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Posts posted by dudacek

  1. I get the feeling GMTM will want to see what he has before adding more pieces.And + Eichel - Hodgson is hardly disappointing.

    Disagree. Four picks in the first two rounds, more propsects than space, $30 million in cap room and an aggressive GM does not equal a quiet off-season.

  2. But the coach you talk of was long gone by then. I do agree with you that even if we land McDavid there is no guarantee on a cup. 


    Agree with everything you say except that I think Ennis is a top 6 forward. love the thought you have with Reinhart and Kane together - I always assumend Kane with Eichel but I like what you said just not sure Reinhart is ready for Prime-time right away. He could be, I (and lots of other posters)  always seem to discount the kid readiness for the NHL here but lets not ever forget how great he was as Canada's #1 center. On a team that had McDavid on it and in a tournament that Eichel played in.


    I think Ennis would work quite nicely with Reinhart and Kane, but the coach may want a heavier player in that role.

  3. I wouldn't put it past him either just because Murray has shown a willingness to pay for things, but I wouldn't do it.


    If we're moving assets this offseason, I'd rather it was to build around Eichel than to upgrade from Eichel to McDavid.


    Me too.

    I'm not sure Tim agrees with us though.

    If the price is as high as it could be, he better agree with us.

    I'd rather have Zemgus, Risto, Samson and Eichel than sacrificing two of those plus a lot more to get McDavid.

  4. There is room for both Zemgus and O'Reilly on this team.


    Any long-term projection has to acknowledge McEichel and Reinhart as our top two centres.

    That is the core of this team and the others are all pieces that will be manoeuvred around them.


    The question is can they be our top two centres next year?

    I think they can and O'Reilly could be a key part of that.


    I've posted on here before how Kane and Reinhart are made for each other: Kane has the edge, the speed and wants the puck on his stick all the time. Reinhart has the hockey sense, the hands and the ability get people the puck. At some point, they are going to make magic together.


    McDavid and Eichel are both playmakers, guys who can make magic on their own. Either will be our first-line centre, likely as soon as this year. Matt Moulson has made his career at getting to the right places and feasting on the havoc created by the likes of John Tavares. He will fit in very well with either young star.


    That is the makings of two good offensive lines. How do you complement them?


    I'd want a guy on on McEichel's other side who can take care of the details; somebody who is skilled enough to complement them offensively, but also very sound positionally, willing to play in traffic, with the ability to take face-offs as a bonus. I'd also want a dependable, hard-to-play against third line centre to take away some of their tough assignments.


    Zemgus is the logical choice for either of those jobs. O'Reilly is the perfect choice for the other. Having Ennis, Gionta, Foligno, Larsson, Grigorenko and even Hodgson around means you have a variety of choices for the other three top-nine spots and pieces you could use to get O'Reilly.


    You need to find out if O'Reilly has any interest in signing first, but I say go get him.

    When Reinhart and McEichel mature we could have the best set of forwards in the league.

  5. It'll be fun watching Mike Harrington and Bucky Gleason walk this season back.  They did wonders for themselves these past few months.


    Haven't looked, but I am fully expecting one or both to be pissing into our breakfast cereal from their high tower of righteousness.

  6. The logic a number of us bought into was the Regier Sabres were beyond redemption; they needed to be blown up. We wanted to be great, not good. And to do that, we needed to be bad first.


    We've done it. We've been as bad as it gets, two years running.


    And in the process Miller, Myers, Stafford, Vanek, Roy, Pominville, Gaustad have been replaced by Risto, Zemgus, Kane, Bogo, Reinhart, Ennis, McEichel and a slew of other youngsters who may emerge.


    No more holding back, waiting for the draft to add reinforcements. These are the building blocks.

    They need to get good. Then they need to get great. And Murray needs to make sure they get there.


    The core is dead. Long live the new core.

  7. This team was bad, but I liked most of the players.

    They never quit and I hope most of them go on to better things next year (about half of them here)

    A good bunch of guys who have my respect. Kinda like this board.

    Thanks for making this journey through hell tolerable my brothers and sisters.


    Deep sigh...


    Duda checking out.

  8. Agreed.  If they get a good return, then maybe trade him, but I love the thought of him as a depth center.  He's learning how to use those big bones of his and he has a lot more offensive polish than, say, Foligno.


    I love you too, man.



    Grigs Gionta and Foligno might be a good third line next year.

    Since we are about to add a first line of ZEMGUS, KANE AND MCEICHEL!!!!!!!!!

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