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Posts posted by LGR4GM

  1. 7 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    If you were intent on hiring a veteran NHL coach, there aren’t many available with a better resume then Ruff’s. Berube would’ve been the only choice that won a Cup unless you wanted to sell your soul to the devil and go after Quenville. Why lengthen the process when one of the best, if not the best wanted the job? It seems to me that if Ruff never coached here and they took a month longer to hire him, ninety percent of the people criticizing the move would have nothing to complain about.

    I am not sure he was the right hire. I just think he has a good to better then good chance of being the right guy.

    He's the most experienced but saying "best" seems questionable. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, thewookie1 said:

    I don't believe he is lying about interviewing 10+ people; perhaps he didn't interview 10 guys in depth but if 4 of them had the wrong persona and he didn't pursue further.

    I will rephrase then. I do not believe that Kevyn Adams went into this process with an unbiased look at the potential candidates and that he gave equal consideration to 10 or more coaching candidates. I think he went into this thinking about Ruff and he hired Ruff. He probably talked to a few others just in case Ruff said no but judging by all that has been said over the last week, Ruff was the first choice from the outset. I don't like Adams pretending that he seriously did this and seriously considered others. He didn't, and the double digit line came off to me as a deliberate attempt at ass covering for him and terry. I think there is ample evidence that the team is tuned into what fans are saying. Adams wanted Ruff and he got Ruff. That's fine but I don't believe him when he acts as though he interviewed all these people and Ruff was simply the best choice. It is very clear that Ruff was the first choice, hence why Adams keeps saying "came back to what Lindy said" because Lindy was the first one they wanted and talked too. 

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  3. Terry said some stuff but nothing important. Just listing Lindy's history and that he's competitive. 

    Adams is talking: he talked to the team, experience was important, he talked to a bunch of coaches. Claims he felt stronger hour by hour that lindy was the right choice. Claims Lindy is the right person for this job and that his connection to the Sabres is just a bonus.

    Up next is Ruff

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