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Posts posted by josie

  1. I have a niece whom I try to encourage with the creative/building/nature/sports/whatever toys. So do her parents.


    She'll choose the Disney princesses every time.

    Nothing wrong with it! There's plenty of girly girls out there. I guess we gotta be careful as a culture to not demonize that, either.


    As an adult, I have a desk full of matchbox cars, but I love my dresses heels and makeup. It's just frustrating to buy anything cut for my body shape to do something outdoorsy/sports related and I have a choice- pink or some other pastel. Want a Sabres/Bills/any sports tshirt cut for my waist/bust? Hope you like deeeeep v necks, sheer material, stupid colors and glitter. Harumph.

  2. This is definitely awesome (little girls and Rube Goldberg machines FTW!):




    F pink sports jerseys and Barbie dolls!


    Eff. Yes.

    Yeah, screw the pink thing. I can't even buy mucking boots in a women's size that doesn't somehow have pink or pink camo or ###### RHINESTONES on it. Barf. d4rk is right, huge pet peeve of mine.


    My thing that is awesome is I finally got paid for 10 weeks of freelance that was overdue. It feels so good. Huge weight off the shoulders. Thanks to those who offered me support in case things got sticky- you know who you are.

  3. a la George Costanza, it'd be great if someone could figure out how to merge hockey and sex - it would give a whole new meaning to the word "stickhandling". a-HEM! ;)


    That combination could also be quite painful. Careful where you put those skate blades, eh?! New meaning to playing the crease.

  4. I wore a Doug Gilmour Sabres jersey to work today. On the walk in, the UPS delivery guy yelled "Oh hey! Gilmour! Nice! Go Sabres!" Then another guy in an office in the building saw the jersey and also gave a "Go Sabres!"

    I've worn my Ott jersey several times and no one's ever reacted outside of a "rough times" sort of comment. It's pretty awesome to see some Sabres optimism!


    Even worse than that, however, is the lack of proper grammar & punctuation anymore. Just this morning, a high-ranking executive in my company sent an email to the entire staff with two of these errors. For example, "spending time with loved one's" and "supporting our troop's". I can't count how many times people I work with make this mistake. It's a plural form of the word, not a possessive form. One of my former co-workers debated this topic with me once, saying the apostrophe in that use of the particular word "just looked better". Dude - that doesn't make it right. :wallbash:


    I'm the only designer on this massive project. We have the company (companies, plural, actually) believing there's a whole design team. There's not, and whenever the 8 metric tonnes of feedback rolls in from all directions, I have to sift through it. And the main person sending the feedback tlks like ths. thx. Send a massive part of the game- get told "sumthin isnt right. dont know what. plz fix. k thx." I've never had a person with this company speak with anything less than perfect diction and clarity.

    Good lord. Even if you're on your phone- unless it's not a smart phone and has T9- autocorrect should kick in, right? I'm losing my marbles over here. I can forgive some grammar nazi offenses but the only thing worse would be if the person tYpeD iN th1s mANneR.


    whew. End rant.


    I'm sick and tired of cancer. Your story hits close to home weave. Something similar happened to my mom when I was in high school. Breast cancer took her mother years before that and she wound up having a scare that luckily wound up being nothing. My parents didn't say a word to me though until after they found out. So I have no idea how tough it was on her since all I saw was the relief after.


    I had a scare like this a couple years ago with my mum. They pulled her in on Christmas Eve to do a biopsy. Ruined Christmas for us all. Luckily, nothing, but still. My sister had cancer, I had a brush with it, it's just a horrible thing to face. That's some scary, fast moving times. I feel for anyone who has to face that process of testing.

  6. Thanks for the thoughts folks. Figured it wouldn't be right to wait until tomorrow for an update......


    We can breathe. It looks like the concern turned out to be swollen lymph nodes. Poor girl was scared pretty good when the office called her back at work to get in right away so more testing could be done. And she gave me a good worry too. Sounds like she was really put through the wringer at the imaging office. She needs to follow up with her GP re: the swollen lymph nodes and she gets to come back for another mammogram in 90 days. yeah, she won't be looking forward to that.


    But, it is good news really so we can't complain.


    OK, one complaint. My crappy ass job doesn't offer any PTO bennies yet so I get to take this rush to the Dr office right in the backside. As if I wasn't already motivated to keep looking for work.

    Good to hear! Give her a huge hug.

  7. Gotta agree with Shrader. I just watched about 10 replays of the Backstrom hit, he puts his forearm right through Backstroms face. The Avalanche should have dropped Kadri after that. Minimum 5games but he is a leaf so I will say 2 games because some ###### about no prior history.


    Here is a link to the videos


    Man. What a ###### hit. I hadn't seen the video until this morning- at first glance it looked like he tripped, then I realized he bulled the goalie over then did a ballerina swan dive that culminated in a WWE finishing move. Seriously, what was he thinking? No one even pushed him! I hope Backstrom is ok. Never want to see a goalie lying motionless in the crease. Kadri... Well, I hope justice is served.

  8. Wife is in for her 2nd mammogram right now. First on this am did not look good. I'm sitting in the waiting area on pins and needles. Breast cancer has been the cause of death for several of the women on her side of the family. She is scared and I am doing my damndest to give her a false front right now.

    My thoughts are with her, you and the rest of your family. Best of luck.

  9. Josie, is this one of the other ones you're talking about? Unbelievable. What is incredible is the fact that they usually tend to get smaller, the stronger they get. So for it to be that big AND that strong is unreal.



    Yeah, that's the one. Apparently it's incorrect and Red Cross took it down- there's an apology on their site now. When I first saw it I was just totally stunned. The photo I previously posted comparing this one to Katrina- you're right about strength when smaller- that wasn't katrina's full size, but how it looked at full strength. Tighter circumference = less power lost over land/water/distance, faster winds. Hurricanes are fascinating, horrible storms.


    Here's a comp someone did of the continental US, the Philippines for size and the satellite image of the storm. Scary no matter what size, really, especially with the hell it has wrought.


  10. MVtx5cL.jpgFor perspective- Katrina at its greatest intensity on the right. The Red Cross posted a photo of the storm over the entire US- turned out to be wrong. There are other photos where the Philippines are shown on the US map and the storm superimposed over it. Pretty chilling stuff. I donated to a couple different organizations today. There's a lot of them out there.
  11. Absolutely horrible. Another absolutely massive storm, a "once in a lifetime" type event, but yet there's no global warming, it's just weather patterns, it'll change again in a few years etc etc. Sigh.


    I'll be looking for a way to donate. A small, lucky change of plans had me out of the way of the tsunami in Phuket, Thailand years ago. It was haunting to see the videos of the hotel we would have been at get swept away. I guess it helped me realize the magnitude of despair that natural disasters like these can bring. Being that it's not North American soil, I'm afraid it will be overlooked as the tragedy has not struck "home". Any little bit may help.

  12. Kenny's bastard brother who they tried to hide my misspelling his last name?

    haha nope. Though that would be awesome. Old timey yodeler/blues dude. He's in the rock n roll hall of fame as a guy who helped pave some groundwork for the emergence of music as we know it. He was known as "the yodeling brakeman" because he sang about trains a lot. Yeah. I personally enjoy it, but it's not for everyone.


    Er... No family members (although I was in a short-lived metal band when metal was the most un-cool thing someone could play). I hung with McCarthyism at a wedding last weekend. Does any of that that count? :)

    That's awesome! I've tinkered in "metal bands" too. Quotes because nothing ever came together. I'll have to keep my eyes open to catch McCarthyizm. Sounds like a good time.

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