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Posts posted by Bmwolf21


    2. Notwithstanding his empty-netter, I thought Vanek had a crappy game tonight. Not enough hustle and no sweet plays in the offensive zone either. I suppose that line was due for a letdown but it seemed like Roy and Max were working harder than Vanek.

    Actually, I thought Max was the only one of those three that had a decent game - it seemed like neither Roy nor Vanek could keep up with him tonight. I wonder if it was just an off-game for Derek & Thomas, or if the legs were a little sluggish. Whatever. I think Lindy sent a little warning to Vanek late in the game when he was skating with Mair & Gaustad, and I think they'll get it back on track for Thursday.

  2. was that a variation of a celcius design on the side there?

    If I am not mistaken, it looked pretty close to this one.


    I think danny broke his hand tonight. That didn't look good on the bench


    We had a couple guys go down and limp off to the bench but come back a little while later...I think Vanek & Kotlaik were both stung by shots at one point tonight, and then Danny. Makes me nervous that someone will get dinged up enough to miss just a few games, knowing how close this team is to the cap.


    Great to get a win, and let's go for 10 on Thursday. WOOOO!

  3. Anyoe else find it amusing when, during the first Montreal power play, the Vs. announcers mentioned a "diving Roy" and it had nothing to do with a penalty?


    Also, is it me or is the video on this game looking very dark?

    Screamin', I am pretty disappointed with Vs. entire game presentation. It's a little better than last year, but that isn't saying much. The PP clock goes on and off at random times, the graphic at the top of the screen is way too big, and they have too much BS going on outside the game - the interview with Koivu and the stupid skating robots. OLN/Vs. had an entire year to improve and tweak their presentation, and bring in better producers, but not much is better. They still have trouble following the puck, keep switching to odd camera angles, and their graphics suck.


    I hate to perpetuate the "Bufalo gets no respect from national media" stereotype, but given tonight's pregame approach, I could have sworn I was watching on TSN and not Vs. - the whole damn pregame was about Montreal.

  4. I really feel like LQ is trying to do the right thing, but like a young teen trying to unhook his first bra, he struggles, fumbles through it, and eventually has to ask for help because the little dude just can't set those fleshy pillows free. Set them free Larry!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. Ink, I would guess that you do care SOMEWHAT, since you took the time to pick & respond to several different posts in the thread.


    I'll admit that my initial reaction to the numbers on the front was "what? why the hell did they do that?" But I don't think it looks good or bad - I am indifferent on that aspect.


    I think PA is dead on here - most fans who are still opposed to the slug logo see this as another example of the front office (really, in all fairness, Larry Quinn) spinnng the truth and BSing the fans.


    And as far as if someone (like Preds) ordered a personalized jersey and it came back different than expected, I would (and have) done the same - I'd be pissed and would either return the jersey or demand they fix it. But that is a customer satisfaction thing - not a pro- or anti-Sabres/slug thing. Besides, I think that if a retail company is going to offer personalized jerseys, they have to verify with the league what personalization entails, so they can decide whether to offer pro-style personalization or replica personalization, and can then explain to their customers what each type includes, how much the charge is and verifies what information/lettering/numbers goes where.


    Whatever. The more I look at the pics of the vintage jerseys with the numbers on the front, the more I like them (the numbers.) I just wish the Sabres would start being more upfront with the fans on this jersey fiasco. Its been a clusterfugg of immense proportions and colossal missteps right from the beginning, and it should have been a relatively easy decision and process.

  6. Ink - why is that?



    BTW, from another thread, this is my take on it, so no one pulls one comment out of the context of the post it was in:

    As far as the throwbacks go, this is about where I stand. I am glad to have the B&G back for a few games, and I find the "numbers on the front of the vintage unis" to be a minor irritant. Not that they don't look good, but the way the vintage uniform rules were presented to the fans, it seemed that the throwback had to be just that - a throwback with no changes. It would seem that adding the front numbers would violate that "rule" making the sweater an alternate instead of a vintage. Whatever - like I said, it's a minor irritant, and I thought they looked pretty good.
  7. putting the numbers on the front totally pisses me off.... there is no reason for it. the Sabres said that this is officially a Vintage jersey and that's why they are allowed to wear it this year instead of waiting the NHL mandatory waiting period before getting a 3rd jersey when changing uniforms... well, if it's a vintage jersey then the numbers shouldn't be on the front... totally pissed off right now


    and why can the Canucks have a totally vintage uniform (jersey, pants, socks, gloves, helmets, etc) and all we get is the jersey and socks??? and now we don't even get the jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    totally pissed :angry: :angry: :angry:

    I feel your anger...sounds like some sort of NHL marketing BS is being pulled on us. I wonder if when you order a personalized vintage you can ask them not to put the numbers on the front? Doesn't matter for right now, since I will wait until the blue gets darkened and it becomes the actual 3rd jersey, but its not a vintage jersey if you make changes to it...

  8. Love the win, but don't we know that there's a period between the first and third? Why do we always downshift for the second?

    Braedon, great avatar!


