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Posts posted by josie

  1. Great comment by Joe Thorton re. Hertl





    Hearing a question to Marleau about Hertl and whether he was showboating, Thornton said:

    “Shut up, have you ever played the game?”


    When the press turned his way, he then added:

    “I’d have my ###### out if I scored four goals. I’d have my ###### out, stroking it.”


    All we need is for Foligno to say something similar and we'll have those tickets sold. To hordes of screaming fangirls, but hey, money's money.

  2. I actually work with pediatric heart research and have worked with a couple doctors at the hospital the baby is at. I don't know them all that well, but at least through work I should be able to pull some strings and get her the best surgeon possible. It is a condition that is very correctable and shouldn't cause many longterm issues, so at least that much is good.


    Best of luck to you and yours. ###### cancer. As a survivor of a myriad of heart problems (heart attack at 15, hole in heart, experimental surgery), it's absolutely amazing and rather comforting what technology can do. My surgeon was at Cleveland Clinic and he and his surgical partner changed so many lives for the better, most of them infants. You're in my thoughts.




    My complaint is also a sad one- a very good friend of mine from college is overseas fighting with the rangers in Afghanistan. I recently got in touch with him and long story short, things are bad, he's in hot situations. Several people from his regiment, including one of his childhood friends, were killed earlier this week. He has commissioned me to paint the friend in his kit and on his wedding day for the family. The man's picture is all over the internet in that article about families of the fallen soldiers being delayed posthumous benefits. I don't know how I'm going to do these paintings, looking at his face, without just sobbing all over the place the whole time. Screw war. Screw Congress. And I hope my friend gets home safe.


    Hang together, guys. Weekend's almost here.

  3. Is Botswana the one where Jeremy's hood is burning in a little spot and he turns to see if it's a death ray from space? That cracks me up every time I see it.

    Oh man I'm not sure, but for some reason it made me think of the time Clarkson strapped a dead cow to the top of his car.

  4. Top Gear is my go-to when I'm down. I could watch the Arctic or Botswana specials a million times and not get bored of them. Oliverrrrr!!!! I even carry a little Stig that doubles as a flashlight on my keychain. And if I didn't want a Toyota Hilux before, I certainly do now.

  5. In the midst of making pumpkin whoopie pies with cream cheese frosting from scratch and a batch of choco chip cookies because d4rk would give me the sad face otherwise. I've missed baking. Had an excuse to do some tonight for an open house the horse rescue I volunteer at is having tomorrow. A glass of Rohrbach's Oktoberfest lager and the apt smells good... even if the sabres lost again.

  6. I'm putting an art show together. I told my studio mates I had no time to do it, and they set it up initially and then... let the ball drop. So I had to drop everything to pull it together, which they knew would happen. ######. It's halloween themed (first friday october) and my mate who set it up has coined it the Gore Show.


    All well and good but my god have the crazies come out of the woodwork- I have a girl trying to get me to go ghost hunting in Buffalo, another claims she's a werewolf... But it's cool because a really kind crust punk named Lock NLode came in last night with work.


    My god where DO they come from...

  7. They're historical!

    Vintage, baby. Let's spin some vinyl with hipster Ryan Miller and smoke cloves.


    Your Ott painting is exactly accurate. He will wear the A when he is wearing the Home Jersey.

    This is true. Either way, I'm happy with the choices. It's going to be an interesting season.

  8. the look on this guy's face.



    It sums them up- so awful it's great. It'd be one thing if they were serious everyday jerseys, but I believe it was just a fun expo thing. Dat face tho... I believe we've found the missing link.


    Reebok uses the xiphoid process to attach the iliac crest to its hockey jerseys. (You might not think that's very funny, but I am cracking up at myself right now.... :lol: )

    Proud of you.

  9. So last week at Berkeley was great. Did some good science, worked in a neat, unique environment, irradiated the ###### out of some stuff, good times.


    Just found out yesterday that I'm headed to Cape Canaveral for two weeks in October for an rf engineering project. Should be a good bit of work and a lot of fun. There's a launch scheduled during the time I'm down there, so I should get to watch that, and I should have enough free time to screw around and check out the Space Center, Rocket Garden, etc.

    That's awesome. I have a friend interning with NASA in Houston right now. She was in the control room with the Soyuz launch this week. From what I can tell, hanging around those guys is an amazing time. Checking out the Space Center should be a real treat. Enjoy!

  10. Another beautiful Friday!! I'm taking my 4 month old son to the local indoor pool tomorrow for his first swim of his life. He starts his swimming lessons Wednesday so you have to keep him ahead of the curve you know? :P For those hardcore fans saying but wait, that's the season opener: yes, his swimming is at 630 and then I'm rushing him home to change him into his little Sabre shirt so him and daddy can watch the Sabres first regular season game ever together. Hopefully there will be so many more to come.....


    I want to enjoy these early years as so many ppl have told us but I can't wait for him to be old enough to lace up a pair of skates.

    Good lord this is adorable. Have an awesome time :)

  11. Polyacrylamide or agarose gel electrophoresis?


    Xiphoid process is nice, but what about coccyx?


    Yes, everyone loves a good coccyx. Um. Words with unexpected letters are cool. Or o's and i's together. Like, sternocleidomastoid. Also one of the easiest parts to draw on someone that makes it look like you know what you're doing.

  12. lol I'd never contemplated a favorite word out of the bizarre lexicon of scientific terminology, but I'd have to agree with your selections.

    One of my favorite anatomy terms is xiphoid process. I just love saying it. Iliac crest is awesome too. Yay bones! I always liked talking about gel electrophoresis as well.

  13. Okay so there is nothing to ringing the bell than waiting in line and ringing the bell. Other UGA traditions involve UGA (the dog) and ppl saying GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOGS! Sic Em (and then barking) during a kickoff.


    haha perfect. Georgia will be posted 10/10. So since the cat's outta the bag, this is all for Dockers. They have a Game Day line of pants in team colors. Check their facebook twitter or instagram- the first one I did is Texas A&M and it's up already. Working on LSU Tigers for next week. They actually have a live tiger in a cage that roars at the other team. And I thought the Buckeyes were nuts growing up (haaaa legume pun)

  14. Not that I know of, more just drunk fb fans running over to it and being stoked, I will ask my UGA friends this weekend and report back. if you do something UGA related, they are big on the arch, they copyrighted the damn thing.


    haha awesome. I'll check it out, see if there's someway I can ref it in there. Thanks!

  15. I work at UGA so I know of one that freshman don't walk under the UGA arch, and some won't walk under the arch til they graduate. When we win footballs games ppl ring the victory bell. Not sure what tradition you are referencing but feel free to ask.

    The one I've been told to focus on for UGA is the Victory Bell. I'm betting there's videos on the youtubes of it, no? Any specific craziness that happens during the ringing that you know of? Like, hand signals or anything? I'll probably try to include a Bulldog in there somewhere.


    Awesome -- congrats!

    Thankya miss!

  16. Which Universities if I may ask and AWESOME!!! Congrats


    Thanks man! Unis are:

    Oregon State, Louisiana State, Texas A&M, University of Georgia, Missouri University, Washington State, University of Minnesota, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan (go blue!), aaand University of Illinois. Might be more down the road, I'm not sure. Each one has a specific tradition I'm referencing. If anyone on here knows the spirit/rituals of any of these schools, I am all ears! Been studying Texas A&M all day for the first one.

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