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Posts posted by Thwomp!

  1. I surpringly tested negative for covid. I guess I just have a bad cold or the regular flu.  I did lose taste and smell which sucks, maybe it will happen every time I'm sick now?

  2. 1 minute ago, LabattBlue said:

    Then how about useless or easily replaceable?   Maybe crapping was a poor choice of words, but there are posters who don’t seem to care if he stays or goes.

    Borgen is the toughest player on this team. He'll fight, He'll hit, and He'll stand up for his teammates. He's young and cheap. If we're OK with just giving that away, then fine. I'm betting we'll regret it.

    Brayden McNabb is having a pretty good career.

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  3. 42 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    Playoff hockey is not nearly as good as playoff basketball.

    Playoff OT should be 4-on-4 after the 1st OT period.

    The size of the goalie equipment is the single biggest reason the NHL has fallen far behind the NFL and the NBA in popularity, and that gap will continue to grow unless and until the NHL either enlarges the nets or materially shrinks the goalie equipment.

    Any head shot should result in a game misconduct, regardless of intent or whether the recipient was hunched over, with a suspension for repeat offenders.

    Dan Dunleavy is a good guy and will develop over time into a good replacement for RJ.

    Jacob Bryson has the 2nd-best offensive skills of any Sabres defenseman.

    There is way too much GD music and other canned noise played at NHL games.  It results in an artificial and generic feel.  The goal horn in particular is an abomination. 

    Like it all except Dunleavy.  No way, no how will he ever be tolerable.

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  4. Just now, PASabreFan said:

    I've never done the fantasy trade thing. I acknowledge my lack of knowledge. I don't see how Risto brings back a young defenseman and a high draft pick. That seems nutty. Of course I guess it doesn't say the young defenseman is any good.

    The young defenseman may carry a salary a little higher than his former teams thinks he's worth as well.  

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  5. 1 minute ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    My thoughts on Covid are well versed and documented, there's no need to rehash them. 

    What I'm talking about is that people lost the ability to critically think these days, a dumbass celebrity gets up there and 600,000 people instantly change a stance because of it. Its OK that an "influencer" has a less than stellar take.... It's not OK that we are too ***** stupid to not react like idiots to said influence. 

    Also, this country is too fat for its own good. 

    I can get on board with all that. I'm liking your critical thinking theory. It all stems from that. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Yeah, I'm sure you got where you did in life because of being handed your choices, you never had freedom to make your own decisions.... This is a tired notion... I have worked in Healthcare through this whole thing, in other places in the world and I was fighting for my country in the desert as well, we will get what we deserve with the choices we make, whatever that will be. 

    What choices? This is a ***** global pandemic! A one in a hundred or more year event. One that could be defeated with some unity and selflessness. 

    Healthcare, wars, and pandemics all suck because they became political.  But there should be some underlying truth and people used to know that and band together. That's the American spirit. Not the selfishness we see everyday now.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Last time I checked we have the ability to make choices for ourselves, using whatever cirteira we desire... Sure that criteria may suck; but we allowed ourselves to be so simple minded that social media sways in decision making. 

    That doesn't change the fact that we are allowed to make those choices. I'm all for freedom, right or wrong. 

    Murica!  Thank goodness we don't have to band together and sacrifice for a common purpose.  It wouldn't happen.  A World War would be a conspiracy theory, as evidenced by our response to a ***** deadly pandemic that's killing millions.  I love the post-truth United States.  I also love getting covid again because only 59!!!!! percent of American adults can bring themselves to get vaccinated.  We're a petri dish cooking up something that's gonna kill us all.  Great job!

  8. 2 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Because he identified the Jack-centric culture of the team as a potential impediment to its growth and thought the idea of removing it might be an option worth exploring.

    After watching the dismal failure of last year’s Jack-centric culture (his coach, his linemates, his veteran acquisitions at his request), and getting a taste of what might be available in a Jack trade, he has decided to do more than just explore.

    As an aside, I still think Skinner didn’t play with Jack because Jack didn’t want him on his line.

    Wonder what he could have gotten last year?  Wonder if Adams wishes he traded him?

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