    Man, it's going to be a long wait until the 13th. Does anyone else think it's stupid that we get 5 days off and then play back to back?

    Friday the 13th - we go for the sonagram/ultrasound the find out the sex of our first baby, and then we get to watch the Sabres slug the Red Wings...should be an awesome day.

  9. 3 and ohhhhhhhhhhh. 3 games in 4 nights. no top centerman in the lineup. 2 road wins.


    um..... I'LL TAKE IT!


    sloppy shmoppy, a win is a win and at the end of the year nobody remembers how the points were added up, they just were.


    I agreee that I'll take an ugly win every time, but to act like it doesn't matter that we have been sloppy for good parts of the last couple games is silly. We've gotten some breaks & bounces that helped us get to 3-0, but we all know it doesn't take much to get into an extended losing slide, so we need to tighten up play so we don't have to rely on good bounces and breaks. We don't want to get to the end of the year and say "we could have won the division or home ice if not for the points we blew when we did XXX."


    Great start, though, and another bonus is that we have a few days to rest, regroup and work out the kinks in practice.

  10. They're starting to remind me of the old Cleveland Browns, aka the Cardiac Kids.


    Either way, a win is a win -- in spite of the disgraceful officiating. :ph34r:

    I'll take the win every time, but I am also disgusted at the handful of idiots throwing crap on the ice in the middle of play. I know the officiating sucked, and I wanted to jump on the ice myself, but this isn't Philly or Toronto or New York - behave with some class and restraint during the game, and don't act like you should be wearing a an orange & black sweater.


    well, i wasn't planning on having a heart attack 2 games into the season, but here we are!!! What a game!! Playoff atmosphere in october. All i can say is "wow".



    You know guys, maybe that lindy ruff guy knows what he's talking about with andrew peters... He had a decent game.


    Danny briere is not worth $5 million... he's worth $6 million.


    Afinogenov finally closed out a chance, with 13 f----- seconds left!!!


    When TSN announcers are bashing the refs for calls that benefit the habs, you've got a major officiating problem on your hands. What a terrible game!!


    The impending power play slump is going to worry me after tomorrow night if there's no improvement.

    Wow... holy sh!!

    I'll add Vanek's play to the positives - 2 assists, a SO goal and didn't disappear like he had in the past. I think his overall game is improving a lot and he should only get better...


    Peters - I guess that 25lbs he lost was a huge difference in his play - I was overall impressed by him. His skating looks faster and smoother - he actually looked (at least for tonight) like he might be able to stick in the league as something other than a goon.


    And could someone find the idiot in the white pinstriped hat that kept standing up in front of the TSN camera at the end of the game, and smack his ass around? WTF???

  11. Couple rough patches there, Canadians are creating and cashing in on their own breaks. We've had more than a couple occasions where Buffalo was standing around, waiting for the play instead of attacking and making things happen. Not scoring on the extended PP hurt, so the boys will have their work cut out for them in the 3rd.

  12. The limited amount of highlights on NHL.com showed him a couple times, and from what I saw, he at least looked like he was giving a good effort, which is all we can ask for. The goals will come, and he can keep working with power skating coaches to improve his speed, but if the effort, desire and will aren't there, then none of that matters...

  13. Well, since Buffalo Wild Wings crapped out on having DirecTV and instead has the same crappy Cox Cleveland lineup we have at home, it is near impossible for me to make any deep and insightful comments about the game, except for great win on opening night; and I CANNOT WAIT until Friday's game vs. Montreal...thank you free preview from Center Ice...

  14. They should certainly have the proper motivation.

    Nice closing bit in today's Buffalo News article:


    "Perhaps it begins tonight, and the Hurricanes celebrating their championship could be a positive indicator for the Sabres.


    One year ago, when the Tampa Bay Lightning unfurled its banner, the visitors were the Hurricanes."


    Damn I am getting fired up...LET'S GO BUFF-A-LO!

  15. If its still not working, you can go the long way with either Real Player or WMP...in WGR's popup player, right-click on the player area (Where the video would be) and select properties. Highlight the location address and hit Ctrl-C (copy) and then click OK. Go into RealPlayer or WMP and go to File>Open (Open URL in WMP.) In the popup box paste the URL (Ctrl-V) and hit OK. Should open in a few seconds...


    I have to do this for any streaming audio or video since Cox Cleveland can't seem to figure out why my streaming video won't work...

  16. i didn't want to start a new jersey thread b/c i know those are so popular, and i further know that i could care less about media (especially in toronto), but i really do guarantee those reporters will have nothing but wisecracks to add about those jerseys.


    yes, i know, i would rather have our hockey team any day over the Leafs, and who cares about the jersey, but i still annoys me. and yes, we will beat them 7 of 8 and all four in Buffalo, but they still have that classic jersey that never needed radical updating after 80+years or whatever it has been..

    Submitted without comments:


    Brad Riter said the first call they got into the post-game show was "how did the jerseys look?" And his response was that they look great, really sharp, he likes them, they'll look great this year.

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