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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Pete Webber should not be doing PbP for an NHL team. He is always fighting to keep up and tries to work too much info into the PbP. He should be doing football or baseball, IMO.


    And Terry Crisp sounds like a drunken Ric Flair. This announcing team is bad on style points alone.

  2. I'll take the bait. Quick look shows Ryan's GAA is considerably better than Marty's (2.71) and his SV % is much better as well (.914.) Nice try, though. :thumbsup:


    1. If it wasn't for (insert name of goalie), this game would have been over in the first period. Well, yeah, that's his job. And if he wasn't there, you'd be down 11-1.


    Going a bit to the extreme, aren't we? No one is talking about playing with an empty net - we're talking more about the games like loss to the Panthers, where the team completely hung Ryan out to dry, and he kept them in it. BTW, if I remember correctly, the Sabres had a TON of those type of games when Dom was patrolling the blue ice...


    2. (Insert name of goalie) didn't see it/have a chance. Bull! If you believe that, then when a similar chance is stopped, it has to be attributed to sheer luck.


    No argument here - trying to stop shots through a screen, redirections, 2-on-1 empty-net chances all require equal parts skill and luck.


    BTW - Mason didn't have a chance on that one.


    1-0 good guys. Some actual skating going on by the boys in white...

  3. Whether Marty is "capable" of anything other than softies and assisting on opposition goals remains open to debate, but yeah I figure you might as well give him some starts when things aren't going too well.

    Hence the quotes around the word capable... :thumbsup:


    Just browsing through the Sabres' stats on Yahoo Sports, and doesn't look like $2M buys much in terms of backup goaltenders anymore, does it? 7-2-0, 3.15 GAA and .889 SV %? I didn't think his numbers were that bad...

  4. I don't usually say this, but I really hope we see Marty tonight. Having your starter go 14 straight starts in November/December is pointless when you have a "capable" backup waiting to play. A night off would give Ryan almost a week off from his last start - more than enough time to recharge the batteries and regain his focus.


    Besides, the team seems to focus more defensively when Marty is in the pipes - maybe they need him to play to refocus their game.

  5. Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is how it works:


    If there is a disputed goal (as in the Sabres thought it went in and the ref didn't) play continues because in the ref's mind, nothing has happened to stop play (such as a covered puck, puck out of play, offsides, etc.) Once the continuing action stops, they go back and review, and if its a goal, the clock rolls back to when the puck crossed the line, and everything that happened between the disputed goal and the ensuing stoppage is wiped out, including goals, penalties, etc.


    EDIT: In Section 10 (Game Flow) Rule 78.5 VII states:

    When video review confirms the scoring of a goal at one end of the ice, any goal scored at the other end on the same play must be disallowed.


    78.6 is much more lengthy, and I am too tired to type it all out, but basically goes into more depth than 78.5 about resetting the clock. etc.

  6. None of us have a real problem with them losing games if they can't find the back of the net, or the goalies struggle, or the puck doesn't bounce their way. But most of us can't stomach losing when you don't put in the effort, and that's what stinks about the last few games, going back to some of the games we have won by "turning it on" for a few minutes here and there.

  7. Yep. The success early in the year was based on "try and keep up with us" now its "we can outskate you whenever we feel like it."


    Likewise, even when we have four guys working hard and doing everything right, there is one &@##$ who doesn't do his job, makes a bad decision, misplays a puck, and screws the whole damn thing up. Just sloppy, lazy, complacent hockey by this team right now, and they need to get their collective heads out of their ...

  8. PA, they deserved to be booed on that PP...it was God-awful. The guys who were on the ice to start that particular PP should be embarrassed...


    And to be fair, all 18,690 in attendance would have to take their $$ to Bills before Thursday at 1 to have a shot at lifting the blackout.

  9. And theres one thing that'll keep us from doing this.... the salary cap. :(

    Didn't stop us from bringing MacArthur up, or Paille, or Stafford...


    With Timmy on the LT-IR, we could find a way to squeeze a couple guys from Rochester up for a couple games, and give some guys an unscheduled night off...

  10. BM you might have been right. Miller is not sharp, again.


    Defensive zone play again is very suspect. Campbell got turned inside out.


    What the heck is going on!

    Although I wasn't campaigning for Marty, Ryan does look tired, IMO. I wouldn't haven't been too upset if Marty had gotten the call tonight, given its one of the teams he usually plays well against.

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