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Posts posted by josie

  1. ...together, before a neutron star eats us alive like d4rk eating a garbage plate.


    Well, in that case, I'm not too worried, because everything will reappear pretty quickly.


    But seriously, sounds interesting. Netflix has Blackfish right now too- a doc about the orca Tilikum (and others) who were violent towards/killing their trainers at Seaworld. Super fascinating stuff. Pretty gory/gutwrenching, too... watch at your own discretion.

  2. The spinning goalies in the beginning. Just awesome. Like fat little snowflakes.



    This is my hometown. Land of dropping a giant fiberglass Walleye in lieu of a shiny ball on New Years. Apparently we have a rather tantrum-y coach on our ECHL team. So we're having an "Anger Management" night, complete with tirading coach bobblehead. I wish I was in town then.


  3. d4rk surpassed both shrader and me to assume the mantle of most prolific poster. I believe the children is our future.

    He has been known to glue himself to this board for hours at a time and is perpetually stuck in the loop of facebook email sabrespace twitter facebook email sabrespace twitter


    Though currently he is fighting a really horrible case of food poisoning and isn't here to defend himself.

  4. Lots of outdoor hockey this weekend at the Frozen Frontier in Rochester to look forward to! Maybe, if I'm lucky, some pond hockey with friends! Not looking forward to standing still in the stands freezing to death though. Buying some cold compression stuff after work today.

  5. SlayerBob's Christmas lights display is pretty much the great thing I've ever seen. How'd you like this guy to live in your neighborhood?

    I would be his best friend.

    A friend and I made a Slayer wreath once back in college. it had a krampus crying blood. Art kids.


    This guy is definitely awesome:


    The Tutu Project

    So awesome. Make the best of a tough situation and flaunt your fuzzy gut :)

  6. If someone's posted this already, oops... This one's got some Sabres in it. But check out the rest of Tim Thompson's work if you're so inclined. Largely Canadian teams of course... but good stuff. His Pavarotti love letter to Hockey Night in Canada vid is making the rounds right now. It's beautiful, even if you hate the Leafs and Canucks.



    Also, does anyone have any links/places to see good hockey documentaries? Any team, any era. Always looking to learn more, and seeing faces helps the most.

  7. Thanks, all. He was pretty broken up about leaving yesterday, so it's not unlikely he'll come to his senses later, but it would take a lot of convincing to have me move there. OKC is someplace I'd never felt compelled to even visit (much less live), and I won't agree to go unless we're solid and I'm sure I won't hate living there. So far the only positive thing I can come up with about it is that I'd have no concerns about NHL game blackouts with no hockey markets for hours! :P


    Wow. You're really strong to make the decision that you have. You have my sympathy and respect. Distance is tough but not a death sentence. It's a lot about attitude and it sounds to me like you have the right one :) I wish you two the best!



    My complaint today... I'd done a logo that's going to be on TV on a nickelodeon show. This is a first for me, so I was terrified when I was informed that's where it would be eventually. It had been approved by all here (after days of work and lots of 1 pixel adjustments/insane attention to detail) and sent to nick who had one very tiny minuscule bit of feedback to change on it. Boss insists I start over from scratch and do as many versions as possible. Final is due at end of day (at this point in 2.5 hours). Art director and coworkers advise against it. Boss overrules.

    He's not wrong- it certainly is a wonderful/necessary thing to do when exploring your best options, but there was just no time. I somehow managed to pull something out of my ass (not literally i swear) and it looks pretty great, but I much preferred the tweaked original. Married myself to an idea, had trouble bleaching my brain and starting over. I think bossman was testing me.

    I shall now take my ulcerated stomach, brain aneurysm and heart attack home to tear into the next pile of high stress holiday work.


    Thank god for beer.

  8. I'm enjoying knowing that this iPad is currently sitting in a UPS box on my front porch right now. It's a fairly urban area, so I'm pretty pissed about it. I had set it up for an in store pick up, but Best Buy changed that on me without giving me any say in the matter. I almost hope someone does steal it so that I can bitch at both companies for their incompetence. I've never understood why sometimes UPS will leave the stupid attempted delivery slip for a tiny padded envelope but they'll just leave a box marked up with the logo of a company who sells electronics.


    edit: And it's not even Thursday.

    I once was playing the notice on the door game with UPS. On their second attempt, I heard them lightly knock, ran for the door, and the delivery person was already in his truck. There was a foot of snow and ice and I ran up to truck barefoot yelling and waving my arms. He started up the engine, looked right at me, and drove away. Had to drive 30 minutes out of my way to pick the damn thing up.

  9. Hey guys n gals! I finally made my christmas card for the year. If any of you guys want me to send you one, pm me your address! Here's a link to it on my blog. It's not hockey themed but it's pretty kid's book-ish, can't make something too weird and offend all my relatives like I did one year... Ask d4rk about the card I sent him once with Lemmy of Motorhead in a sleigh full of demonic reindeer flying over a burning church...


  10. I'd probably stop watching football.

    The Bills are the only NFL team I've ever actually cared about... Guess I'd have to teach myself to be a Lions fan or something equivalent on the suffering scale. Or just watch a lot of college football. Go Blue.

  11. Got pulled over tonight. One of those situations where the road was a wider, commercial-ish area, had been there several times that I swore the speed limit was 40. Was going 45 and speeding up because the 55 limit sign was in view. Copper got me as it was actually a 30. Buuuut he was really nice/easy going about the whole deal- village cop in a speed trap. Gave me the option to do some online course thingy to clear it rather than pay etc. Not sure if I can do it, being out of state buuut... better than a big ol' speeding ticket. Still, I rarely get pulled over and nearly have a heart attack every time. Bleh. Night ruiner.


    Hope the worst for all of you tonight was the flyers/sabres game.

  12. Thanks for all the kind words. We've actually been filming her a lot lately so we have some before and afters. Something else that's awesome, apparently minors get pushed to the front of the line so we are picking up her medical marijuana tomorrow, something we didn't think was going to happen for months.



    I know what I'm doin' this weekend, test a sample of E's "medicine", log on to AG and listen to Jo wrestle. :thumbsup:


    Pretty sure I set back feminism by about a decade with my performance. :( When I actually did do grappling and stuff I never made any noise because well... room full of guys.


    Good luck with the meds! Ten bucks on her first conversation being about the complexities of the universe, man.

  13. We're doing a wrestling game for Addicting Games and they couldn't give us any sound effects/clear anything for us to use. So we had to do the voice acting ourselves. I just got done helping add to the voice of the one female character- a leather clad dominatrix. I'm embarrassed the whole office had to hear it, but you shoulda heard the boys making voices (taunts, catchphrases, laughs, grunts/grapplin noises) for the psychotic clown and the luchador. Well, when the game comes out, you can!

  14. I'm just picturing you (post-NyQuil) like this:



    This is accurate, but perhaps too lucid.

    If he finds a comfy spot, be it vertical, horizontal, he'll give me a nyquil tasting smooch and it's immediately ZZZZZ and then he radiates BTUs like some hellish furnace as he literally burns off whatever ails him. It's kind of amazing. If I tried it, there'd be a funeral shortly.

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