitely be curious what a potential return would look like. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 50 minutes ago, LabattBlue said:

    …we all better cheer for Vegas the rest of this season…even if Broken John is in the lineup come March/April.  

    [edited]Unless the 2023 draft is as good or better than the 2022 draft is supposed to be. 

    The top two could be Crosby and ovechkin. I'm cool with either year. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    No, I don’t know that. My personal experience, from sitting next to the Sabres bench game after game, was fans getting on him for not being able to stop a puck in a shootout or on a breakaway during a game. What else was there to boo him for? Are you suggesting fans mocked his mental illness? When they didn’t even know about it? C’mon, what else were we booing him for? Try answering that before you start hurling insults about people being dense. 


    People yell all types of stuff. If you think drunk people only talk about the poor play on ice you truly are dense

  8. 18 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Players calling out fans for disapproving of their play on the ice is 100% right? Can’t agree with that at all. It is 100% my prerogative as a fan to call out poor effort. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone 0.00% in shootouts over the course of a season instead. 

    I wish him well in his continued recovery. 

    It wasnt just calling out poor effort. You know this don't act so dense. 

  9. 18 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    No he doesn't. You think lehner has any clue what's going on inside an organization with 95% turnover since he left?

    I absolutely can comment on him self medicating as a fan of the team because it started long before his ankle injury. The guy is blowhard.

    Lol what crap. 

    For the record I said nothing about his mental issues at the time but if he wants come out of left field and ***** all over Buffalo, fine mofo batter up.

    I've watched sabre fans verbally and physically attack disabled fans at the arena(me being one of them).

    My family gave up their seasons after fans threw stuff at them and verbally attacked them for cheering when the sabres scored during the tank year.

    a group home had to leave in second period because a bunch of people near the handicapped section kept making fun of them. 

    The fans yell terrible things at the players. The players at the time called the fans out too. 



    ***** you and anyone else that defends that type of behavior. 


    I never mentioned you but you got real defensive. Seems like you're one of the POS that attack people with mental illness and disabilities 

  10. On 9/29/2021 at 10:50 PM, K-9 said:

    When Lehrer first spoke about his demons, he was very effusive in his praise of the entire Sabres staff for helping him get the help he needed and the continued support they provided. He had nothing but nice things to say at the time. 

    Fast forward a year later or so when he was having great success with the Islanders and it was a whole different story. He trashed the organization and then he saw fit to trash the fans and that’s where he lost me. I sincerely wish him well in his recovery, but I don’t have any other kind words for him. He can go screw himself for taking cheap shots at us fans. 

    His comments about the fans are spot on. He is 100% right for calling them out. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. On 9/22/2021 at 12:25 AM, dudacek said:

    Whatever respect he deserves for not caving to a bad offer, is voided by his inability to find a way to make a deal happen.

    He seems to have left himself no escape hatch in order to rehabilitate Jack’s value.

    Medical compromise seems off the table. He hasn’t been able to make a creative deal involving conditionals or salary dumps materialize. And he’s boxed himself out of allowing Jack a dignified road back to the team by allowing things to get personal. Whatever breaks the logjam is going to come months after it could have, too late to help Granato and the kids execute this seasons plan.

    He’s done a good job of making Jack the bad guy, but in the process he’s allowed things to get to this point and he’s failed to execute his job: making the team better.

    Tell me I’m wrong.


    As someone with a similar injury to Jack, if I were an NHL GM there's no way in hell I would offer anything of value for him. 

  12. 19 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    Well, if Vogl was right in reporting that they only offered Linus a 1-year or 2-year deal, they didn't try very hard.

    Either way, pretty much everyone agreed that given Ullmark's injury history, the Sabres needed not only Ullmark but a 2nd credible NHL goalie if they wanted to give a young and developing team the backstopping in net that it will surely need as they try to emerge from the basement.  That didn't happen either.

    Bottom line is that about a million goalies moved around this summer, which is what happens every summer, and again the Sabres sat out the game of musical chairs and instead signed a couple of fringe guys whom no one expects to be any good.

    They have chosen, at this point anyway, to go into the season with non-credible NHL goaltending.  That is a choice a GM makes when he wants his team to lose.  And a GM that makes that choice is a GM that is tanking.  It may not be as complete a tank as GMTM's tank, but it's still a tank. 

    I sincerely hope KA pulls a rabbit out of his hat and brings in a real goalie between now and the start of the season, but I'm not optimistic.

    As for your other post about the Reino and other trades -- not sure whether that was directed at me, but I haven't said anything about those trades in the context of whether they are tanking.  FWIW, I don't view those trades as part of a tank.


    What does this mean?


    Absolutely.  This is one of the key reasons why tanking is a stupid and shortsighted strategy.

    What if the players that were available said no when we offered them a deal? You do understand the players have some say, right? You don't just offer a contract or and that player is yours.

    What if the team said no in a trade? What if the player said he would refuse to report if traded? There's plenty of things that could have happened but everyone jumps to the player isn't here so we must have sat on our hands and not made an offer. 

  13. On 8/18/2021 at 5:16 PM, mjd1001 said:

    Decide if they want a team?

    Then go.  I like the Bills, but my life doesn't end without them. I have television to watch all the Football I want. Not liking having my/our taxes and fees keep going up so those Billionaires can have their new stadium paid for (mostly) by everyone else.

    This happens with every new stadium. I have no idea why people are ignoring history and hanging on every word. 

  14. On 8/18/2021 at 1:53 PM, FogBat said:

    Is it me, or do people's appetites and metabolism go down as they age?


    This was on a morning radio show yesterday. They said your metabolism from 20-60 stays about the same. People just get less active. 

    7 hours ago, Indabuff said:

    I guess what irks me the most is the disparity of why wing prices skyrocketed.  During the initial Covid wave wing prices drastically increased.  Most restaurants were already selling them for roughly $1 each.  Then some media outlets began interviewing restaurant owners about the state of the wing (price increase, removed from menu etc) and a few individuals referenced 2018 as to when wing prices jumped.  Well to my knowledge 2018 and Covid aren't on the same wavelength.  It seemed depicted as though the prices would come back down but I'm not buying that (no pun intended).  I've recently been to restaurants that have a fixed price point for oysters and "market price" for wings.  Unfortunately I have a feeling ordering wings is going to be a "special occasion" for me from now on.   

    Price of a case of wings went up again. They were around $140 a few weeks ago now they're $180 ish

    • Sad 1
  15. I downloaded it for a free Sammy Watkins bobble head years ago. App never worked right. They were promoting the app everywhere around that time and nobody could get it to work. 


    Edit just realized how old this thread is

    15 hours ago, Pimlach said:

    Most places only serve mustard in those small packets that I can’t open without spilling it on me.  Same with ketchup, Mayo, etc.  

    I guess it’s a Covid thing. 


    That post was from before the pandemic started. 

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