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Posts posted by Trettioåtta

  1. I think this next season will have a lot of 'surprises'. I think the shortened season gave a really false impression of both teams and individual players. Even little things like a fraction of players coming in out of condition etc. will have had big effects

  2. But the Sabres haven't been bad because they lack power forwards. They have been awful because they have had 0 centers outside of Derek Roy for the past 7 years.


    [insert Gerbe joke]


    My problem with Deluca's arguments are that they are rarely consistent, he always compares what makes that individual team/player good to what is bad about the Sabres. For example, he thinks Lucic is better than Bergeron because he is tougher, despite the fact that Lucic is MIA during the last few years playoffs. However, he then complains when a certain player disappears in the playoffs for the sabres, but never applies that criticism to Lucic or Kassian

  3. Weren't quite a few of the players Burke inherited drafted by Ferguson ? That would make it Fergusons team...Dunno, I could be wrong but you get the point.














    That is the list of guys on their team Burke drafted or traded for (off the top of my head). Kulimen, Gunnarson and Reimer are the only pre-Burke guys on the team

  4. So are people getting ahead of themselves with Girgensons, based on a Gragnani-like sample size? People I respect are penciling him into the lineup in the top-6, and Matt Coller who I also respect has demanded he be in the lineup. I'm excited about him too, but I think we need to take a deep breath and remember a year ago he was in the USHL and spent the vast majority of the year in Rochester playing wing in sheltered minutes.


    He is the new Foligno. By the end of preseason people will be demanding he is made captain to lead the new core. He has that exciting all round good but not excellent at anything style that folks here love. I would rather we slowed his development and had him top line centre, playing all situations for 20 minutes in the A than on the 3rd/4th line playing 12 (a.k.a. The Foligno) here.


    I think Grigo was rushed because fans really want stars on this team. They want that name to rally around and they want that guy who can be your best player, play all situations and be the captain (Toews). I think we have the guys to do it, but we need to let them learn to play those roles in the AHL before the NHL. Not to mention, we have all said Grigo's biggest development hindrance is that he is not ready for the NHL but too good for the CHL. Well i imagine it will be the same with Girgs

  5. Wow that is shocking


    Suddenly the Sabres have competition for being the worst team next season. I'd like to get their 1st in 2015 for starters in any Vanek trade.


    As they have lost next years they have to make sure it isn't high. Imagine if they get the first overall! Their record was awful without Kovy

  6. Nope, I am a Funeral Director. Own and run 4 funeral homes with my brothers. My homes are staffed with great folks which in turn allows me many hours of free time.


    Thanks , sometimes my walks are silent but mainly music to keep my pace up. i statrted walking to release some of the stresses from my job, it is afterall an emotional challenge on a daily basis dealing with grief stricken families and trying to maintain an even keel and composure.


    Have you watched six feet under? If so, does it portrait the job accurately? Sorry to momentarily derail the thread

  7. When I rowed I was fit. Then I quit but continued to eat as much as I did. Now I need to lose some of the weight. The finals hit and so I haven't had time. My aim is to get fit this summer.


    I plan on doing Hight Intensty Interval Trainging as it is a lot quicker than normal running and probably more fun!


    Otherwise I normally play rugby and ultimate frisbee. I also love croquet, but that doesn't exactl push yoj arobically!


    I also quite like to swim because I'm so bad at it it means I get a lot of exercise in a short amount of time.


    One of my friends runs 20km a day on average, it would be nice if I ha that drive. She also came too in her year. Life is unfair

  8. Dallas apparently has a much deeper prospect pool than I thought they did. Seems like they'll be able to absorb the loss just fine. Seguin has the highest ceiling of anyone in this trade...maybe he never hits it, but he was a top-30 scorer in his 19-20 year old season. I think it's a good chance to take for Dallas.


    Yeah :( I don't understand how we got voted 8th best pool- i think ours looks barren after top 10

  9. I can empathize with you. There is really nothing to look forward to. It would have been nice to see Nichushkin fly down the wing and barge to the net, but I've talked enough about that. Let's hope Armia can adapt to NHL sized rinks and handle the speed.


    This concern over Grigorenko is valid. Take a look at Montreal's Galchenyuk, a fellow Russian. Now HE shows definite promise as a nr. 1 center and was drafted the same year. If that were Grigs, I wouldn't be worried at all.


    Galchenyuk is American.


    Personally I think 25-48 games is too little to start including or excluding players from being a number one centre. This next full season, with a training week, exhibition games and that bit more time for the youngest player in the NHL to mature and we should get a better idea

  10. Grigorenko was drafted with two bullet points:

    1. He's an elite talent.

    2. He can be a head case.


    In the last 12 months he only lived up to one of those, and it wasn't the good one. Maybe he'll still be a point per game no.1 center someday, but so far he's way behind Yakupov and Galchenyuk, the guys he was supposedly comparable to last year.


    (It didn't help that the Sabres did a terrible job with him last year, but asking this team to both identify the right players and develop them into stars seems far fetched at this point.)


    Those teams also didn't pencil their players in to have a major role in the team. I agree he is behind them, but he wasn't as bad as people made out. The last game he played he was the best player on the ice

  11. Couldn't agree more, and that is why I am so neg... frustrated. I don't see a team worth watching next year.... not even remotely interesting because there is not enough talent on the top front lines... no are we going to see it much of it next year:( I was hoping we could at leat watch something developing on the ice and the front lines next year with actual skill and hustle, but until I see a Zetterberg or Datsyuk coming out the early to middle rounds from this draft... I think I will just be sad.


    I wasn't expecting a great team next year, but a least a group of young guns in the middle that showed some Moxie. I guess I am most disappointed by the Luke Adam and Grigerenko... both have mad skills, but it doesn't look like either have heart, especially Adam. I hope I am worng about Grigerenko. Last year's effort did not bode well though... no viruses to give an excuse for his effort.


    I don't think Grigo was lazy last year and showed no effort. I think he was out of his depth, the game was too fast for him and rather than charge in and put himself out of position because he didn't read the play quick enough he would hang back instead. This is a better sign in my opinion because although it might seem like he is lazy it also shows that he is defensively aware

  12. I'm not worried about them not taking a center, but they could really use some winger prospects with top 6 potential. Nichuskin could've been a nice addition to play on Grigorenko's wing, but meh. Darcy prioritized defense and who am I to disagree with scouts who travel the world to watch these guys play?


    Does anyone know anything about next year's draft class? The fact that everyone is talking about Connor McDavid two years from now makes me question how many "franchise players" will be drafted next year, but there's a good chance we'll have a high pick so it would be nice if there are 5-10 A-level forward prospects!


    I think it is like last year's draft - i.e. overshadowed by this years. Having said that, this year was meant to be deep, 2015 is meant to have McDavid, but i've never heard of anyone else.


    2003 - Deep

    2005 - Crosby but little else

    2013 - Deep

    2015 - Future Crosby but little else?

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