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Posts posted by Tondas

  1. 11 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    I had something a month ago that was odd. Mild sore throat, quick low-grade fever, sniffles, came and went very fast. But I was left with a productive cough, a little wheezing/chest congestion and lots of nasal mucus. You'd think cold followed by lung involvement/asthma worsening. But the fever part of it seemed unusual. I've never had a cold and a fever — I didn't know whether to eat or starve.

    Wow.  Same symptoms for me but mine started in December.  I'm 80% back but still have lingering symptoms.  I don't know WTF to believe.  Certainly not the information we're getting from the government.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, North Buffalo said:

    Vodka higher than 160 proof to sterilize the innirds!

    Damn.  I've been drinking that 80 proof crap.  No wonder I can't shake this.  

  3. 22 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    LOTS of interesting stuff this offseason.  I'm not thrilled with what they gave up for Diggs, especially (but not entirely) considering what Hopkins fetched, but this team is trying.

    I can only hope for the day when the Sabres get a competent GM.

    Diggs is essentially for a first and I'm OK with that.  The Bills have some free agents that may bolt next year and I think Beane is counting on a compensatory draft pick or two to make up of what he added to sweeten the pot for the Vikings.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Neo said:

    88 Highgate Ave ...  

    Winspear Ave.  Can't even remember the exact address.  Our paths must have crossed.  Not sure if this is urban legend, but I was told the round water tank looking object at the South Campus housed a nuclear reactor.  You ever hear that?

  5. 36 minutes ago, bunomatic said:

    I’m open to anything that makes us better at this point. So damn tired of losing. 

    Amen brother.  But even more than losing, I just want a team that is the embodiment of passion, grit, fight, and an FU attitude.  We had more of these traits on my HS Hockey team.  We were not that great but we never quit and I always knew someone had my back, and I had theirs.  I want a team I can like, win or lose.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Kruppstahl said:

    I'm a huge fan of Salma Hayek as well.

    And I couldn't mention her without also mentioning Penelope Cruz.  I'm a big fan of her work as well.



    See definitely has the assets.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Neo said:

    “We are all Keynsians now.”

    I could walk you through my “in the moment conversion”, and how the statement is not inconsistent with with my fidelity to Friedman and Hayek, but no one’s interested.


    There are 2 Hayeks.  I'm a fan of one Hayek and a REAL big fan of another Hayek.   I'll let you ponder on which one I am the bigger fan of.


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  8. 2 hours ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Patient zero ???


    Every time I think my work benefited society, I read your posts and think, damn, not even close.  You have my admiration.

  9. 4 hours ago, ubkev said:

    Aaaaaand, I'm out of a job. My company wouldn't close the joint so the governor did. 8 pm tonight our doors shut. Unemployment, here I come. My other options are to burn all my PTO(barely have any left, not happening), collect unemployment, or salaried employees can go in and clean. So I'm going in to clean the place. It'll be strange going to work and doing actual work. I've haven't done that since I was 19. 

    We're officially shut down for 2 weeks. I'm sure they won't have me cleaning much after that. I'm planning on having a (hopefully) short unemployment stay.

    Sorry about that, man.  Don't get discouraged.  All honest work is good work.  I'll keep a good thought for you.

  10. 5 hours ago, mphs mike said:

    Love the Billy Sheehan vote!

    Takes me back to the days of hanging out at Stage One before Harvey was infamous

    It was only last year that I learned that the Harvey in Harvey and Corky Productions was Weinstein.  As a proud UB alumni, it pissed me off.

  11. In the 70s, the Sabres would practice at Tonawanda Ice Time in North Tonawanda, which was an easy walk from my home.  It's also where the Buffalo Norsemen played (cheap avatar plug).  I would watch the Sabres practice frequently.  I remember one time Rick Martin and Danny Gare were at one end of the ice and they were betting on who could hit the crossbar from opposite side of the rink.  Rico finally won, but pucks were flying everywhere.  I think I scored 3 pucks that day that went over the glass.  It was amazing to see the speed and power of their shots even when they slammed off the cinder blocks over the glass from 190 feet away. 


    Andre Savard was one built mother F'er.  

    Perreault smoked a lot and drove a cream colored Corvette.  

    Jim Lorentz was a great guy.  Always friendly as were Dudley and Ramsay.

    Korab and Schoenfeld walked toward me down a hallway and  I almost pissed myself.  But I got a "Hey Buddy" from Schoeny.

    When Bill Hajt skated, it made that low grinding sound.  He was no elite skater, but he never budged when hit.

    The speed of EVERY player was amazing, even in the 70's.  Seeing it up close was crazy.


    • Like (+1) 3
  12. 2 hours ago, gilbert11 said:

    Jimmy Page as Rhythm Guitarist?  Surely you jest.  In my book he’s alone as the top Lead Guitarist..

    No jest.  I have seen Terry Kath live. Incredible and awe inspiring. .  It's like he invented the guitar.   He rarely looks at it..  It's like he was born with a guitar in his hand.   If you're  not exhausted and satisfied after his solo. I don't know how.


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  13. It's tough to pick.  So many to choose from.  I will say that Jimmy Hendrix said Terry Kath was the best guitarist he ever heard.  And Robert Plant said that Burton Cummings was the best vocalist he ever heard.  But like Herb Brooks said, "We're not looking for the best players, we're looking for the right players."

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